10 Cool Facts about the Founder of The Shade Room

10 Cool Facts about the Founder of The Shade Room

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You all know about the Shade Room. It’s that very juicy website, that details all you want to know about the stars, from juicy detailed gossip to acts of kindness from various celebs; the Shade Room is the end all be all of new age celebrity entertainment.

Now we all know plenty of details about what goes down in the Shade Room, but We don’t know much about who developed the Shade Room. We figure we would delve into the creator of this booming blog and what we found was extremely…inspiring.

  1. The Shade Room has been round for approximately two years, and in that short amount of time, they have over 1.5 million followers, better known as “Roommates”
  2. There’s not much known about the founder, but we know she goes by the name of Angie.
  3. Angie is a writer; she wrote poetry and was a screenwriter who went to school to be an accountant.
  4. In 2014 Angie was fired from her accounting job for missing work to attend a screenwriting workshop at Sundance Festival.
  5. After being fired, Angie decided to become a writer full-time; she had no idea where to begin. Once she began blogging she had 200 followers her first week, after the first week, she had about 10,000 followers.
  6. Angie, whose family is from Nigeria, is only 24, lived in foster care and had never imagined herself becoming a success.
  7. Angie stated in an interview she looked to God when she hadnt made any money for about 4 months once she started blogging. That same day she opened a Big Cartel store selling ad and made enough money to pay her rent.
  8. In a 2 year period, The Shade Room’s Facebook reaches about 65 million people and their engagement is at approximately 14 million; WOW!
  9. In an interview, she confessed that she looks to the Bible before she most something too messy. Angie stated that she references a scripture about “Truth” to make sure what she posts has a reason.
  10. If Angie is able to get The Shade Room website to have the identical following that her Instagram account has, she will be able to compete directly with the likes of TMZ, which would be a major accomplishment.

Angie’s accomplishments are inspiration for many out there who are attempting to follow their passions! In May 2015, Instagram shut down The Shade Room because of some controversy, or an Instagram mistake (we are not certain); the fact that The Shade Room does not own this forum is also a huge risk, especially when a platform can simply shut it down. We look forward to seeing how Angie and The Shade Room will strategize in order to take that mega Instagram following over to their actual website, so that the can become a mainstream competitor in this entertainment jungle.


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