Mysonne Honors Black Women in the “Nice For What” Remix

Mysonne Honors Black Women in the “Nice For What” Remix

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The ladies are appreciating the love that many men are showing, to honor black women; especially in the music industry. For so long, the music industry had been plagued with misogynistic overtones, that have been specifically aimed at black women. It is great to see that a few artists are now recogzining the importance of turning the tables on traditional, sexist hip hop lyrics.

Drake came with the summer slayer, “Nice For What” which is currently number 1 on Billboard’s Top 100. Mysonne, who is a rapper/activists decided to put his own spin on the record. In his lyrics, he recogizes the sacrifices black women have made for the culture, even though they are often overlooked.

But Nah, We neglect our women
We dont protect our women, We dont respect our women
We love everyone except our women
Then, we expect our women to just – Trust Us
We dont make sure our women get justice
They fight for us with everything they can muster
We mustve
Forgot our purpose
We disregard our earth
And just allow our worth – to diminish
We aint handling business
Some of these women is riding harder than men is…

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion