Jaelyn Young Faces 20 Years in Prison for Conspiring with ISIS

Jaelyn Young Faces 20 Years in Prison for Conspiring with ISIS

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In this week’s “Girl are you crazy” news, former Mississippi State University student, Jaelyn Young plead guilty of conspiring with ISIS. Not only is she facing 20-years in prison, but she also faces lifetime probation and $250,000 in fines. Young plead guilty to one count of conspiring to give material support to a terrorist organization.

In a letter left for her family, Jaelyn expressed her plans to leave and join the Islamic State. According the the New York Post, she wrote, “I found the contacts, made arrangements, planned the departure.” Her fiance, Muhammad Dakhlalla also plead guilty to similar charges and is awaiting sentencing after being accused of coercing Dakhlalla to join ISIS. Prosecutors are accusing Young of coercing her fiance into the plan to join the terrorist group. Young used her mother’s credit card without her permission and concocted a story about getting married and traveling for their honeymoon.


Jaelyn, the daughter of a school administrator and a police officer who served in the Navy reserve, was a Chemistry major, cheerleader, former honor student, and homecoming maid in High School. While at Mississippi State, Jaelyn converted to Islam and became interested in ISIS after watching YouTube videos online. The couple was arrested August 2015 trying to board a flight headed to Istanbul, Turkey.

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