Spelman College Launches Task Force, Considering the Admission of Transgender Students

Spelman College Launches Task Force, Considering the Admission of Transgender Students

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Spelman, a prestigious and historically black, women’s college in Atlanta announced last week in a letter to students, that the school is considering the inclusion of transgender students. President of the College, Mary Schmidt Campbell announced a task force has been convened in order to make recommendations on whether the HBCU will be accepting transgender students.

Founded in 1881, Spelman is merely one of many women’s colleges making considerations on admitting transgender students. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, all of the United States women’s’ colleges dubbed the Seven Sister, have already created policies to accept transgender women into their schools.

Headed by Ingrid Hayes, VP of Enrollment Management at Spelman, the task force will be presenting their recommendations by the end of the year.

Yes, the times are changing people!

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