Our Favorite ‘Awkward Black Girl’ Issa Rae, Raises $290,000 in One Day,...

Our Favorite ‘Awkward Black Girl’ Issa Rae, Raises $290,000 in One Day, for the Children of Alton Sterling

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You have to find a silver lining within all of the dark clouds. One of our favorite film directors decided to do her part, and use her star power for good. While we continue to debate, mourn, and just sit in unbelief over what has happened over the past few days in the cases of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Delrawn Small and Dylan Noble, Issa Rae is making a difference.


Issa Rae made a suggestion that a scholarship fund is established for the children of Alton Sterlng via her twitter account. She took her suggestion and started the fund herself, called it the #AltonSterling Family Scholarship Fund and placed the link on twitter: gofundme.com/2d3eze7g In one day since posting the link, Issa raised $290,000. Click the link and continue to donate if you can. Kudos to Isa Rae!issa1

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