Friday, January 31, 2025

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It’s summer and Syllabus Magazine has plans of being out and about all summer long! If you’re a hard-working American, you may also have plans to take a break (or two) this summer to explore overseas islands, or to go and have a blast at a fun park with your kids. Everyone has #Travelgoals , but when making these plans, we should be aware that there are small gems located right here in the U.S. that many of us never knew existed. Making plans to go to Europe, or relaxing in the Caribbean is all good, but if you can, don’t forget about the not-so-popular places that may not get lots of attention right now, but they are filled with rich history and amazing African American stories.

Today we’re adding to our list of #TravelGoals ! It’s a small, brick house located alongside a serene stream on the Eastern shore of Preston, Maryland; and no, we’ve never heard of Preston, Maryland until this week, but people from across the world have been visiting this town just to get close to the memory of a real American heroine. In this quiet town rests a 19th century brick house that was once a way station on the Underground Railroad and a path where slaves made their way to freedom.


This house, owned by Jacob and Hannah Leverton, along with 36 other sites on a 125-mile route, is what they are calling the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Byway.

Tubman is a real, prolific, American hero who escaped from Maryland and became an abolitionist who guided hundreds of other slaves to freedom along this Byway. The route, which has specific, designated sites, takes you on a detailed look at Tubman’s journey along the Underground Railroad. After 18 years of planning, the Byway gives visitors an emotional look at this intricate, yet informal network of places, landmarks, and landscapes that helped in freeing slaves. The journey, according to the Associated Press, has brought many visitors to tears.

One of the most loved stops on the Byway is the site known to many as, “Tubman’s first known act of defiance against slavery.” It’s called the Bucktown Village Store and has been restored to resemble what it may have looked like during the time of the Underground Railroad. At this store, many believe Tubman refused a slave owner’s orders to help him detain another slave. While the slave was escaping, the owner threw a 2-pound weight at the man, missing him but hitting Harriet Tubman on the head and causing an injury that would be bothersome for her for the remainder of her life.

An image of the Bucktown Village store taken on an Underground Railroad Tour for Preservation Maryland's annual conference in 2010.
An image of the Bucktown Village store taken on an Underground Railroad Tour for Preservation Maryland’s annual conference in 2010.

The store is also filled with Harriet Tubman related items which include a newspaper article advertising a reward for Tubman and two of her brothers. People from across the world are traveling to Maryland simply to get a glimpse of this store and take pictures.


The downside to the Biway is that many areas are still under development, and some that are significant to Harriet Tubman’s life are still not open to the public, or they are not designated stops on the Biway. Also, many of the sites don’t have regular operating hours because they are owned by private property owners, and visitors would have to wait until these owners arrive home.

Despite the work that’s left to be done on theHarriet Tubman Underground Railroad Byway,don’t let this stop you from putting this on your list of #TravelGoals . Just to simply walk in the same places and spaces that the fierce, bold, and heroic Harriet Tubman walked in, is an inspiration that is at the top of the list on our #TravelGoals .

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Ole Miss Track and Field at the 2016 NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Championships in Eugene, OR. Photo by Joshua McCoy/Ole Miss Athletics

Charleston, SC native, Burke High School alumni and Olympian, Raven Saunders has plenty to celebrate this summer. Saunders competed in the U.S. Track and Field outdoor championships in Sacramento, CA and her performance was stellar. She unleashed a winning throw in the final round of the shot-put competition, earning her a chance to compete in London this August.

Raven broke her own personal-best record by throwing 64 feet, 10 inches, taking the first place medal and beating 2016 gold medalist, Michelle Carter. Not only did Raven surpass her own record, but her throw became the world’s best throw this year, and the fourth-best in the history of the United States. This dynamic record merely compliments Raven’s four NCAA titles and her 5th place Olympic finish in Rio de Janeiro in 2016.

Raven will go on to advance to the 2017 USA Shot Put Champion for the USA World Championship Team in London this August.

<blockquote class=”instagram-media” data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version=”7″ style=” background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% – 2px); width:calc(100% – 2px);”><div style=”padding:8px;”> <div style=” background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;”> <div style=” background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;”></div></div> <p style=” margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;”> <a href=”” style=” color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;” target=”_blank”>2 weeks ago took an L but this week I bounced back. Happy to say I&#39;m the 2017 USA Shot Put Champion and qualified for the USA World Championship Team in London. Man this year has had sooo many ups and downs, but I&#39;m back. #Monster #beast #Usa #tracknation #throwernation #usachampion #london #london2017 #hulk #hulksmash #olemiss #rebels #southcarolina #charleston #monsterenergy</a></p> <p style=” color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;”>A post shared by Raven Hulk Saunders (@giveme1shot__) on <time style=” font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;” datetime=”2017-06-24T21:34:40+00:00″>Jun 24, 2017 at 2:34pm PDT</time></p></div></blockquote>
<script async defer src=”//”></script>

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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What do you do when you have a once in a lifetime opportunity to do something many have worked their entire lives to do? You receive an opportunity to rip the high-fashion runways of Milan with one of the most recognized luxury brands in the world. This open door may lead to a host of other potential opportunities that could catapult your career and your brand; however, there’s this one problem. You realize this big break clashes with some of your personal beliefs and values. What would you do? Would you remain silent in an effort to avoid destroying your potentially epic big break? Would you speak out? Would you take a stand?

This is what happened when Atlanta rapper Raury staged an unplanned protest during the Dolce & Gabbana runway show in Milan. The millennial-themed fashion show showcased, young, popular bloggers, YouTubers, influencers, and artists from around the world.

Dolce & Gabbana recently came under fire after dressing the 1st Lady. Melania Trump was decked out in D&G throughout here trip, including a $51,000 3d Coat. Many people across the world decided to protest the brand for standing by Trump and his administration. In an extremely petty response to the protests and criticisms, D&B decided to launch a campaign called, “Boycott Dolce & Gabbana”. The response included t-shirts, commercials, and an entire launch which basically mocked protesters who voiced their disdain for the brand supporting the Trumps.

“When I saw a commercial featuring the boycott T-shirt, and it looked playful and lighthearted—it was a joke. It was a troll. Me, as a young man from Stone Mountain, Georgia, the birthplace of the Klu Klux Klan, I really felt this mockery of boycotting. Who knows, if boycotts didn’t happen, if Rosa Parks and M.L.K. didn’t step up…who knows if I would even exist. Boycotting matters. Boycotting is real. “

Raury, after already agreeing to participate in the fashion show learned of this protest after he had already flew to Milan, practiced, received free clothing from D&B, and made lots of new friends while practicing for the fashion show. Before hitting the runway (24 hours before showtime), Raury was torn and did not know how to respond or what to do. In an interview with GQ, he explained how he experienced so much “confusion and fear”. In some ways, the 21 year-old believed that he and the other influencers were being used.

“There was a moment backstage when they started passing out the shirts, when [the models] didn’t have any context for what they meant. They were coming out of the shower and the robes, after getting makeup put on, to someone saying, “Hey, now put this on and let’s start Snapchatting.”

They were making us represent something that only I knew what it was about. These kids are about to co-sign this, and they don’t even know what it means. They’re using the shit out of us. We’re not scapegoats. You are not about to wash your hands with us. They were really pushing for me to wear it, too, specifically.”


Then, it happened. Raury walked the runway and honored the terms of what he had agreed to. Then during the finale, he removed his Dolce and Gabbana hoodie to show the phrases, “PROTEST”, “GIVE ME FREEDOM”, and “I AM NOT YOUR SCAPEGOAT” written across his chest. Then, the young millennial rapper immediately disappeared, never joining the other models for any additional photo ops. Raury was offended that D&G was catering to millennials, but mocking protesting and thought their response to the protesters was very “un-millennial”.

As a young artist in the entertainment industry, Raury did what many people wouldn’t have dared to do. He went against the grain, stood for what he believed was right instead of following the status quo, and chose principles over popularity.

What would you have done?

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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The monolith that is the Kardashian brand is simply undisputed. Kris Jenner, who’s a talent manager, owner of a production company, and the brains behind their popular reality show, is a marketing mogul and genius. Simply having the name Kardashian or Jenner automatically opens doors for members of that family, when most of us may have to work years, or decades to have these same opportunities – which is why #BlackTwitter is pissed!

In less than a week, two black fashion brands have been battling with the monster Kardashian brand regarding these bold jack moves they’ve been pulling.

PluggedNYC and its founder, Tizita Balemlay are the latest victims in this fight for authenticity. Balemlay recently did an interview with the Tom Joyner Morning Show about how she started her brand. As a child of a strict, African family, she was disowned for some time because her parents wanted her to become a doctor or lawyer, like many hardworking, older parents from overseas want for their children. Tizita had a different plan and was left to go for her dreams and goals, alone. While sitting on the floor of her apartment, she took scissors and a glue gun to some camouflage clothing she purchased from a local thrift store for $100, posted a picture online, and went viral. Balemlay then built a website and turned her $100 into $1000, and from there, on the floor of her lonely apartment, PluggedNYC was born.


Tizita Balemlay’s street chic designs are so popular, Rihanna, Keke Palmer, Kehlani and more have all rocked her fashions. You know who else drooled over her designs – Kylie Jenner! In her radio interview Balemlay was honored to have Kylie wearing her designs, however while she was on a video shoot with Wale, she began to receive hundreds of notifications.


On June 8, Kylie Jenner launched her collection of clothing. Kylie’s designs were also camouflage, and even much of the styling, poses, even the shoes used in the photography of Kylie’s brand were almost exactly like the branding for PluggedNYC. #BlackTwitter was on the case and began to call out Jenner through social media.


Tizita also made a post on her Instagram saying, “When you really Pablo…I am the Influence *drops mic. Copy Paste down to the shoes I used on my models. The Kardashians will take your nigga & brand… #WeAreTheCulture


Unfortunately, Tizita Balemlay is not the only victim. #BlackTwitter also went in this week on Kylie’s sister, Khloe Kardashian for the jack moves she pulled on another black designer, Destinybleu. Yet another designer who’s been featured in Sports Illustrated, and sported by Beyonce on numerous occasions, also had to call out a Kardashian for theft. Destinybleu even provided receipts of the communication she’s had with Khloe, who ordered one of each of her designs, and then copied and branded them as her own.



They say that, “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”, but this isn’t imitation; this is downright theft. Ordering one of everything from a designer’s site, never wearing it, never publicly mentioning it, then months later “crafting” designs that look almost exact? Oh the trickery of that Kardashian clan!

Though many people on social media, including blogs and magazine, have come to the defense of these talented, hard-working designers, any attempt to beat a Kardashian in court would take man and money power some may not have.

There is only one real way to defeat people who blatantly use their money to take advantage of others and steal ideas to pass off as their own. The only solution is to support (BUY) these talented designer’s products.

Culture vultures take bits and pieces of black culture, flip it, use their resources, and make a return on our culture. Remember Miley Cyrus circa 2013; Miley was collaborating with Juicy J and French Montana, while topping the Billboard charts. Fast forward to Miley Cyrus in 2017 who, in a recent interview, stated that she is now trying to distance herself from hip-hop because of the lyrics – (when we saw from her Billboard performance that she is working on changing her brand identity). Someone tell Miley ‘don’t come for hip-hop cause we didn’t send for you girl’. She, along with many others are culture vultures who have no issues using the culture to get the buzz they want.

rapmilyeVultures are people that do not deserve your business, views, likes, or attention. Vultures change their features, hair and clothing, even their dialect to mimic black culture, but are silent when it comes to the important, life-changing issues of black people.

So we challenge everyone to support real talent, not popularity; because, in 2017 – ‘I don’t want no frauds’ – and neither should you.

Follow @theplugsdaughter & @pluggedNYCstore and @dbleudazzled & @destinybleu on Instagram

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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The movie that we have been waiting years to see is finally here! The Tupac biopic has finally been released! The anticipation that many fans have held will finally get some relief this week with the premiere opening of the official “All Eyes On Me – Legends Never Die” biopic.

Will this be as good as the NWA biopic? Will the characters look like they were born to play each role? Will we see the various facets of such a complex and larger than life Tupac? Will Demetrius Shipp Jr. meet extremely high expectations of nailing the role of Shakur? This week, all of our questions will be answered.

This week, the Black Collective along with 99.3 The Box, and Monster Music are holding an advanced screen of “All Eyes On Me”. If you are a true fan of hip-hop, black culture, and music you can see this movie before anyone else by attending the official screening going down Thursday, June 15th at the Terrace Theater-Click here for tickets.

The true and untold story of prolific rapper, actor, poet and activist Tupac Shakur (Demetrius Shipp Jr.), from his early days in New York to his status as one of the world’s most recognized and influential voices. Against all odds, Shakur’s raw talent, powerful lyrics and revolutionary mindset establish him as a cultural icon whose legacy continues to grow long after his death.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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