Homeless Guy from Florence, SC #WillSangForFood Video gone Viral

Homeless Guy from Florence, SC #WillSangForFood Video gone Viral

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Florence, SC, where have you been hiding this guy? His name is Byron Artrell McCullough, and his YouTube video is making its way across the internet with almost 500,000 views! After serving a little over three years in prison on drug charges, McCullough is using his natural talents to change his life.

McCullough told the New York Daily News, “I’m “I’m trying to show, if you show people you are trying to help yourself first, then people will be more willing to give you help,” he said. “Homeless people are people, too. Life does just happen, that can make people feel overwhelmed at times. People should stop judging the homeless. If you don’t have money to give them, try to give them some guidance and support.”

This 28 year-old, is South Carolina’s newest internet sensation, you can even follow Mr. McCullough on Twitter, his handle is @No_Cash_Flr .

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion