#Music: Master P New Track in ResponseTo Civilian / Police Brutality

#Music: Master P New Track in ResponseTo Civilian / Police Brutality

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Master P alongside is daughter Cymphonique are taking a political/musical stance by releasing new song in the wake of violence against unarmed citizens and violence against the police. “You Need Me And I Need You” was released this week to as a response to the senseless gun violence plaguing America.

Master P says:
I am saddened and disappointed that this is happening in America. I am not saying all cops are all bad, but those that commit crimes should be tried as criminals just like everyone else. For those cops that are doing great jobs in the community, they should be honored. No more paid vacations for killing people in cold blood.”

“Waking up and seeing Alton Sterling murdered for selling CDs in Baton Rouge which is my own backyard, is heartbreaking, this could have been me. Then the next day I see another African American man getting gunned down on Facebook, next to his girlfriend. On top of that, five policemen is murdered in Dallas. This is unacceptable. The only way that we’re going to be able to fight this is with love.”

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion