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Homecoming: The New Black Family Reunion

Hey we all know it’s that time of the year were fall weather is in the air, football is back, layering of clothes, state fairs, hot hearty foods and holidays.
But it’s also that time of year where one month holds the greatest experience on EARTH!….HBCU HOMECOMINGS!!! Yes! These events are a must go to every year especially if you are an alumni of one because it’s the time to walk your old stomping grounds and celebrate good times with classmates and friends.

It’s time to share those stories familiar stories from standing in the infamous Financial Aid lines to that last year of when Graduation is upon you. I mean there are some things that simply only college students can relate to because we practically grew up together in a 4 year time frame. We build new bonds whether you joined a sorority or fraternity , made a long time crew of loyal friends we all share stories and experiences. I mean it was like Actually attending Hillman from the classic television show “A Different World” because that’s what so many us relate the college experience to.

I mean there are just some things you can only relate to if you attended an HBCU! Such as:

-Wednesdays ; which were the best days to eat because “Soul Food” was served! Foods like fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, collard greens, sweet potatoes, corn bread etc. and you knew them as “Chicken Wednesday’s”.
-Step Shows! Watching the Divine 9 go at it showing their skill and creativity in their performances.
-10:40 Break! The time set apart on Tuesdays and Thursdays were a surprise show would go on outside, giving students a break in between classes to wind down and have fun ( maybe this one was only at NCCU lol)
-The Band! Enough said because everyone loves the band especially when they are playing songs that you know and playing that infamous song “For the Black Folk”
-Rival games where you could show your school spirit and cheering on your team
-Probates; the fun of seeing who made the choice to join organizations

HBCU students share a bond! Period even if schools are rivals we all share a common bond because the experience at one is unexplainable to anyone who has never been a part of it; I mean literally it’s a Family Reunion because everyone travels near and far to come celebrate together to relive those great memories of struggle and perseverance those 4 long years.

As college students many would argue that we don’t learn anything or that we simply just party all the time but I’m here to tell you that is untrue because not only do we learn many things, we also gain knowledge of who we are as a people but who we are individuals as well. We celebrated one another’s accomplishments and we taught each other different things.

Imagine being in a world where everyone comes from some place different and we all become family in what to the world is a short period of time but to us was longer. We became family and have closer bonds then the ones we made growing up. So yes homecoming’s are a big deal because they are for US the students to come back together and celebrate each other so it’s more than just a party it’s a REUNION!


Aqueilla C. Terry, commonly known to many of her followers as “A.C.T” ; is a talented artists of this generation. Born and raised in Richmond, VA is truly a gem of her time. She has been writing for over 10 years as a young child to know a young woman in a world were “words” are her weapon of choice to achieve success. Often considered to be Erykah Badu’s daughter for her way with words, style, presence, music selections and overall persona. A.C.T. is definitely going to take over the world with wide range of creativity. Her ambition is driven by her will to succeed in reaching her goals, but by doing so by remaining herself along the journey. A.C.T. redefines the young black woman by sticking to her beliefs and who she is inside.

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When you operate in boldness, it is difficult to take hate groups like the KKK seriously simply because anyone not man or woman enough to show their faces when they spew hate aren’t worthy enough to have anyone’s attention.

The KKK is an organization that has been around for since 1865. The first sentence on their website says, “Welcome to the Ku Klux Klan, Bringing a message of Hope and Deliverance to White Christian America” (ok try not to laugh).

This white supremacy group has operated under the white sheet of anonymity and have raised their ugly heads, most recently in the state of South Carolina during the process of the removal of the confederate flag from in front of the state house in Columbia, S.C. Though no one knows the real number of members of the Ku Klux Klan of today, many are estimating there are between 5000-8000 active members still living among us, mostly in the southern region of the United States.

Since the drama unfolded with the confederate flag, the online hacktivist/activist group Anonymous has been threatening to expose members of the KKK publicly. Anonymous sent a message to the group early this summer when they shut down the KKK website in order to let them know that they were a target.

Anonymous has officially held firm to their promise to expose 1000 prominent members of the KKK with Operation KKK and an effort they are calling #HoodsOff scheduled for November 5, 2015. Well, Anonymous must have decided to start our week off with a bang because they have already released many of the names a day early. You can find all of the details on Pastebin, right now it includes 57 numbers are 23 email addresses – – CLICK HERE

The list contains the names of

@SenThomTillis (NC)
@SenatorIsakson (GA)
@RepJoeWilson (SC) – If you remember Joe Wilson is famous for screaming “You Lie” during President Obama’s State of the Union Address in 2009

We will keep you updated on Operation KKK throughout the week as Anoymous updates their list. Just do yourselves a favor, don’t piss off Anonymous.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Y.E.S. ! Yes, we live for young, successful entrepreneurs and that is why we’ve created Y.E.S. also known as the Young Entrepreneur’s Spotlight. In the current edition of Syllabus Magazine we take ride over to Florence, South Carolina to Addie’s Baby Paint and Wine Studio to find out the recipe for success from the creative and talented owner, Winter Moore.

In the heart of downtown Florence, you can find her bold, artsy studio where she not only has some of her area’s most eclectic events, but this is where lovers of art and wine can come and explore their creativity, while having a great time. In the current issue of Syllabus, Winter talks about what it takes in order to use the talents you already have and create and run a SUCCESSFUL business.

From graphic and web design, to body painting, Winter has mastered the art of many things. However, she has also been able to find what so many people are lacking in a business – she found her niche. In Art, she has discovered that she can love what she does everyday and she has built an enterprise from her love of Art.

In the climate of today’s economy, we are noticing a climbing trend of politicians, businessmen even churches pushing entrepreneurship and ownership. With this climing trend it is important to highlight that with hard work, consistency and talent, the goals of owning a business are possible. I believe that Winter Moore is the perfect teacher who can offer words of wisdom to those seeking to take the dive into owning their own business.

In her interview Winter dropped plenty of gems. When we asked, “what was one thing entrepreneurs are missing that prevents them from being successful”, Winter went on to explain the importance of not being afraid of making the first move. She went on to say, “waiting for the perfect time is never as smart as making progress.”

Winter went on to share many other pearls of wisdom and we look forward to sharing Winter and all of her wisdom in the current issue of Syllabus Mag.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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The basis of this blog is to simply share one word. YUK! YUK is the word, and I’m not particularly certain that YUK is an actual word, but right now, it is the only word I can use to describe the recent reports about red meat, hot dogs, bacon, etc.

Sadly, NONE of this information is surprising. My close friends know that I talk about clean eating, non-GMO foods, processed meats and Kombucha (which they call kukamunga) all the time. However the recent CNN article titled, “10% of Vegetarian Hot Dogs Contain Meat” had me a little bothered. Basically, there was a recent study done by a company called Clear Labs, where they analyzed specific foods. Here are some of the findings, get ready to be grossed out:
–10% of veggie hot dogs contain meat
4 of its 21 vegetarian samples had “hygiene issues”

–2% of their hot dog samples had human DNA
2/3 of its veggie samples had human DNA
14.4% of the hot dogs and sausages tested were “problematic”

–They found nutritional label inaccuracies, pork substitutes, unexpected ingredients including chicken & lamb

–THESE BRANDS HAD THE HIGHEST RATING STANDARDS: Butterball, McCormick, Eckrich & Hebrew National, with scores of 96 out of 100

According to CNN’s interview with Martin Wiedmann, a Cornell University professor, he said this study tell us nothing new about hot dogs, he feels like its creative marketing in order for Clear Labs to sell their services.

Another professor, per CNN’s investigation stated the report was “intriguing”. Melinda Wilkins, professor at Michigan State University stated, “the use of genetic analysis in this type of setting is fascinating…we are going to see more of this type of analysis seeing how well food content matches food labels.”

So here’s my take on this news. YUK! I’m one of the “those people”, very concerned about what’s in the foods and have backed away from processed meats for some time now. I don’t think it’s healthy to eat meat every day, backed away from red meats and processed meats quite a bit, but now this is simply going to send me into a new stage of paranoia! OK, paranoia is bit much, but I do believe that our food choices are killing us, and this news story is a great wake up call to what most of us already know. Although that $5.99 meatloaf and mash potatoes from Cracker Barrell sure sounds good, think I’ll pass and just have a green juice. Yay.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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On Thursday, President Obama, during an open forum addressed the purpose of the Black Lives Matter Movement. In the past our president hasn’t explained in such detail his thoughts on the Black Lives Matter Movement, but at the White House this week POTUS addressed some of the issues and concerns that only seem to plague black communities.

In the clip, Obama said, “I think everybody understands all lives matter. I think the reason that the organizers use the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ was not because they were suggesting nobody else’s lives mattered. Rather, what they were suggesting was there is a specific problem that is happening in the African-American community that’s not happening in other communities. And that is a legitimate issue that we’ve got to address. The African-American community is not just making this up.”t

The President continues to accept the fact that there are blacks who are being mistreated in their own communities, but he also adds that people of these communities need to understand the tough job responsibilities of the police departments across America.

The most important part is that Obama stressed that the concerns of black community regarding police brutality is REAL and its not just something that people of color are making up – “There are indeed injustices in African-American communities, “It’s not just something being politicized. It’s real and there’s a history behind it and we have to take it seriously,” Obama said.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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