#BlackHistoryMonth Meet Imelme Umana Becomes First Black Female President of Harvard Law...

#BlackHistoryMonth Meet Imelme Umana Becomes First Black Female President of Harvard Law Review

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It’s always great to write about some good news. This good news comes on the debut of Black History Month, during a time period where America seems to be in the political grasp of insanity at times.

Meet Imelme Umana, the recently named President of the Harvard Law Review. This new title makes Umana the first Black woman to hold the title at Harvard University. Can you guess who the first black person was? Of course – the first black person to hold this position goes by the name of President Barack Obama who held this same title in 1990.

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According to her Harvard we page description,

“She is most interested in the intersection between government and African American studies, hoping to explore how stereotypes of black women are reproduced and reinforced in American Political discourse. On campus she is active at the Institute of Politics and serves as chair of the Community Action Committee (CAC),” you can read more on the Harvard website.

The 2nd Year PHD student went viral after the Harvard’s Black Law Students Association announced her new title viaTwitter, flooding the internet with congratulations.

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