K Michelle Says She’s Getting Back To Her Old Self; and...

K Michelle Says She’s Getting Back To Her Old Self; and Why We Should Applaud Her

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Right now, actor/singer K Michelle has the internet buzzing after she posted a picture of her smaller frame on Instagram. A few months ago during a B. Scott interview, K Michelle stated that she was considering reducing the size of her assets, simply because it was too much and she believed that it was hindering her in moving forward with her career and people in the industry weren’t taking her seriously. There have been some other reality show stars, such as Draya who stated in the past she would remove her breast implants (not sure if that ever happened).

On yesterday, K Michelle posted some pictures of Betsy (the name she has given her bottom) with the quote, “Betsy is smaller, but she still makes a statement. Sometimes less is more. Not finished yet, but feeling liberated, getting back to myself.”

For most people, this post may seem a bit superficial; however, K Michelle should be commended for her transparency regarding her past surgeries and the fact that she is coming to the realization that her body, at it’s ALMOST natural state is just fine. Right now America is dealing with a huge epidemic of women and girls who are growing up insecure. There is a difference between wanting to dress up and look pretty by adding some hair and makeup and going under the knife. Right now women are putting their lives at risk for bigger breast and gigantic assess that don’t even look appealing – check out this post HERE.

According to E Online, Americans spent $12.9 BILLION on cosmetic procedures in 2014, ….females made up 92% of all surgeries. White women had the most work done, followed surprisingly by Hispanic women, and third were African American and Asians. Eyelid surgery was the most popular for Asian women and Tummy Tucks were the most popular for African American women. With Billions of dollars being spent and 1.3 million African American women having surgery in 2014, it is obvious that we are in a society that has become completely obsessed with looks. BY THE WAY… according to AmericanProgress.org, African American women have higher rates of unemployment than white women and continue to have lower amounts of weekly usual earnings and median wealth compared to their male counterparts and white women. This leaves a growing portion of our population more vulnerable to poverty – SO WHERE ARE YOU ALL GETTING THIS MONEY?!

Now let’s get something clear. I know this sounds like a post against plastic surgery, but it’s really not. If a woman chooses to enhance ANY part of her body to make herself feel good, that is her right. Every one of us has something about ourselves that we wish could be a little tighter, a bit bigger, or slightly rounder – if we are being honest. However, we all know that K Michelle’s ass was RiDONKulous! Plastic surgeries and enhancements tend to become addictive for many women because once they improve one thing, then they have ideas on something else they can improve – which turns in to a never ending cycle for many women. This is why we have to give K Michelle some props. Yes, I know many of you are going to say, ‘but she still has been enhanced’ and that may or may not be true. However, the body pics that she placed on Instagram show a petite woman, who is well proportioned; her butt looks like a normal butt you would see on any woman. It is not the unrealistic Jessica Rabbit shape that we have seen in the past from K, Blak Chyna, and so many others. It is the unrealistic expectations that have been forced on women and young girls that have them injecting their bodies with substances and chemicals not approved by a medical society. It is the desire to look perfect that has them placing implants in their bodies that rot and mold; which then seeps into the blood stream and cause greater health risks.

K Michelle, unlike most of Hollywood, has been one of the most honest about her surgeries and her need to look a certain way. Most of these entertainers and Instagram stars will never tell you the real deal on how they are able to look so perfect – trust Photoshop and camera filters do eighty percent of the work. K Michelle placing a pic on Instagram stating she is ‘getting back to her old self’ is a bold start for her; it is an indication that she is realizing that maybe her old self IS good enough. A celebrity like K Michelle, who has a huge niche market on African American woman, publicly confessing that “sometimes less is more” is a major win for her because she is spreading a message to all of those women who have looked at her with hopes of having a tiny waste with outrageous assets. With her transparency and honesty, she is letting women know she has come to the realization the she has always been good enough. Let’s hope the rest of us hold on to that realization in our own lives.

Let me know what you think?!

Thank you @eburnsprepjerks @ellaelisque album3march #atlanticrecords A photo posted by K. Michelle (@kmichellemusic) on


American Progress

E! Online


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