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LiAngelo Ball, a kid who literally has his entire life mapped out for him, was finally released from the custody of the Chinese government, alongside his two teammates – and they have President Donald Trump to thank!

According to the Wall Street Journal, the players were seen boarding a Delta flight to return home, after being detained for over 7 days. Donald Trump, who just happened to be on tour, was able to speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping about the players during his trip to Asia – and in less than 24 hours, they were released.

This is definitely a win for Donald Trump. This shows that he can be a great negotiator, and it also shows that he had he cared enough to take a moment during his important, diplomatic trip to China, in order to discuss releasing them from the custody of the Chinese government. Although here in America, shoplifting may not seem like a big deal, however in China, LiAngelo Ball, Cody Riley, and Jalen Hill could have faced up to 10 years in a Chines prison. We also know that Ball’s loud, outspoken dad, LaVar Ball loves sharing the things Trump says, and is somewhat of a fan of the President, so we will probably be hearing plenty of Presidential shout-outs during Ball’s interviews.

This story can be a great teaching opportunity for kids. These players, who are a part of one of the best basketball squads at the college level, almost had their lives and their freedom snatched away because of bad choices, bad influences, and bad judgement. Any person with common sense knows not to steal, but going to a foreign country to steal – especially a country like China who’s government is stern and strict, is simply ludicrous! Though these kids are young, and people make mistakes, this is a lesson for all kids and teens that their bad choices may not end with the POTUS coming to save their lives. Bad choices could change the trajectory of their futures forever. Let’s hope these players learn from this and continue to live successful lives.

Source: Wall Street Journal

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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The headlines read: “NFL Ratings Are Down Because the Product is Bad”, then you have “NFL Ratings Fall 13% As Irma Slams Into Florida” and of course you see, “NFL Ratings Slump, Again”. Meanwhile, any person participating in their own version of the Colin Kaepernick protest believes that we have played an intricate part in this ratings slump kerfuffle.

21.8 million NFL fans tuned in for the kickoff of 2017 regular season football. This is a 13% decline from 2016’s opening last year for the NFL and NBC. Not only is this disappointing, but this represents the worst opening game the league has seen since 2009. This season marks the first time in five years that the NFL has an audience that fell below 25 million viewers.

Based on ratings this past Thursday and Sunday night, views are down double-digits. But, the strange thing is so many outlets, in both television, online and print are giving readers a varying amount of reasons as to why this slump is happening, and many of them are not mentioning Colin Kaepernick.

The big black elephant in the room is what many of these reporters don’t want to mention. Could it be that we are seeing such a decline in ratings due to many Americans around the country who are taking a stand and refusing to watch any NFL games in solidarity with our brother Colin Kaepernick? These are not just black Americans – people of all colors are joining in and taking a stand against what we know to be the black-balling of a black player who took a stand (or a knee) against the establishment.

Granted, Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, did play a major part in ratings. Both storms slammed into our coasts on two consecutive Sundays, causing people to tune into local weather, news, or the weather channel. Meanwhile, some analysts suspect that the games are simply not exciting enough to get fans to tune in. With so many factors, we still hang our hope on the fact that widespread Kaepernick protest will continue to affect Nielsen ratings. In many instances, some can even see a lack of posts and tweets on social media – people are becoming disinterested, disappointed and fed up with the NFL.

The hope is that people’s frustration with the organization are grabbing the attention of league owners. hopes that this will grab the attention of the league. You hear many say that protesting won’t make a difference – but hell, continuing to support the league in light of their obvious racist behavior, most definitely will not make a difference.

In the meantime cable news and weather have almost tripled in viewership. Why do we care? Why is this important? Why is this the right time to continue to protest? They are called ADVERTISERS. This is how the NFL makes billions per year, along with ticket sales and merchandise. Last year, the NFL drew approximately $4.2 billion in regular season football ad sales alone. Advertisers go where the viewers go, and advertisers leave when the viewers leave – get it.

Investors, advertisers, and analysts are keeping a close eye on these slumping numbers. This week is especially important because everyone will pay close attention since analysts are blaming the slump on hurricane coverage over the past few weeks. Will a week without a major weather threat cause viewers to watch more football this week? Viewers and viewership are important to the NFL, and there was a prediction that in 2017 ratings would rebound after a 9% drop last year. However, after two disappointing weeks for the league, they are not off to a great start.

To those of us participating in our own personal versions of an NFL protest – continue to stand strong (insert raised fist here). The unjust treatment of a player, who simply practiced his own version of a peaceful protest, will not be forgotten.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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0 3521
Ole Miss Track and Field at the 2016 NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Championships in Eugene, OR. Photo by Joshua McCoy/Ole Miss Athletics

Charleston, SC native, Burke High School alumni and Olympian, Raven Saunders has plenty to celebrate this summer. Saunders competed in the U.S. Track and Field outdoor championships in Sacramento, CA and her performance was stellar. She unleashed a winning throw in the final round of the shot-put competition, earning her a chance to compete in London this August.

Raven broke her own personal-best record by throwing 64 feet, 10 inches, taking the first place medal and beating 2016 gold medalist, Michelle Carter. Not only did Raven surpass her own record, but her throw became the world’s best throw this year, and the fourth-best in the history of the United States. This dynamic record merely compliments Raven’s four NCAA titles and her 5th place Olympic finish in Rio de Janeiro in 2016.

Raven will go on to advance to the 2017 USA Shot Put Champion for the USA World Championship Team in London this August.

<blockquote class=”instagram-media” data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version=”7″ style=” background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% – 2px); width:calc(100% – 2px);”><div style=”padding:8px;”> <div style=” background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;”> <div style=” background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;”></div></div> <p style=” margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;”> <a href=”” style=” color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;” target=”_blank”>2 weeks ago took an L but this week I bounced back. Happy to say I&#39;m the 2017 USA Shot Put Champion and qualified for the USA World Championship Team in London. Man this year has had sooo many ups and downs, but I&#39;m back. #Monster #beast #Usa #tracknation #throwernation #usachampion #london #london2017 #hulk #hulksmash #olemiss #rebels #southcarolina #charleston #monsterenergy</a></p> <p style=” color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;”>A post shared by Raven Hulk Saunders (@giveme1shot__) on <time style=” font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;” datetime=”2017-06-24T21:34:40+00:00″>Jun 24, 2017 at 2:34pm PDT</time></p></div></blockquote>
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Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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To watch three young ladies deal with being in a situation where they don’t have a permanent home, but despite that, they are still smiling, still positive, and still out there slaying the track and bringing home medals, should be all the motivation one needs for a week!

Sports Illustrated
Sports Illustrated

Meet eleven-year-old Tai Sheppard, ten-year-old Rainn Sheppard, and nine-year-old Brooke Sheppard, the three siblings who have been named Sports Illustrated Sportskids of the Year for 2016. This track and field trio, who are not even teens yet, are young but they have enormous dreams and goals.

According to the Sports Illustrated article,Tai wants to compete in the AAU Junior Olympics every year. This year she placed second in the 80-meter hurdles; it was her second time competing in the Houston competition. Rainn stated that she wanted to compete in the Olympics one day. She brought the gold home from Houston after winning her 3,000 meter race. Brooke, the youngest says her goals are to get faster and jump higher, she also placed second in Houston, competing in the High Jump competition.

Their mom credits their track coaches with their confidence. In the sports illustrated issue, she discussed how their coaches have influenced her girls; “I think it’s given them a sense of security,” says Tonia Handy, the mother of three. Tonia Handy works hard to support her daughters and right now they are living in a two bedroom unit homeless shelter.

Despite challenging times, the girls have a level of grace and optimism that appears to be unmatched. Along with dominating kids track and field, they also maintain A’s and B’s in school. By the way, they have only been competing for two years. Something tells me these three will be walking in the footsteps similar to two very successful tennis players – Good luck ladies, your hard work is sure to pay off!

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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“No, I wouldn’t discipline my player for that. I think everyone has a right to express themselves….but i don’t think it’s good to be a distraction to your team.”

~Coach Dabo Swinney, Head Coach of Clemson Tigers

At a press conference today, Coach Dabo Swinney, head football coach at Clemson University in South Carolina took a few moments to address the question about possible punishments for players who decide to kneel during the National Anthem. Colin Kaepernick has been making national headlines for his stance to sit during the national anthem as a symbolic protest against police brutality.

When Swinney was asked about issuing punishments for players who followed Kaepernick’s protest, he took some time to explain why he would not punish any of his players. Swinney feels that although he believes that what Kaepernick is a doing is a distraction to the team in its entirety, he would not punish a player who chose to do so because it is their right. He also explains how he hates what is going on in this country, discusses the leadership of Martin Luther King, and Jesus. Take a listen.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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