Sandra Bland’s family has settled for $1.9 million in a wrongful death...

Sandra Bland’s family has settled for $1.9 million in a wrongful death suit

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Sandra Bland’s family has settled for $1.9 million in a wrongful death suit against Waller County, Texas. The settlement is not only a financial one, but it includes changes to jail procedures within the Waller County, Texas jail. Some of the procedural changes include:

  1. use of automated electronic sensors to insure cell checks are happening in a timely manner
  2. an on-duty staff nurse or EMT will be available during all shifts
  3. continuing education for jailer screening

Last summer, Sandra Bland was pulled over for failing to use her turn signal, three days later she was found dead in her cell. Her arrest and death launched an overwhelming outrage from people across the country who believed it was unfair, unjust, and racist for Bland to have been arrested in the first place. Protesters across the country believed Bland was a target and the force used against her was excessive. Bland’s refusal to simply put out her cigarette while she was in the confines of her own vehicle, shows one of the many issues that Blacks around the country have when confronting a police officer.

The mystery behind Bland’s death however, still remains. Jailers concluded that she committed suicide; many still believe Bland was murdered. After the wrongful death settlement, “The Waller County judge will be seeking passage of state legislation for more funding for local jails regarding intake and booking, screening and other jail support” says the family’s attorney.

We have seen millions in civil settlements shelled out to families across the country whose loved ones have “mysteriously” (or not so mysteriously) lost their lives while in police custody. While this is merely one remedy, it in no way addresses the looming issues that black citizens in this country have when trying to deal with the police.

Below, Sandra Bland’s mother speaks about the settlement and the changes that will happen within the Waller Country jail.

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