Fantasia Cancels “All Lives Matter” Concert After Social Media Bashing; Reschedules For...

Fantasia Cancels “All Lives Matter” Concert After Social Media Bashing; Reschedules For Next Week

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Fantasia headed to social media on Sunday to promote her “All Lives Matter” event and all hell broke loose. The post has been taken down from Twitter, but the artist decided to put together and event in response to the recent riots occurring on the brink of the murder of Keith Lamont Scott at the hands of undercover police officers. The event flyer supported the All Lives Matter movement and would feature Anthony Hamilton, John P. Kee, Fantasia and other celebs. Fantasia stated on her Facebook page that it was a call of action for prayer and that All Lives do matter and need prayer; you can see her complete statement, along with her husband’s perspective in the video below.

Anthony Hamilton has spoken out regarding the All Lives Matter flyer and said he had not approved the flyer. He also stated he has four black sons and discusses his stance and encourages anyone who is interested in finding out how he feels about Black Lives Matter to go and read his article written on The Root, published two days ago.

Of course, social media and supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement seemed to be in shock at the flyer and Fantasia supporting the All Lives Matter movement. Check out some of the hilarious tweets below. We must admit some of the tweets regarding Fantasia were so harsh, we cannot share them here, but we must share some of the views for so many that seem to be disappointed at Fantasia’s choice to support the All Lives Matter movement.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion