Make College Great Again: A Georgia University Plans on Teaching a Class...

Make College Great Again: A Georgia University Plans on Teaching a Class About Outkast

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Where were professors like this when I was in college? Of course Shakespeare was important, chemistry class was beneficial and let’s not forget how monumental our college level astronomy courses changed our lives. OK, that’s sarcasm, but what I could have used more in my life as a sophomore in college was more hip-hop and less accounting; and apparently there is a college professor at Armstrong State University in Savannah making all of our collegiate wishes come true.

Dr. Regina photo from

Doctor Regina Bradley, according to Savannah Now, is offering an upper-level English course based on the writings of the Southernplayalistic duo. She states the course will focus on, “how Outkast’s “ideas about the South and southernness seep into other Southern writers.” During this course students will listen and analyze Outkast and other southern hip-hop artists, and draw relationships between them and society including Black Lives Matter and politics.

Doctor Bradley’s goal is to bridge the gap between pop culture and its influence on the outlook, thoughts and opinions the youngsters influenced by this culture, she says “My areas of interest are African-American literature and popular culture, I try to find ways to connect those.” Kids who participate in this course, which is already full, will have a final project that will require them to write a 12-15 page paper, Doctor Brandley calls it a “nerdy hip-hop review where they take an album of their choice — preferably an Outkast album — and give a discussion of the themes and what they hear.”

Dr. Regina Bradley is the perfect choice to lead a class like this because she is also a Nasir Jones fellow of Harvard University’s Hiphop Archive & Research Institute.

Armstrong Univ website

Source: Savannah Now

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