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Old Dixie is back in the news again. 2015 has been a year filled with controversy, from the entertainment world, to politics and culture. 2015 has thrown us hit after hit, and as we wrap up another year to prepare ourselves for what 2016 has in store, a panel is trying to finally put the Confederate Flag issue to rest as well.

South Carolina’s gift and curse, also known as the Confederate Flag has continued to be a symbol of heritage for some and hate for others. This year we witnessed history as the state of S.C. removed the Confederate Flag from in front of the State House. Of course, while we all thought this was all behind us, lawmaker decided building a museum in honor of the flag and the confederacy would be a great idea. Most citizens of South Carolina has no issue with this idea; anything works as long as no one has to drive past the state house and stare at this sad reminder of history on a daily basis. What most people didn’t expect is the what this would cost taxpayers.

The original panel decided a home for the confederate flag would cost approximately $5.3 million dollars. Once again, people were confused. What the hell are they building – The Guggenheim? With schools, roads and a homeless problem that has gotten out of control, why would we pay $5.3 million dollars for a building dedicated to Dixie? Self proclaimed pundits claim that this proposal comes as Mayor Riley goes full steam ahead with the plans to build an International African American museum, estimated to cost $75 million – $25 million of this would be paid by the state of South Carolina.

In a decision made today, days after may complaints of the cost of this confederate display, the panel reconvened in Columbia to reduce the cost from $5.6 million to $3.6 million according to The State newspaper. This amount was lowered by eliminating funds to repair a roof and landscaping.

Whether $5.6 or $3.6 million – South Carolinians are simply ready to put Dixie in its final resting place – forever!

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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One of the most hated men in America just bought the ONLY copy of the last WuTang album for $2 million dollars. In 2014, RZA told us that the rap group would gather together one last time to create only ONE copy of their next album. The Album, Once Upon a Time in Shaolin, would be sold to the highest bidder. RZA stated in an interview with Forbes, “We’re about to put out a piece of art like nobody else has done in the history of music… We’re making a single-sale collector’s item. This is like someone having the sceptor of an Egyptian King.”

Once Upon A Time in Shaolin consists of 31 tracks and comes in a hand-carved box with a leather bound book consisting of 174 pages filled with lyrics and backgrounds on songs. Every living member of the Wu contributed to this album, along with some special guests. After true fans of WuTang objected to this marketing tactic, even going as far as starting a kickstarter campaign to buy it to keep it out of the hands of some scoundral. The Kickstarter fans stated, “someone who has disposable millions, its just another shiny new toy for them, It’s most likely not going to be someone who appreciates music.” They were only able to raise about $15,000 through Kickstarter. Now, their words of warning have never rang so deeply in the hearts of real Wu fans.

After hiring online auction startup Paddle8 to sell the album, on November 24th, they announced that the album had sold for a record figure “in the millions”. WuTang wouldn’t release the name of the buyer and RZA stated the buyer wanted privacy – HOWEVER the buyer didn’t care anything about privacy – he wanted to publicity!

Back in May, several buyers gathered in New York’s Museum of Modern Art, joined by 36 fans who won tickets on Hot 97 where they all were able to listen to 13 minute excerpts of the album. Rumor has it that it sounded like the best WuTang Clan album recorded in years. An actual fan of rap, a controversial figure made the highest bid for this new album; Rumors are flying that he paid about 2 million for the album. The mogul that won this priceless album goes by the name of Martin Shkreli, 32 year old pharmaceutical executive. His name may not sound familiar but his story released earlier this year, made him one of the most hated men on the internet. The same month he won the guestimated $2 million bid, he also made another major purchase. Shkreli purchased an anti-parasitic drug called Daraprim, the drug is used to fight many diseases, but people know it best because it fights the HIV/AIDs virus. Once Shkreli purchased the drug, he became one of the most hated men in America by taking the price of the drug from $13.50 per pill to $750 per pill. Even Hillary Clinton reprimanded him calling him a price gouger and stating that he is outrageous. Donald Trump called him a spoiled brat and the BBC labeled him “the most hated man in America”.

Shkreli thought that politicians scolding him was amusing, and in turn he donated to the Bernie Sanders campaign; Bernie and his team in turn took the $2700 donation and forwarded it on to a Washington health-care facility.

The Pharmaceutical mogul says his biggest worry was how WuTang would react; he worried they would back out the deal, however it was too late – the deal was complete. In an attempt to cover their own asses after learning Bloomberg would release the purchasers details, Rza sent in a statement:

“The sale of Once Upon a Time in Shaolin was agreed upon in May, well before Martin Skhreli’s business practices came to light. We decided to give a significant portion of the proceeds to charity.

During an interview for Bloomberg, Shkreli was getting prepared for a holiday party and stated he had arranged for Fetty Wap to give a personal concert. Shkreli said these words:

“As an average fan, I can’t get Fetty Wap to give me a personal concert. The reality is sure you could. you know, at the right price these guys basically will do anything.” —-WOW

The Pharmaceutical mogul hasn’t listened to Once Upon a time in Shaolin just yet, he says he is saving it for a time when he is feeling low and needs something to lift his spirts. However, he has stated he would be willing to listen to it if, “Taylor Swift wants to hear it or something like that.”

So, did WuTang sell their souls to the devil, or is this just business? Amazing.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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The Gullah Geechee community along the Georgia Coast, in Sapelo Island is currently in the process of suing the state of Georgia along with a few counties. Sapelo Island is located approximately 60 miles south of Savannah; the residents of this historic Gullah Geechee community have accused the State/counties of discrimination and neglect.

Like our great city of Charleston, SC, the property taxes on Sapelo continue to increase, however residents are complaining they don’t receive basic services from McIntosh County or Georgia. The high taxes and lack of services have become a real danger, making it nearly impossible for residents to stay there. The tricky part is, the State of Georgia claims to own 97 percent of the island, but according to the lawsuit, “ownership stake is based on a history of fraudulent land transfers and land theft by white millionaires throughout the twentieth century.” (again, Sounds familiar).

Their lawsuit also claims that zoning ordinances have continuously favored white developers who have built vacation homes, which violate zoning requirements. In an AP interview, Reginald Hall, 49 who lives in Ohio but vacations on his family’s property on Sapelo said this roots on Sapelo go back 224 years; he is leading the effort to protect his community. He says, “We’re looking for those protections to say our survival and sustainability is more important than vacation homes and losing the land by measures we consider illegal.

Attorneys for McIntosh County claim to be shocked by the lawsuit because in 2012, when residents complained about the rise in property taxes, they county reassessed and taxes were rolled back for every resident of Sapelo. However, the community is concerned that the taxes are still to high. In correlation with the high taxes, residents also claim the county doesn’t provide a modern sewer system, maintain roads, or provide emergency services on the island, but they continue to collect taxes from island residents. They also claim that garbage fees are paid annually by residents and these fees should guarantee curbside garbage collection, which is does for the mainland, but not for the Gullah Geechee residents on the island.

The fear with this community is in line with the fear many have had throughout the 400+ miles of Gullah Geechee territory that spans from the Carolinas to Florida. Property taxes slowly increase over time, everyone including the city government know that residents who are older and still live in these areas cannot afford to pay these fees. Families end up losing their homes and rich developers are able to purchase this and for fractions of what its worth. In turn, they turn the land into pricey real estate worth millions. We have seen this over and over again, and its obvious that this is what the island of Sapelo wants to prevent. Also, we know how much rich developers love the water, so they are looking at the island of Sapelo like a mega cash-cow.

As a resident of Charleston, SC, we can understand completely what these residents are experiencing. We fully support of family in the Gullah Geechee islands of Georgia, and we hope they kick ass in this suit!

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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“If you wanna fly jets, you should go to college. Reach high and cash checks? Fill your head with knowledge.” These are just some of the lyrics to this clever video featuring the First Lady of The United States, Mrs. Michelle Obama and crazy comedian, who we all know from Saturday Night Live, Jay Pharoah.

FLOTUS jumps on the track in an effort to encourage students, especially math and science majors to pursue majors and engineering and math. This is also a part of Michelle Obama’s “Better Make Room” campaign, targeting students ages 14 to 19. The campaign involves celebrities like Jay Pharoah and Lebron James and addresses an issue here in the United States regarding the falling college graduation rates.

In a statement, FLOTUS explains “I want to honor and empower young people who are working hard in school and pursuing their dreams – and I want to do it in a fresh and fun way.” We are pretty sure she succeeded, the music video is a fun and fresh way to encourage teens to pursue college AND graduate.




Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Yasiin Bey, formerly known as the rapper Mos Def, who is a proud Muslim weighed in on Paris and his thoughts on ISIS. Check out some of what he had to say and take a listen to the entire interview below.

“None of this stuff is separated. Everything from Tamir Rice to Paris shootings to what’s happening to the students in the University of Missouri…to what I’ve been experiencing in the negative in South Africa. It’s all connected. It’s all the same thing.
The problem is people’s lack of compassion and care for themselves and their fellow human beings. We don’t treat each other well. We need to treat each other better.”
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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