0 1661
If you are from the Carolinas and you are closely connected to the music scenes in your city, then you have probably had this...

0 1463
2016 was simply...one hell of a year! Despite some major events that went down this year including the notorious police trials across the country,...

0 1852
Tatiana Tucker (Goodcreditdiva) Your credit score in some ways is meant to be a snapshot of your overall financial habits - especially your habits surrounding...

0 1484
For the ninth year in a row, respondents participated in a Gallup Poll and they have ranked President Barack Obama as the most admired...

0 2651
Most of us are ready for 2016 to get kick rocks; like immediately! As if the election of Donald Trump didn’t make the majority...

0 1918
A United States Court has ruled that it is legal to fire, or simply not hire a person based on if that person wears dreadlocks....

0 2306
December 19, 2016 According to the Associated Press, President Obama has granted the pardons of 78 inmates and he shortened sentences for 153 more inmates...

0 1929
Despite protests happening has we speak against last month's election, the electoral college is scheduled to meet today to officially seal the deal, making...



0 9964
Dear Ranky Tanky, Ya'll Did THAT! When was the last time you watched a music video that made you smile from start to finish? Now,...


0 12313
The Godfather of Tennessee Whiskey - Uncle Nearest The next time you order your Jack & Coke, Manhattan, Whiskey Sour, or Irish Coffee, if they...