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For the ninth year in a row, respondents participated in a Gallup Poll and they have ranked President Barack Obama as the most admired man in the United States. In what some are calling a, not-so-surprising defeat, Donald Trump came in second.

Historically the most admired men and women in Gallup polls tend to be sitting or incoming Presidents and first ladies, however Donald Trump’s numbers are below what President-elect Obama’s numbers were back in 2008. Obama as President elect had about a 32 percent support ranking in ’08; however Donald Trump’s numbers are higher than President-elect George Bush’s numbers in 2000, which was only at around a 5% ranking.

Hillary Clinton ranked as the Most Admired Woman for the 15th year in a row, and the 21st time overall. Since her stint as First Lady in 1993, she has only lost the number one spot three times, in ’95 and ’96, to Mother Teresa, and again in 2001, to First Lady Laura Bush. Michelle Obama came in second among Most Admired Women.

Shortly after the news broke regarding the Gallup poll revealing 15% of the respondents chose Trump, compared to 22% of the respondents choosing President Obama, and 12% choosing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump began tweeting critical remarks about President Obama making his transition into the role of President difficult.

Source: Gallup.com

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Most of us are ready for 2016 to get kick rocks; like immediately! As if the election of Donald Trump didn’t make the majority of us miserable, 2016 has taken out some of our most beloved and talented celebrities. Prince, David Bowie, and even within the past few days Carrie Fisher, George Michael and Ricky Harris have all left us in 2016. Right now, this year is leaving us just a little bit nervous, even with only a few days left, the internet doesn’t want to see any more bad news – especially no more deaths, and we are all just trying at this point to get out of 2016 alive!

Of course someone from South Carolina feels the same anxiety; so much so that he has started a Go Fund Me in order to save the actress Betty White from the Grim Reaper, 2016. Straight out of Spartanburg, S.C., a guy by the name of Demetrios Hrysikos is doing what he can to protect everyone’s favorite Golden Girl. The name of the campaign is “Help Protect Betty White from 2016” and his goal for the campaign was $2,000. At 11:00 am after just being up a little over 18 hours, the campaign has already earned over $2300!

Hrysikos stated in his Go Fund Me Summary the following:

“Help 2016 catch these hands if it goes anywhere near Betty White! If she’s okay with it, I will fly to where ever Betty White is and keep her safe till January 1, 2017. Now, assuming she doesn’t want a strange Greek standing guard outside her door all monies will be donated to the Spartanburg Little Theater to help craft new starts of stage and screen to carry the mantle of the legends that have left us this year.”

At least if Betty White decides not to take Hrysikos up on his offer, the money will still be used for a good cause. Even though there are some folks on social media that refuse to find any humor in Hrysikos’ fundraiser, the Spartanburg native has received a great response with fans of Betty White who are also in agreement that 2016 ‘can get these hands’ if it touches Betty White.

In an update Demetrios Hrysikos added, “`2016 has taken so many great artists and SLT helps support and nurture new budding talent in our town. I’d like to think that Betty, Carrie and Bowie would be happy with any proceeds going to that cause, which I assure you it WILL!”

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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0 1918

A United States Court has ruled that it is legal to fire, or simply not hire a person based on if that person wears dreadlocks. During a time when people of color are now embracing their natural hair now, more than ever, this ruling comes as a blow to the natural hair community.

The suit was brought by a woman in Alabama, Chastity Jones, who was fired after being hired at a company called Catastrophe Management Solutions, in Mobile, Alabama. After hiring Jones, the human resource manager commented on Jones’ dreadlocks during a private meeting. Jeannie Wilson, the HR manager told Chastity Jones during a scheduling meeting that, “they tend to get messy, although I’m not saying yours are, but you know what I’m talking about,” referring to her dreadlocks. Wilson then told Jones they would not bring her on board with her dreadlocks, and terminated her job offer.

According to NBC, the suit by the EEOC claims:

“this was a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964’s Title VII, arguing that dreadlocks are a “racial characteristic” that have been historically used to stereotype African-Americans as “not team players” and as unfit for the workplace. Therefore, claiming that dreadlocks do not fit a grooming policy is based on these stereotypes and inherently discriminatory, as dreadlocks are a hairstyle “physiologically and culturally associated” with African-Americans.”

The court of appeals disagreed. They ruled that CMS’s:

“race-neutral grooming policy” was not discriminatory as hairstyles, while “culturally associated with race,” are not “immutable physical characteristics.” In essence, traits in a person’s appearance that are tied to their culture but are otherwise changeable are not protected and can be used to deny job offers.”

These types of restrictions, especially against African Americans with natural hair styles have also been carried out in schools and businesses across the country. This is just further proof that the fight for equality and fairness in this country still continues.

Source: NBC News

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Kemba Smith during a greet with formerly incarcerated individuals

December 19, 2016

According to the Associated Press, President Obama has granted the pardons of 78 inmates and he shortened sentences for 153 more inmates who have been convicted of federal crimes. This is the most pardons and sentence reductions ever granted in one day by any president.

This news also comes on the same day as the official electoral vote making Donald Trump President of the United States. Feelings about the future of America are still making some Hillary voters nervous. Many are grateful to see that President Obama was able to assist in getting some of the unreasonable and lengthy sentences dropped or reduced.


November 22, 2016

Obama just set a record for the total amount of communtations for a sitting U.S. President. Currently, President Obama has reduced more sentences for inmates than 11 of the previous U.S. Presidents combined.

This Tuesday, he reduced sentences for an additional 79 prisoners, which marked his 1,000th commutation. For anyone concerned about the reversing the affects of harsh sentences for non-violent prisoners, this is a win for the cause. Obama and his staff are not finished; until Trump takes office, they plan on continuing to grant commutations to prisoners for the remaining months of his presidency.

According to Neil Eggleston, White House Counsel:

Of the total commutations, 342 were serving life sentences adn 839 have been granted this year.

The goal of the Obama administration, the goal is to “bring existing sentences of inmates in line with current laws, which have been relaxed after an era of strict mandatory minimums – mostly related to non-violent drug crimes.”

Our President is fair. We will miss you President Obama.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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0 1929

Despite protests happening has we speak against last month’s election, the electoral college is scheduled to meet today to officially seal the deal, making Donald Trump the President of the United States.

Today the members of the electoral college, composed of 538 members from all states, will cast their official ballot on behalf of the voters from their perspective states. Despite claims that Donald Trump won with a landslide vote, it is predicted that he has garnered 56.9% of electoral votes; under the assumption that the electoral college plans to vote in line with the voters from their state.

Electors from each state are gathering at their perspective state capitals today to sign six certifications, which officially casts their vote for the President and Vice President of the United States. Then, on January 6, 2017 Congress my meet to officially count the electoral votes.

Currently, in many states, including South Carolina protesters have gathered to speak out against Trump becoming President and to speak out against the election process. Protesters are hoping that some electors will go against their state and change their vote in favor of a different candidate. Electors are scheduled to begin at 11:00 am today.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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