10 Things You Should Know About Your Facebook Privacy

10 Things You Should Know About Your Facebook Privacy

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As of January 4th, 2015, I do not give Facebook permission to use my pics, info or posts…yada yada yada… Please tell me you all do not believe that posting a Facebook status is protecting you from the monster we call FACEBOOK, because it is not.

If you are really concerned about Facebook’s “privacy policy” then the best thing to do is delete the entire account.

1) the minute You sign up for Facebook, you agree to their terms & conditions

2) posting a notice on your wall does not protect you legally

3) Facebook is NOT trying to OWN your pics & content. Get over yourselves. You’re awesome, but you’re not that serious

4) Once you sign up for Facebook, making a FB status about NOT agreeing to their terms does not work. You can’t negate something that you have already legally agreed to

5) YOU own your info, BUT once you sign up for Facebook, you grant them a license to use what you have uploaded

6) YOU CAN negotiate a modified policy w/ FB

7) YOU CAN lobby for Facebook to amend its policies. Visit the Site Governance section

8) FACEBOOK IS mining your data, collecting your interests & paying attention to what you buy & search so that they can gain more advertisers & make more money off of YOU. But Google has been doing this for years, your laptop, computers & phones are filled with tracking software you don’t even know is there, so if you don’t want to be tracked stay off the internet period.

9) If you are interested in Facebook not mining your data so that they cannot make money from your info, then you can read this article ZDNET – http://www.zdnet.com/article/facebook-turns-user-tracking-bug-into-data-mining-feature-for-advertisers/

10) Have you taken the time to read ANY of the actual policies listed on Facebook. NO, this is not an exciting read, but at least make yourself familiar with some of the basic terms. Here is the link to the Facebook Privacy Policy section– https://www.facebook.com/policy.php

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