
Hope Wiseman, Youngest Black Owner of a Dispensary in the U.S.

Hope Wiseman is Making History

This very cool young woman is the youngest, black dispensary owner in the U.S. Her name is Hope Wiseman, and she has set out to take many of the misconceptions, judgments, and confusion that surround the use of marijuana, and educate more people on exactly how this plant works. She is set to open Mary & Main in Maryland next month; and one of her goals is to take the negative stigmas that come along with marijuana use, in order to educate her community.

Hope Wiseman Instagram

This 25 year old investment banker /reality show star of WAGS Atlanta/ former Falcons cheerleader, along with her mother and a family friend, who are both dentists, have worked to create this business. While in the process of creating her cannabis empire, she also noticed the amount of confusion and skepticism she’s received from people close to her who feel negatively about the plant. In an interview with the Huffington Post, she details why people’s natural skepticism is one of the reasons education is so important, Wiseman explains:

“I understand that stoner stigma may come off very negatively. But then you hear the stories. Stories about children who had multiple seizures a day, which completely stopped because they’re taking CBD oil, or Cannabidiol, a compound found in marijuana which has absolutely zero psychoactive effect. Stories about people who have glaucoma who use it to alleviate their symptoms. Stories about people who have cancer, who have a better quality of life when they’re going through chemotherapy.”

Correcting The Stigmas

Wiseman also details how generally, mostly white men and women are celebrated for their use of the plant, and how they’ve used their business skills in order to generate billions in the marijuana industry. However, people of color are continuously locked up; in America, “black people have a lower usage rate than white people who use cannabis, but they are arrested for possession at four times the rate as whites,” per the American Civil Liberties Union.

With laws regarding marijuana use slowly changing across the coutry, Hope Wiseman’s ultimate goal is to educate, and she will be offering free classes in order to change some of the bad stigmas in communities of color. Her goals for these community education classes are:

“To explain the history behind the plant so you can understand why it became a scheduled drug, why African-Americans have been prosecuted at higher rates than other races and minorities and how that affects us today.”

Hope Wiseman is making history, and she seems to be excited on what’s to come. She has admitted, in the marijuana industry and at her position, it is a little lonely, but she has been able to build a solid team with her community and other dispensaries throughout Maryland. Let’s hope Maryland is showing up in droves to support this young entrepreneur!

Source: Huffington Post

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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More Nigerian magic! Not sure what needs to be done for me to get an official Nigerian membership card, but i need one immediately! Their weddings, make-up, fashion, and business / professional successes are constant inspiration; as Americans we can’t deny their flyness! I mean really, have you seen a Nigerian teach a make-up tutorial; how about a Nigerian wedding video and dress? Not saying they do it better, but much respect to their unique fashion sense and their ability to be first generation Americans, but end up with million dollar brands and businesses. Anywho, enough gushing over Nigerian culture and more gushing over Nigerian born artist, Chiamonwu Joy and her hyper-realistic charcoal art.

Chiamonwu Joy has the internet in awe and in disbelief at how real her artwork appears. She is a charcoal and graphite artist and has the internet questioning their own eyes at her detailed artwork. According to her interview with Face to Face Africa, “Joy uses her Igbo culture and the traditions present in the culture to inspire her artwork.”

Just check her out, these amazing images speak for themselves!

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion


In case you haven’t heard by now, we have another South Carolina native making us proud! The hair and beauty industry, combined with the growth of the internet, social media, and social influencers has helped to create moguls from everyday people we’ve enjoyed watching on Facebook, Periscope, Twitter and Youtube. One of these influencers, Pamela Booker, is a Beaufort, South Carolina native that we’ve watched on the social app, Periscope for some time. Her love for natural hair and natural beauty, her love for giving us valuable and fun content, and the passion she shows in regards to her Lowcountry roots, has made her a Periscope fave. Her brand Koils By Nature, according to her website cosigns the love she has for natural hair and the Lowcountry; her site states:

“We love to see people living their dreams, building their brands, and becoming successful entrepreneurs; but the joy you feel when you see someone from your neck of the woods, the Lowcountry, a Gullah Pamela Booker, Coils By Nature will be in Target Stores January 28th! This is an amazing move.”

In her announcement via Periscope, Booker shared that her “Koils By Nature” brand will be in 49 stores nationwide, and by May 2018, the brand will be rolled out in 100 Target stores! She explained her excitement on Periscope:

“Its like when when a person hears they’re song on radio, I can’t wait to see my stuff in stores, on shelves, with the skew number – I am going to lose my mind!”

Although as of today, out of the 100 stores whereKoils By Nature will be sold, these will not include stores in South Carolina or Florida, the hope is that the demand will be so great Target will continue to roll out Booker’s products in all Targets across the country. But for now, 100 stores isn’t too shabby! From California to New York, Pamela Booker and Koils By Nature is now a national brand!

Words Of Encouragement & Honoring Her Lowcountry Ancestors

In her announcement on Periscope, Pamela shared with the viewers her struggle with fear, and how she had a fear of success, because of where she is from. She stated that fear of success crippled her for a while; but she was able to conquer it. She spoke about why knowing your “WHY” is so important in business. Your “WHY” is the reason you are choosing to embark on your particular business, andyour WHY cannot be money!She advised viewers to make certain to know what is our “WHY”. She went on to discuss her “WHY”; it is a beautiful and significant testament, especially for those of us from the lowcountry:

“My WHY is my ancestors. John Wright, Jackie Jenkins, they were born slaves in South Carolina. And Diana, who was brought over here on a slave ship; she is my fifth generation grandmother, the furthest I could go back. And its honoring them. It is because of them that I am here. It is because of Jackie Jenkins that I am still here. It is because of John Wright that we still have land in our family that he purchased. Twenty-Two acres, so many years ago. He lived to be 78 years old; he was born a slave and lived to be 78 years old. My great-great grandfather, Alfred Jenkins was his son. And then, my grandmother, Rebecca Wright Jenkins, was his daughter. So, I honored them – that is my WHY.”

She also went further to discuss that her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are a part of her “WHY”; Booker explains that she wants to build a legacy for them. Booker added, “If my fourth generation grandfather could leave me, and a lot of my cousins 22 acres of land, then I can leave my family something greater!”

Her entrepreneur, fourth generation grandfather was able to pass down a legacy and be inspiration to Booker. That is not only inspiring for Booker, but it gives hope to so many of us who are from the Lowcountry and are watching Pamela Booker build a brand that will be known from the east to west coasts.

Pamela Booker also explained that she is excited to share the store shelves with other successful, hair mavens that are already in stores. She also gratefully shared that those same friends have been rooting her on.

Although the brand isn’t in Lowcountry stores just yet, the Lowcountry still has to get behind Pamela. We can (1) Log on to and purchase some of her amazing products, (2) Tweet / Facebook Target and let them know we need to have this brand on shelves in our South Carolina stores!

Catch her entire announcement on Periscope before it expires; click here! Thank you Pamela Booker for being an inspiration to so many in the hair and beauty industry, to all of the women watching you work, and to those of us here in the the Lowcountry; we wish Koils By Nature much success!

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Catch All Your Black Power ‘Feels’ Today!

Today is the day to catch all your civil rights: ‘i’m black and i’m proud’, ‘blacka than black’, ‘no justice no peace’ feels! After you leave your official Martin Luther King Day Parade and finish with your service projects for the day, make sure you make it back home by 9pm EST to watch the acclaimed documentary “I Am Not Your Negro”. The Oscar nominated 2016 film will air tonight on PBS and it’s all about about one of the Civil Rights era’s most powerful speakers, James Baldwin. On a day where we celebrate the most influential civil rights leader of our day, its a great time to watch a documentary on one of the greatest writers and one of the most outspoken civil rights heroes of our era.Read more about “I Am Not Your Negro” Here.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Get your daughters, nieces, cousins and gather around to get this inspirations Oprah is giving. On Sunday night, Oprah Winfrey became the first black woman to receive the Cecil B. DeMille award. Oprah took this time to deliver a nine minute speech and touched on plenty of controversial, but necessary subjects.

She took this special time in her life to bring light to, black history, Sidney Poitier, #MeToo, The Press & Journalists, Recy Taylor, Rosa Parks and #TheirTimeIsUp – just take a listen and be inspired!

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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