Tags Posts tagged with "#StayWokeAndVote"


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Despite this weird need that many young blacks have that attempt to sway their counterparts from voting in elections, for various reasons that claim that voting doesn’t make a difference, or things will not change even if they do vote. Candidates are spending millions in an attempt to win the black vote, ancestors died for the right to vote, so convincing anyone that voting is not important doesn’t seem to fall in line with the millions who seek to earn/use these votes. So at a time when so many are trying to convince others not to vote – in walks our favorite rapper of 2016, Chance The Rapper!
Chance sold us on his ability to be cool, be a rapper, and be a positive influence with a combination of things. First, the “No Problems” video is probably one of the greatest videos produced this year, upbeat, lyrically appealing and just plain happy! Chance is also the guy that is always tweeting out positive vibes, even after Wayne announced his possible retirement, Chance tweeted this tweet below:


Who would be more fitting than Chance the Rapper at encouraging voter turnout? Chances, along with the NAACP are teaming up to bring voter registration to different cities during his Magnificent Coloring World Tour. The campaign is called #StayWokeAndVote, NAACP President and CEO Cornell William Brooks goes on to explain:
“Chance the Rapper is an artist whose music praises and lifts up our common humanity, and whose call for actions speaks to the yearning of this moment. This year, more than it has in a generation; we must use the power of our voices and our votes and exercise our sacred right to vote.”


The Magnificent Coloring World Tour kicks off tonight in San Diego ending January 1st in Australia!

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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