Killmonger Be Knowin’ !
Killmonger tried to tell us! A recent report has been issued describing the tens of thousands of African artifacts that are being held hostage in some of France’s most famous museums. France’s president Emmanuel Macron, in a report published by the NY Times, stated that there are over 90,000 artifacts being held in these museums. By itself, the Quai Branly Museum in Paris holds over 70,000 objects in its sub-Saharan Africa collection. The Quai has an eloborate, epic collection, including statues from present-day Benin and paintings that were at one time, gracing the walls of churches in Ethiopia.

The report, drafted by Bénédicte Savoy of France and Felwine Sarr of Senegal, proposes that France, who took the objects from these countries without consent, should permanently return each artifact, if the country asks for them back. The report also calls for France to amend a current law, which makes it illegal for anyone permanently remove pieces from their museums – yes they made a law that makes it illegal to remove items that they stole, le nerve!
The report also acknowledges some amazing pieces, some they have already asked France to return, including, “several largely symbolic pieces whose return has been requested for a long time by various African nations or communities.” A few of these pieces are palace doors and thrones plundered by the French in 1892 from Abomey in present-day Benin. The palace doors and thrones are among the most significant African objects on display at the Quai. Benin has already requested the return of these items from France, but France refused, stating, “French national collections were “inalienable,” meaning no part of them could ever be given away.” – (le nerve!)
This report makes certain to communicate how important these pieces are to the young citizens of African nations, it states:
“On a continent where 60% of the population is under the age of 20 years old, what is first and foremost of great importance is for young people to have access to their own culture, creativity, and spirituality from other eras.”
This report could have major consequences across the art world. The report states 90 to 95 percent of Africa’s cultural heritage is held outside Africa within major museums, including Paris, Cherbourg and Le Havre, Lyon and Grenoble.
Last November, President Macron gave a speech in Burkina Faso regarding restitution.
“I cannot accept that a large part of the cultural heritage of several African countries should be in France,” he said.
Along with France needing to return each and every artifact that was stolen from an African nation, my hope is that they should also pay some sort of fine or reparation for the millions of dollars that have been raked in at these musuems. People from all over the world come to see these stolen items, and once again Africa and its resources have been used and abused, with nothing to show for it; leaving Africans practically begging France to return what rightfully belongs to them. Do better France!
Source: NY Times
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