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The Trayvon Martin story will debut on July 30th, and it’s probably time that we prepare to get our tissues out. Many of us remember the Trayvon Martin story, we remember the arguments and debates we got in online about his encounter with Zimmerman. We also remember the days of the trial, and that evening when the verdict was issued – and how we could not believe that George Zimmerman got away with cold-blooded murder. The memories of this child, this conversation, the emotion will forever be etched in our minds.

Thanks to Jay Z, Paramount, and Roc Nation for bringing us this story which will take us deeper into the lives of Trayvon and his family. Remember, Jay Z and his team also brought us the Kalief Browder story, so many are certain that the Trayvon documentary is sure to leave us shook. Check out the trailer below.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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He’s 19 years old and he’s donating his earnings after every match to charity, because he believes he doesn’t need to be paid to represent his country. His name is Kylian Mbappe and he made history at the World Cup when he became France’s youngest scorer ever at a major tournament. This amazing athlete however, is not interested in being paid for his efforts; he’s donating all of his earnings and bonuses to Premiers de Cordees association and other charitable .

“So yes, there is money at stake. But I do not care. I do not play for that.” – Kylian-Mbappe

The Premiers de Cordees association is that arranges sports activities for children with disabilities, and Mbappe is a godfather to this organization. Premiers isn’t the only organization that will benefit from the athlete’s generosity; Mbappe will be donating to a different organization after every game. Apparently, the athletes playing for France are very dedicated to their country, teammate Samuel Umtiti has also claimed he doesn’t need to be paid to play for France either.

This past Saturday, France beat Argentina in what was marked as, “one of the greatest World Cup Games of all time“.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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The woman seen assaulting a teenager at a Summerville, South Carolina pool has been arrested and is facing third-degree assault charges. Stephenie Sebby-Strempel, also knows as #PoolsidePaula decided that a young black teen and his friend “didn’t belong” at the pool, and demanded that they leave. As the teens began to leave, #PoolsidePaula started calling them “punks” and slinging racial slurs, according to the Dorchester County police report.

Luckily, the victims recorded the attack and handed the video over to a family member who posted the footage on Facebook where it went viral. In the video, you could see Stephenie Sebby-Strempel hitting and assaulting the person that was recording her, and following them as they left the pool area.

According to Live 5 News, the teen was staying at his friend’s house. The father of his friend explained that they have a family friend that lives in the Reminisce Community, and had invited the teens to go swimming.

After the video went viral, Dorchester County police issued a warrant for the arrest of Stephenie Sebby-Strempel and went to her house to serve her the arrest warrant. Sebby-Strempel allegedly pushed one of the detectives into a wall and bit the other detective, breaking his skin.

#PoolsidePaula survived her altercation with police, and her bond hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, 3:00 pm.

Source: Live 5 News, Facebook

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Petty #PermitPatty

As we say here in the South, ‘unjust don’t prosper‘, and we’re seeing that unfold slowly after the viral video taken my Erin Austin, the mother of an 8-year-old girl, was posted on the internet last week. In San Francisco 8 year-old Jordan Austin decided that she was going to sell bottled water in order to raise money for a trip to Disneyland. Erin Austin had recently lost her job, but had agreed that she was take her daughter to Disneyland if she was willing to help out with the cost by setting up her own little business. Jordan Austin agreed and set up her small business outside of her family’s apartment building, across the street from the AT&T stadium where the Giants were playing that.

This is when things turned took a turn for the worse and petty. A woman named Allison Ettel approached the 8-year-old, asking if she had a permit to sell water. Erin intervened and recorded Ettel on her cell phone as she scurried into a corner trying to hide from the mom’s camera. Erin Austin could be heard saying,“This woman don’t wanna let a little girl sell some water, she calling the police on an 8-year-old little girl.” As Austin follows her with the camera, Ettel says the little girl is “illegally selling water without a permit.” It’s not clear at that point is whether she’s speaking to the cops or to Austin.

Erin Austin then goes on to post the video to Instagram, and a social media storm the size of Hugo ensued. This is how the sir name #PermitPatty was born. The story made national and international headline, mostly because people of color are tired of of having the police called on them simply for existing. Approximately one month ago a similar story made headline after a woman called the police on a group of black people having a cookout at a public park. She also called because she claimed they didn’t have a permit to be there. These types of stories have been pouring in from around the country, and it is a testament to what people once thought was ‘post-racial‘ America.

Good News

Thankfully, there was something great that came from all of this. Some lovely person donated 4 tickets to Jordan Austin and her family so that they could enjoy themselves at Disneyland. Check out Jordan’s response below:

There is an underlying understanding that has been formed about the police and their relationship with black people within this country. With this understanding, it appears as though some white people are attempting to use the police as weapons against black people. When you some a woman call the police on people at a public park, or call the police on an 8-year-old girl, these women understand the potential danger that can occur, and it shows that they inherently want these confrontations to happen. They want the police to do things that they, themselves are not bold enough to do.

Since the video has gone viral, #PermitPatty has done interviews explaining how the post has negatively affected her life.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Salmonella Summer

Let’s just eat bacon – we’ve never heard anyone recall bacon! This salmonella outbreak is simply getting ridiculous, and its ruining everything we love to eat during the summer months. Currently precut watermelon, honeydew melon, cantaloupe, and any fruit salad that contains any of these items are being recalled because they’ve been tainted with a dangerous strain of salmonella bacteria. This includes all precut fruit in any of the plastic clamshell packages which carry generic labels.

The recall affects 23 states where Costco, JayC, Kroger, Payless, Owen’s, Sprouts, Trader Joe’s, Walgreens, Walmart, and Whole Foods/Amazon are located. 60 people have gotten ill so far, almost 40 of the sick have been hospitalized. They’re currently conducting an investigation to find out the origin of the contamination.

As if not being able to pick up a package of cold, juicy, watermelon during your lunch break isn’t bad enough. Now one of your favorite cereals is also being recalled. Kellog announced that it’s pulling 1.3 million boxes of Honey Smacks cereal. The US Food & Drug Administration along with Kellogg issued the recall after evidence linked the cereal to over 60 illnesses.

So, be careful out here this summer, wash your chicken, and Just eat bacon.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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