Authors Posts by Syllabus Magazine

Syllabus Magazine

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina's source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Chikesia Clemons - MSNBC

Chikesia Clemons Speaks

Chikesia Clemons is making her first public statement since the Waffle House Attack, where police officers violently placed her in under arrest after she requested the phone number for the corporate office when a waitress charged her $0.50 for plastic utensils. When Clemsons started to complain, requesting the phone number, the Waffle House employee called the police.

The reasons for her arrests according to claims was that she was drunk with slurred speech, and was threatening to shoot up the restaurant. Witness statements have refuted these claims.

Today Chikesia spoke out, talking about how much this attack has affected her. “I’m just taking it day by day, it’s just so hard on me. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I’m constantly crying. I have a 6-year-old daughter. I’m trying to be strong for her,” Clemons told Sharpton in her interview.

So far, this is the only official statement we’ve seen from the Waffle House corporation, who seems to be in support of how the police handled Chikesia Clemons.

In response to the Waffle House attack, activists are planning a nationwide protest Monday at the restaurant’s metro Atlanta headquarters

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Dreamville Festival is Coming To Raleigh

J Cole is blessing the Carolinas with a music festival, and this is exactly what the Carolinas need right now! The hope is that a festival like this will bring to light the amazing amount of talent that’s pumping throughout the entire region, with a mix of dope artists and performers from the industry. The festival will be held in Raleigh, North Carolina, in Dorothea Dix Park on September 15, 2018. J Cole’s record label, Dreamville Records made an official announcement, and it looks like the presale tickets are already sold out according to the the website.

Now, there isn’t much info on who will be performing at the festival, but the hope is that J Cole will be giving us a great mix of industry talent blended with artists throughout the Carolinas. Our hope is that we will get to see some dope underground artists that deserve to be featured on this festival’s platform. A music festival in the Carolinas could be huge; the region is lacking an event like this, that has the potential to be a major player in the musical festival scene. This is the type of event that could electrify the music and creative industries in both North and South Carolina.

In an article with the Washington Post, J Cole’s Manager, Ibrahim ‘Ib’ Hamad, stated:

“We’ve been trying to put this festival together for a few years now. It’s just hard to come into a city and get the whole city to approve it and (get) behind you. So it was great that we took our time … and really connected with the city (and) connected with the mayor. It’s going to be a variety of different acts that we love or excite us. It’s something we want to build for years and years to come.”

Tickets to the general public will go on sale Monday, April 30th, 2018 at 10:00 am EST. Follow @Dreamvillefest on Twitter for updates and log on to for tickets. We look forward to seeing our readers at Dreamville Fest in September (insert dance emoji)!

Below we’ve included some hotels that are close to the park:

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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In one of my business groups on Facebook, someone posted a meme that generated a lot of buzz; it read, “Total strangers will support you before your own friends and family.” Many of us have seen this meme on Facebook and Instagram, and it always causes lively discussions on social media. People are really passionate about getting the most support from people they know; however, this may not be in the best interest of someone who is serious about launching a real business.

So here’s the deal – I believe it was Tiphani Montgomery who said it best, and I’m paraphrasing but, she said that ‘I don’t care if friends or family don’t support my business because I DON’T HAVE A FRIENDS AND FAMILY BUSINESS; I HAVE AN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS.’ This is one of the best perspectives to have when trying to build your brand.

Some People Are Just Supporting To Be Nice

Yes, it’s great if you do have friends and family that support, but ask yourself – are they supporting you because they believe your product is actually great, or are they supporting you just to be nice? Are they supporting you because they believe that your services are actually stellar – or do they simply feel obligated to support you because they know you? Are you comfortable having people buy your products because they’re your relative – or are you selling products that actually appeal to people around the world? If you ask yourself these questions and examine how you’ve been going about attempting to sell to your customers, are you building a ‘Family and Friends’ business or are you building and International business?

Depending On Friends & Family Places Limits On Your Business

Also, if you are constantly relying on just friends and family to buy your makeup, or support your non-profit, or attend your party – you are limiting yourself. Chances are, the people that know you best are the people who are going to be THE LEAST honest with you. They are the ones who may simply pat you on your back, or say “good job” just to be supportive. This is a limitation because the last thing an entrepreneur needs are ‘yes men’! Friends and family should not feel obligated to always support your business. If your product is really awesome, then you will notice strangers logging on to your website to purchase your items. If your services are really as stellar as you claim, then you will see people outside of your city inboxing you to figure out how to obtain your services.

Know Your Demographic

If you are a business owner who has thoroughly studied your product and your audience, you already know that very often, your friends and family are often not a part of your core demographic. If you are selling a sensual, sexual novella – chances are your very churchy, Christian grandmother may not actually want to read anything that’s in your book. But, grandma buys it anyway just to support – this is foolishness; if you’re doing this, spare grandma and save yourself!

Find Your Tribe

Some of the people in these groups are going to have to come to the harsh reality that perhaps, your friends and family don’t want your cupcakes, they don’t want to come to the club to watch you perform, they are not interested in the topics that you blog about, or they don’t like the type of shoes that you sell. But guess what – that’s OK! There are 6 billion people in the world; there are over 2 billion on Facebook, and a few other billion on Instagram and other platforms that are probably interested in what you’re offering. Your goal is to learn the skills you need in order to reach YOUR audience – and many times your friends and family are not your audience.

So, as a group of creators and future entrepreneurs, we have to stop of having unrealistic expectations of others. Also, if you’re one of those people who often complain about people not supporting you, then it’s obvious you haven’t found your community, or your tribe – so you have work to do. Do not look to the same friends and family to be your customers and your client base. You should have the same energy as Tiphani and ask yourself, are you building a ‘friends and family’ business or a global business?

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Teens Continue To Fight

Make sure you all check out #GoodKidsMadCity ; the name was of course inspired by Kendrick Lamar’s album. This group of teens created an advocacy group after the shooting at Parkland in Florida, and they stand in support of the students of color at Parkland, who they believe were underrepresented. #GKMC are comprised of students in Chicago, DC and Baltimore, and they’ve gotten together to organize against gun violence within their communities and across the country. These students also speak out and stand up against any unfair decisions being made by city and government officials within their local communities. #GKMC have been very vocal, speaking out against Chicago’s mayor, Rahm Emanuel, for closing public schools in Black and Latino neighborhoods, affecting over 12,000 students mainly in low income neighborhoods of color.

In Chicago, students are fighting against the city closing many of their schools, not providing adequate services to students, and not being given the necessary resources for their inner city schools. For example, in December the school board closed five additional schools. Because the city lacks resources, they also let students out early because the school lacked heat – in Chicago! Students were coming to school with additional layers of clothing on in order to stay warm while trying to get an education. Really, how is a student supposed to learn properly within these conditions?

This is just one of the many problems that are plaguing some of these students in larger inner cities. We haven’t even gotten into the gun and gang violence that affects Chicago, DC, and Baltimore. The city should be grateful that there are a number of youth who have decided to speak out and demand action. These students are now raising money through GoFundMe, the students are demanding: Investment in youth employment, Investments in wrap-around services in schools (Trauma-Informed Schools- health), Equitable School funding, and Investment in mental health. You can log on to the GoFundMe page and read the details of their demands. #GKMC is trying to raise $10,000 in order to continue their fight against the people in power, violence prevention methods, and support of the local youth who have decided to take a stand and fight for their future. Click Here To Support #GKMC

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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A few years ago after attending a conference for Black and Latino startups for women, we met a young lady who was the creator of Women in Linux. At this conference she explained that parents should stop telling their kids to “put the video games down”, instead she advised that many parents should encourage their children to get involved in playing certain video games. She told us that teenagers all over the country were winning hundreds of thousands of dollars in prizes in competitions throughout the country, and that black children were missing out in a hugely popular and viable sector of the tech industry – gaming.

Now, even institutions are understanding the influence the gaming industry will have on the future of tech and computer science. Ashland University in Ohio is now offering scholarships to students who are top players in a game called ‘Fortnite’.

Ashland has their own Esports team, and their head coach announced in a press release, “Fortnite appeals to both the core and casual gaming audience. We’re excited to provide this platform for gamers who want to showcase their skills in a more competitive space. Fortnite facilitates an environment that allows players to get creative, innovative and show off the mastery of their skills.”

For most players, ‘Fortnite’ is more than just a video game. Its a highly competitive team sport. The setting for the game is Earth, after a storm wiped out 98% of the world’s population. The team now has to deal with zombies, and they set out on missions to rebuild, collect resources, and protect the survivors of this Apocalypse. Players are able to earn rewards through these missions with micro-transactions (in-game currency).

In 2017, ‘Fortnite’ had sold over 500,000 digital preorder copies, surpassed over 1 million players, and was nominated for “Best Co-op Game” in at the Game of the Year Awards. Last year, rapper Drake started joining the live streamers and playing along with them.

Ashland University, University of Akron, and Kent State also have e-sport programs where students can gain up to $4,000 in scholarships. Any student interested in applying and trying out for the Ashland team can apply today (click this link).

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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