Black Love: Tough Love Web Series

Black Love: Tough Love Web Series

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Relationships, “Situation ships”, Black Love, Trust, Loyalty,
These are all things that are commonly discussed when it comes to dating in the black community. I say black community because there is nothing really on television that tells our story of what “we” deal with when it comes to relationships. Sure you can turn on a reality show on VH1 and proclaim you’re getting a general idea but in reality it’s just scripted ignorance of our culture. Now, I know most of you will disagree with me but that’s fine but I know that what I’m saying is the truth. But I digress and say that as many shows that are on television none of them really hit the nail on what dating as a black person really is like.
Until now that is…and this only airs on the Web!

This line alone had me under the impression that of yet again another show about all of the things that men do wrong as if women have never done anything bad. I just knew that I was about to watch something were black men were going to be bashed like normally by black women. But I was completely wrong!. This show displays ALL sides to the stories that we encounter when we are dating as young black adults.

From the characters ALONE you can find all of them to be relatable.

Quincy- a young black man who has his own business, whom has made mistakes in his past with his girlfriend Alicia, but own up those mistakes and is striving to give them a better life. He’s the guy we all know that so many people remember his past but because he has a strong woman she was able to change all of that.


Alicia –a young black woman who is the dedicated girlfriend helping her man with his dream of being an entrepreneur. Yes she has dealt with the things of Quincy’s past but she did what was best for her instead of society. She’s holding a secret from her man because she’s aware of the damage it could cause but she also wants to speak on how she feels about the business. She’s a woman who may have been standing by her man’s side for so long that she has lost part of herself.


Jackson- the young black man who has accomplished so much in his career as an investment banker and who has no problem with showing the ladies a great time. He’s that brother who only wants one thing from women and it keeps it extremely honest with them all. Jackson is handsome, successful and far from looking for love or even a relationship. Will Jackson meet his match? Is the question


Jordan- a young black woman that is beautiful, successful and single with no ifs, ands or buts about it in her world. She wants to live only in her accomplishments without having to deal with the work that a relationship requires or even a steady male companion has to offer. Jordan always makes sure her dating card is booked however, she makes it known who will get desert and who will go without until she feels like it ( catch my drift). But will somebody come along that makes Jordan rethink her stance….


Monica- the young black woman we all know one just like her who is bashful, full of positivity, works hard, kind hearted, but chases after the same guy all the time. She is the friend we all love but no matter what you say to her she really never listens until it hits home. Monica is the friend that you want to protect at all times but you understand where she is coming from. Her situation ship with Darius is something we all know about very well but will things change between them two? Or will the always forgiving Monica still forgive and learn to move on?darius

Darius- a young black man, the hustler that always getting money and women all at the same time. He’s the one that gets all of the women but never deals with the headache of how they feel. Darius wants his cake and eat as many slices as he can. He’s a great friend to all but when it comes to women he could definitely change his ways up. So will the right woman come along and change him? Or will he remain in his “player” ways for a little while longer.
And that’s just the characters I described but wait until you watch the show itself. The show is based on the lives of each one of these individuals as well as their friendships with among each other. It’s a show that is very captivating on life as a young black person living in this society. The writers of this show really display life within the show and its only 4 episodes in! This is the amazing part.
There are so many realistic scenarios in this series that are eye catching and worth the watch each and every other Tuesday. I truly give this one a stamp of approval for young black youth to watch (and that’s for mature audiences only so for the 18 and up peeps only) because it insightful and the characters are touch base on other common issues within the black community.
Some topics discussed are the Bill Cosby incident, police brutality, black on black crime all of the things that most of us generally discuss among friends that need to be publicly discussed on television. The Tough Love Series is great on all aspects and I hope that many of you will join me in watching such an awesome show. And did I mention that the producers and directors are all BLACK?! So we definitely have to support that because I know I am definitely about supporting all my artists out there.
So tune in with me in 2 weeks where another show will be aired on YouTube but for now click the link and catch up so we can get together and keep talking about the show!
-A.C.T. ( Aqueilla C. Terry )
Instagram: insomni_act
Twitter: IgothatActrite
Facebook: Aqueilla Lisa Marie Terry

Aqueilla C. Terry, commonly known to many of her followers as “A.C.T” ; is a talented artists of this generation. Born and raised in Richmond, VA is truly a gem of her time. She has been writing for over 10 years as a young child to know a young woman in a world were “words” are her weapon of choice to achieve success. Often considered to be Erykah Badu’s daughter for her way with words, style, presence, music selections and overall persona. A.C.T. is definitely going to take over the world with wide range of creativity. Her ambition is driven by her will to succeed in reaching her goals, but by doing so by remaining herself along the journey. A.C.T. redefines the young black woman by sticking to her beliefs and who she is inside.

Aqueilla C. Terry, commonly known to many of her followers as “A.C.T” ; is a talented artists of this generation. Born and raised in Richmond, VA is truly a gem of her time. She has been writing for over 10 years as a young child to know a young woman in a world were “words” are her weapon of choice to achieve success. Often considered to be Erykah Badu’s daughter for her way with words, style, presence, music selections and overall persona. A.C.T. is definitely going to take over the world with wide range of creativity. Her ambition is driven by her will to succeed in reaching her goals, but by doing so by remaining herself along the journey. A.C.T. redefines the young black woman by sticking to her beliefs and who she is inside.