Active Shooter Awareness Sessions Being Held For Area Businesses

Active Shooter Awareness Sessions Being Held For Area Businesses

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Active shooter awareness sessions are cancelled due to Irma. Sessions will be rescheduled.


It’s unfortunate to admit that we now live in a world where you have to consider what you would do in the worst, most horrible circumstances, should you be placed there. We have reached a point in society where you not only consider what you would do, many are now training for real life situations you once thought only occurred in movies. Even in Charleston, SC, what many consider one of the Best Places to Visit in America(according to Conde Nast), you have to prepare yourself for the worst. The Holy City has had their fair share of unholy acts. Due to the reality of more active and mass shooting across the United States, the police department in the lowcountry are helping businesses to think quick, be smart, and fight back if you can.

Businesses in the Lowcountry are getting an opportunity to partake in an upcoming awareness session being held by the City of Charleston Police Department. The sessions are called Active Shooter Awareness Sessions and they are being held for businesses on Tuesday, September 12th and Wednesday, September 13th.

In lieu of last weeks lunchtime shooting death and hostage situation, by a former employee who took the life of his boss, Chef Shane Whiddon, we are unfortunately living in a time where understanding how to handle an active shooter is becoming a necessity and a way of life – even in a city as “friendly” as Charleston.

The Active Shooter sessions are being held in the Charleston Museum Auditorium each day starting at 3:00 pm, in downtown at 360 Meeting Street. Each of the sessions should last approximately 1-hour; it includes a presentation along with a question and answer period for area business owners.

The Charleston Police Department, in a memo released this afternoon stated,

“Sessions will cover layered security approaches which will assist businesses in prevention as well as recommendations from the Police Department on how to respond if an incident should occur in your business.”

The Department is also including presentation materials available for area business owners at the end of each session. They are encouraging that all businesses and owners share the recommendations with their staff. For any additional questions, contact Lt. Heath King via email at or call 843-720-3924

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion