#GKMC Good Kids Mad City : Teens Fighting For Their Future

#GKMC Good Kids Mad City : Teens Fighting For Their Future

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Teens Continue To Fight

Make sure you all check out #GoodKidsMadCity ; the name was of course inspired by Kendrick Lamar’s album. This group of teens created an advocacy group after the shooting at Parkland in Florida, and they stand in support of the students of color at Parkland, who they believe were underrepresented. #GKMC are comprised of students in Chicago, DC and Baltimore, and they’ve gotten together to organize against gun violence within their communities and across the country. These students also speak out and stand up against any unfair decisions being made by city and government officials within their local communities. #GKMC have been very vocal, speaking out against Chicago’s mayor, Rahm Emanuel, for closing public schools in Black and Latino neighborhoods, affecting over 12,000 students mainly in low income neighborhoods of color.

In Chicago, students are fighting against the city closing many of their schools, not providing adequate services to students, and not being given the necessary resources for their inner city schools. For example, in December the school board closed five additional schools. Because the city lacks resources, they also let students out early because the school lacked heat – in Chicago! Students were coming to school with additional layers of clothing on in order to stay warm while trying to get an education. Really, how is a student supposed to learn properly within these conditions?

This is just one of the many problems that are plaguing some of these students in larger inner cities. We haven’t even gotten into the gun and gang violence that affects Chicago, DC, and Baltimore. The city should be grateful that there are a number of youth who have decided to speak out and demand action. These students are now raising money through GoFundMe, the students are demanding: Investment in youth employment, Investments in wrap-around services in schools (Trauma-Informed Schools- health), Equitable School funding, and Investment in mental health. You can log on to the GoFundMe page and read the details of their demands. #GKMC is trying to raise $10,000 in order to continue their fight against the people in power, violence prevention methods, and support of the local youth who have decided to take a stand and fight for their future. Click Here To Support #GKMC

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion