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The Stats

  • Syphilis has risen 76 percent to 30,644
  • Gonorrhea Diagnoses increased 67 percent to 555,608
  • Chlamydia is the most common STD with almost 1.7 million cases in 2017; in 2013 that number was 1.4 million.
  • Half of Chlamydia cases were girls, ages 15 to 24
  • Many Americans are walking around UNDIAGNOSED
  • Gonorrhea in men almost doubled to 322,169 in 2017, compared to 2013.
  • In women, Gonorrhea rose almost 18 percent to 232,587
  • In the 70s, Gonorrhea reached infected over 1,000,000 people annually; these numbers were declining until the past 4 years.

2.3 million cases of diseases in 2017

The U.S. has recorded a record number of sexually transmitted diseases in the year 2017. This marks the fourth year in-a-row, that there has been an alarming increase in gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

We are sliding backwards

“We are sliding backwards. It is evident the systems used to I.D., treat, and ultimately prevent STDs are strained to near-breaking point.” – Jonathan Mermin, Director of the CDC’s National STD Center

“The rise is due to stagnant federal funding for prevention efforts, a lack of screening and a decrease in condom use. Also, lack of awareness that some methods used to prevent other sexually related conditions – such as IUDs and a pill to reduce the risk of HIV – don’t protect against common STD’s.” – David Harvey – Executive Director, National Coalition of STD Directors

Resistant Gonorrhea Has Emerged

The growing trend has been exacerbated by the fact that gonorrhea could soon become resistant to antibiotics; along with prevention efforts that have decreased over the years. Experts have also claimed people are using condoms less than they did in the past.

“We expect gonorrhea will eventually wear down our last highly effective antibiotic, and additional treatment options are urgently needed.” Gail Bolan, Director of CDC’s Division of STD Prevention


Many People in the U.S. are Not Being Diagnosed or Treated

Many people are living in the U.S. , have diseases, and are untreated and diagnosed. Not treating these diseases could cause infertility, stillbirth, and increased risks of HIV. Most of the time, these diseases can be cured with an antibiotic. However, gonorrhea has become resistant to almost every class of antibiotic except Ceftriaxone.

Source: Bloomberg

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Robert Greene’s “48 Laws of Power”, was created based on similar traits of those who were seen as elite, those who were in control, and men and women who held power. Inspired by the story of Julius Ceasar inciting the Great Roman Civil War, the book, its strategies, and even its questionable tactics are still a fan-favorite for readers from all walks of life; from prisoners to politicians. This week, Omarosa launched a small war of her own; shocking the country and leaving us with more questions than answers. Now, we have no idea if Omarosa Manigault has ever read the “The 48 Laws of Power”, but after this week we are convinced that her strategies, calculated moves, and bold displays seem like plays out of this very popular ‘war-manual’.

Law 3: Conceal Your Intentions

In this law, the goal is to keep people unaware of your plans and intentions. No will be able to prepare if they have no idea of your intentions. Staff within the White House would have ever suspected that a member would secretly record conversations. Omarosa claims she needed to have conversations recorded in order to cover her own as*; but perhaps, with the release of her latest best seller, her true intentions could have been to write a book, or to have access to this inside information for other purposes. No one will really know – and that is KEY to Law #3.

Law 6: Court Attention At All Costs

So far, Omarosa has commanded the news cycle with her leaks, and she has made a spectacle of this audio from within the walls White House. Omarosa is courting all this attention by not turning down any invites. She has been invited on some of the biggest talk shows on mainstream television, including an exclusive sit-down with Chuck Todd on NBC’s “Meet The Press”, “CBS This Morning”, “The Daily Show” and a host of others shows on major networks. She is also the talk of late night television; how’s that for someone who was only supposed to see 15-minutes of fame?

Law 12: Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim

We all know that Omarosa has made some questionable moves, with questionable motives, and at no point in time have we been able to genuinely say this woman is an honest person. Although she is plagued with credibility issues, when we study the 48 Laws, we understand that Law 12 instructs you to “use selective honesty“; the concept is that one so-called sincere move, will cover up all of the dishonest moves. The “sincere move” here was to expose this President and his administration for who the American public already knows they are. Also, Omarosa has said in many interviews that she knew the public would not believe her, which was her reason for using quotes within her book that tie directly to the tapes she’s released so far; and some she hasn’t released. The fact that Omarosa is able to back up her claims, have many who had not supported her prior to this, openly defending her. But be cautious, this 12th Law still says its acceptable to deceive when necessary.

Law 14: Pose as a friend, work as a spy

From the recordings we’ve heard so far, we understand that Omarosa not only recorded, but she probed, she asked questions, and she tried her best to get administrative members to say what she needed them to say. She was the perfect spy – a spy working for herself! Omarosa lived, breathed, and became this law, and she did it effortlessly. Donald Trump was basically Omarosa’s mentor, someone she claimed to look up to and aspired to be; this however, did not stop her from recording private conversations. She could definitely play the next 007.

Law 17: Keep others in suspended terror: cultivate an air of unpredictability

Using fear is a form of control. According to, “People are terrified’: Trump staffers live in fear of Omarosa’s next tape,” was the headline published on August 14th. Omarosa’s slow and daily revealing of leaks of actual audio from within the White House has some staffers on edge. Her tapes not only aid in discrediting Trump, but it also discredits any staffer that comes against her and denies what she has written in her book. Omarosa has been able to dismantle their denial with the release of each sound bite. This has created the “air of unpredictability” that has left aids unsure of exactly what to say to the press.

Law 25: Re-create yourself

The rules of recreativing oneself is to create an I.D. that never bores, and demands attention. When you are recreating yourself, one must be in total control of their own image. One way to do this is to create large spectacles in order to display power and control. But, who is Omarosa? Who’s side is she on? What’s her real purpose? She manages over and over again to recreate herself in order to satisfy her own personal agenda. Prior to her firing, she was a traitor to the black community. Today, she’s being deemed as one of the forces that can help in tearing down this dysfunctional administration. But the question will continue to be – who is she, really?

Law 28: Enter action with boldness

Whether you love her or hate her, every person on earth respects a bold and daring individual. Although Omarosa hasn’t been a crowd fave, her bold moves and flawless interviews have earned her some respect across parties and racial lines. Donald Trump has decided to sue Omarosa in order to keep her quiet. As she continues to do her press runs, she still has to proceed with caution. However, the act of secretly recording a standing President, and releasing the details to the public is most definitely a bold one. On yesterday, Trevor Noah asked Omarosa if she was in fear for her life, she said, “If you ever see me in a fight with a bear, pray for the bear.” Now that’s bold.

Law 30: Make your accomplishments seem effortless

Last night Trevor Noah told Omarosa, “You are one of the few people that have managed to out-Trump, Trump!” Trevor also jokingly asked Omarosa if she would endorse the company that provides her sound equipment because of the high quality of the audio of her secret tapes. Omarosa was silent on how she was able to get this audio, and she made it seem effortless and simple, which is key to Law 30.

Law 37: Create Compelling Spectacles

Requirements of Law 37 are, astounding appearances and staged spectacles. Can you think of a more compelling spectacle than Omarosa possibly having audio recordings of the President saying the N-word?

Law 39: Stir Up Waters To Catch Fish

Katrina Pierson (spokeswoman) and Lynne Patton (former assistant to Eric Trump) denied ever having a conversation about Donald Trump using the N-word. Pierson even claimed, according to the NY Post excerpt below that Omarosa, sounded like she was writing a script for a movie.” After Pierson denied the claim, Omarosa released audio proving they had discussed Trump using “a word” – the audio does not confirm the specific word. Most of us are smart, and can use our context clues.

Omarosa stirred up waters with these claims; Pierson had to return to television to clear up her comments, saying“No one ever denied the existence of conversations about a reported ‘Apprentice’ tape. Of course there were multiple discussions about it … because Omarosa was obsessed with it. What has been definitively refuted is that we never had a call confirming that Frank Luntz, or anyone else, directly heard Donald J. Trump use derogatory language on this alleged tape.”

Law 46: Never Appear Perfect

On “The Daily Show”, Omarosa started with an apology for not showing up to Trevor’s show when asked while she was still in the Trump administration. Omarosa also stated how she was aware of the damaging things Trump has said about Muslims, Haitians, Mexicans, and people of color, and how she realized it was time to leave the administration. She was waiting to find a replacement so there would not be a void, but was relived of her duties before she could do so. Omarosa, never comes out and says it was an error being a part of this administration, but she does seem to admit a few wrongs.


Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Suspect Arrested

This breaking news is what many around the country have been waiting for; many who believed would never see any answers in this unsolved case. 26-year-old, Roosevelt Iglus has been arrested in connection with the murder of Black Lives Matter activist and friend of Charleston,SC Muhiyidin (Moye) d’Baha.

According to New Orleans police, they received an anonymous Crimestoppers tip. Iglus was arrested in the 700 block of Iberville Street, approximately one mile from where Moye was found on the 2200 block of Bienville Street.

No additional details are available at this time.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Criminalizing The Culture

Living in Charleston, we’ve seen how our young palmetto rose makers are being treated; in the “Holy City’, business owners, implants, tourists, and residents in the historic district of downtown have decided that these young boys and girls are a nuisance to the gentrified city of Charleston. Rose makers are a staple in the Lowcountry; they’re a part of the Gullah Geechee culture and have been a part of making this town one of the most unique places in the country to visit. Yet, the art they create that has been shared with people from all over the world who’ve visited the Lowcountry, has been labeled as an annoyance by many in the area.

Unfortunately, the criminalization of youth who are young musicians, creators, and artists within cities that have been quickly gentrified, is a growing trend across the country. In Washington, D.C., a fight for democracy quickly emerged when the DC Council decided to create Bill 22-839 titled the “Amplified Noise Amendment Act“; an emergency bill that would impose penalties for any amplified audio that could be heard more than 100 feet away. Washington, D.C.’s music and street performance culture is a big deal, and many of these young creators make a living by sharing their music on the streets of our nation’s capital. However, as the city becomes more gentrified and taken over by the new, rich residents, young blacks are being pushed out of certain neighborhoods; and their talent and creativity that was once seen as an eclectic part of the city’s culture, is now labeled as a nuisance – similar to the Gullah Rose (Palmetto Rose) kids in Charleston, S.C.

( Yoo PSA the correct email is COW@DCCOUNCIL.US not .org I apologize ! ) ✨ Stop!!! Look!!! Listen!!!! Emergency legislation is being secretly passed through!! Testimony needed by MONDAY 7/8!!! Email this to the council members responsible and your local council member to share your thoughts about Bill 22-839, the “Amplified Noise Amendment Act of 2018” and it’s proposed punishment of 10 days in jail for playing amplified music. COPY & PASTE FOLLOWING EMAIL ADDRESSES,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, COPY & PASTE SUBJECT – OPPOSITION to Proposed Amplified Noise Amendment Act of 2018 COPY & PASTE IN THE BODY OF THE TEXT Dear Committee of the Whole, I , YOUR NAME , Member of Band or Org X or Resident or Ward Y , submit this testimony in OPPOSITION of B22 – 0839 – Proposed Amplified Noise Amendment Act of 2018. I oppose this proposed legislation because: It will harm the overall cultural fabric of the city that includes a long history of street performance, much of which has regularly used amplified instruments or other electronic equipment. It is overly punitive. Especially given the racial, cultural, and socioeconomic diversity of DC street performers, the threat of a $300 fine and 10 days in jail is absurd on its face. #streetperformer #washingtondc #saysomething #DoSomething #DOP3WÆ #Justice4DCCulture #definitionofpercussionentertainment ✨ 🎥 by @lowkeytim 💯

A post shared by Malik DOPE Drummer (@malikdopedrummer) on

The similarities of what they tried to do in D.C. and what they are currently doing in Charleston, S.C. are disturbing. In D.C., city council proposed a bill stating, “repeat offenders would be given a one time warning by law enforcement and are subject to a fine not to exceed $300 or imprisonment not to exceed 10 days, or both.”These so-called ordinances are quickly being created as a means to give kids, some who are barely teenagers, criminal records for simply playing music or selling a handmade rose. The community in D.C. however, quickly banned together to stop the impending bill.

When the creative community in D.C. learned of the impending bill, they came together using social media and boots on the ground to fight against the unfair legislation. Activists, artists, and creators rallied under the #SoundproofDC slogan, held press conferences, conducted interviews, created campaigns, and demanded that city council protect the culture. For now, their efforts seem to have been effective; theAmplified Noise Amendment Act of 2018 (B22-0839) was withdrawn temporarily for the summer. DC’s city council is adjourned until the fall, and in the words of Kymone Freeman, co-founder ofWe Act Radio, “celebrate the small victory,” but cautioned that they should then “get ready for round 2 in the fall.”

Charleston, S.C. Reactive, Instead of Proactive

Unfortunately, for residents of Charleston, S.C. the city ordinance that criminalizes kids for selling palmetto roses without a permit has already been passed; and as usual -Charleston residents are fighting re-actively instead of proactively. Many of the children in Charleston, who believe they can sell palmetto (gullah) roses, without the help/permit from the city, are being fined and arrested. They city’s sketchy ‘artisan requirements’ that were intended to be young entrepreneurial programs for these kids, seem to be more of an effort to police rose kids, and keep them from annoying rich tourists and business owners in the historic district of Charleston.

A reactive fight is one where much of the damage has been done already; neither the city nor the residents of Charleston have done any of these kids a service in helping them to become better business owners. Solutions to this issue also seem to be remiss; as usual, lots of talking, Facebook stats, and picture ops, without any solutions in helping these kids make money, be professional, and have fun while conducting their artisan businesses.

Whether it’s D.C., Charleston, or any gentrified city in the U.S., the one thing new residents to these communities need to understand is that people of color are the culture and the heartbeats of these cities. People of color gives these bland cities its flavor and flare, and are the reasons why visitors from across the world flock to these cities. It’s our music, art, culture, sound, and food that drives people to these towns, while they shop at your bland/boring cutesy tea houses, and art galleries. Learn to live together, appreciate the culture and buzz that people of color have created, and understand that we aren’t going anywhere. The fight in D.C., Charleston, and around the country to protect our children, and their art, will continue.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Dorothy Genius

At the age of 12, many of us were barely able to go to the shopping mall by ourselves, but Dorothy Jean (DJ) Tillman, hailing out of the southside of Chicago is living her best life. On Friday, July 13th, the preteen graduated from college earning her second bachelor’s degree from upstate New York’s Excelsior College.

As a child, DJ began picking up on math faster than children her own age. DJ’s mom, Jemelita said her daughter’s childcare provider, Ms. Mary was the first to notice how DJ picked up on things so quickly. Ms. Mary told her, “You got a special baby that you need to understand that this baby been here before.” DJ was completing double-digit math problems by the age of 3 or 4 years old, and her family was excited that she was eager about learning.

Her eagerness has tremendously paid off. After earning her Associates Degree, DJ has now earned her first Bachelor’s degree. Her plan now is to head to graduate school to obtain a Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering – at the age of 12! The preteen said she chose Environmental Engineering because she’s excited about helping people. DJ explained, “With environmental engineering, it’s all about helping people, the environment, and that’s just what I love to do, that’s what makes me happy.”

Although DJ has accomplished more at the age of 12, than some millennials; she still makes time to be a child.“My child plays with bubbles, my child still loves to go on the swing so when the question comes up, is she nervous that she is going to miss high school, she’s not even in the high school mind frame,” her mother explained.

DJ’s plan is to take a couple of gap months prior to starting her masters program. It’s awesome to see this dynamic story and this brilliant little girl, coming straight out of the south side of Chicago.

Check out DJ’s full interview with Albany’s Fox 8 Live:
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Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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