10 Warnings For Your Teen: Georgia Teen Sentenced to Five Years In...

10 Warnings For Your Teen: Georgia Teen Sentenced to Five Years In Prison For Stealing Sneakers When He was 15

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Dayonn Davis Muscogee County, Ga., Sheriff’s Office

When a parent warns their kids about hanging with the wrong crowd, or letting friends influence them, or simply making bad choices – teens tend to not take parents seriously because it all starts sounding like the same ole rhetoric they’ve spent most of their lives hearing. Unfortunately, for some teens being a little mischievous can carry big consequences. For Dayonn Davis, who thought at the age of 15, we would simply run off with a pair of new sneakers, his bad judgment may have cost him the next five years of his life. Davis’ story is a cautionary tale of hanging with no crowd is better than hanging with the wrong one. Here are 10 warnings for your teen:

Dayonn was a first-time offender

Dayonn’s first and only charge, that will cost him 5 years of freedom was for stealing sneakers

Dayonn stole something valued at only $100

At the age of 15, Dayonn stole a pair of Nike Oreos, which are valued at approximately $100

What Dayonn thought was just a simple scam, ended up turning into a violent crime because of one of his friends

Dayonn contacted someone on Facebook to purchase the sneakers, and they arranged to meet in the park. Dayonn asked to try on the shoes with the intention of stealing them. It was Dayonn’s friend that pulled out a gun before everyone ran. The Nike Oreos that were stolen were found in Dayonn’s closet.

Simple theft, turned in to Robbery – carrying a more severe sentence

Because Dayonn’s friend pulled out a gun, this simple case of theft turned into a Strong Arm Robbery. Even though Dayonn wasn’t the one with the gun.

Dayonn wouldn’t snitch….at first

Dayonn was trying to be a gangster until he realized he would be facing serious time in jail. He refused to tell police who was the teen with the gun. Once he realized that this crime would cost him the rest of his teen years, he decided to tell on his friend. Unfortunately for Dayonn – he must have the worse luck ever, because the victim did not ID the correct suspect in a lineup

Dayonn’s mother pleaded with the judge

Dayonn’s mother told the judge that her son was, “with the wrong person‘. The judge was not willing to accept that Dayonn was the wrong person. He responded to his mother, “He’s the one with the shoes in his closet.” Another cautionary tale of claiming that you’re simply “hanging with the wrong crowd”. The judge explained that Dayonn may not have intended to pull a gun, but he definately intended on taking the shoes because he arranged the meeting.

He was tried as an Adult

Dayonn was charged as an adult for this crime, even though it happened when he was 15. He also had no previous juvenile record. Dayonn was an A and B student at Kendrick High School, his grades suffered after he was arrested for this crime.

Is the sentence fair?

In a day where we’ve witnessed the Standford rapist, Brock Turner, get 6 months for raping another student. Turner raped a female student that was unconscious, and witnesses actually found him on top of this young woman. In a day where we see stories like Brock Turner’sover and over again where young white men are given light sentences for violent crimes – is this sentence fair? Do sneakers hold more value than a woman’s body and mind? No it’s not fair – it’s some bullshit.

Dayonn’s Sentence for taking a pair of Nike’s worth $100

Dayonn is now 18 and the crime was committed when he was 15. Dayonn will have to serve 5 years in prison and 10 additional years on probation – for stealing Nike Oreos.

This is America

Dayonn’s sentence is not something that happened ‘back in the day’ – this is happening right now! This is the cry for help Black america has been screaming against when discussing the prison pipeline. This is the new Jim Crow – this is how they keep young black men and women enslaved. However, as a young, black teen in America – you have to be proactive, wiser, and smarter about the decisions you make; even if you’re only a kid.

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