Tags Posts tagged with "Syphilis"


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The Stats

  • Syphilis has risen 76 percent to 30,644
  • Gonorrhea Diagnoses increased 67 percent to 555,608
  • Chlamydia is the most common STD with almost 1.7 million cases in 2017; in 2013 that number was 1.4 million.
  • Half of Chlamydia cases were girls, ages 15 to 24
  • Many Americans are walking around UNDIAGNOSED
  • Gonorrhea in men almost doubled to 322,169 in 2017, compared to 2013.
  • In women, Gonorrhea rose almost 18 percent to 232,587
  • In the 70s, Gonorrhea reached infected over 1,000,000 people annually; these numbers were declining until the past 4 years.

2.3 million cases of diseases in 2017

The U.S. has recorded a record number of sexually transmitted diseases in the year 2017. This marks the fourth year in-a-row, that there has been an alarming increase in gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

We are sliding backwards

“We are sliding backwards. It is evident the systems used to I.D., treat, and ultimately prevent STDs are strained to near-breaking point.” – Jonathan Mermin, Director of the CDC’s National STD Center

“The rise is due to stagnant federal funding for prevention efforts, a lack of screening and a decrease in condom use. Also, lack of awareness that some methods used to prevent other sexually related conditions – such as IUDs and a pill to reduce the risk of HIV – don’t protect against common STD’s.” – David Harvey – Executive Director, National Coalition of STD Directors

Resistant Gonorrhea Has Emerged

The growing trend has been exacerbated by the fact that gonorrhea could soon become resistant to antibiotics; along with prevention efforts that have decreased over the years. Experts have also claimed people are using condoms less than they did in the past.

“We expect gonorrhea will eventually wear down our last highly effective antibiotic, and additional treatment options are urgently needed.” Gail Bolan, Director of CDC’s Division of STD Prevention


Many People in the U.S. are Not Being Diagnosed or Treated

Many people are living in the U.S. , have diseases, and are untreated and diagnosed. Not treating these diseases could cause infertility, stillbirth, and increased risks of HIV. Most of the time, these diseases can be cured with an antibiotic. However, gonorrhea has become resistant to almost every class of antibiotic except Ceftriaxone.

Source: Bloomberg

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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photo credit: istock

Milwaukee, Wisconsin is experiencing what health officials are calling a “massive outbreak” of HIV and Syphilis in a small ‘cluster’ area of the city. The Aids Resource Center in Milwaukee is reporting that 125 people have contracted HIV and Syphilis; and they are all connected in some way.

According to Michael Gifford, President of the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, “Milwaukee unfortunately has one of the highest STD rates of any city in America.” So far only 125 people have been identified, but the number is predicted to increase. Unfortunately, this ‘cluster’ includes a few students at the same school between the ages of 15-18, so the public school district has now gotten involved.

“Because schools have a significant number of students in the 15-18 age group, we are working with the Milwaukee Health Department, in a collaborative and preventive effort, to share information with young people in middle schools and high schools to keep them healthy and to protect their health.”

Here are some other alarming facts regarding the HIV/Syphilis Outbreak in Milwaukee:

  • This outbreak is being reported as one of the largest sexually transmitted infection “clusters” discovered in the city.
  • Less than 10 percent of the cases in the cluster are students, but the numbers will probably increase as more people get tested
  • This cluster of people that tested positive are all connected, and were in contact with each other during a 12-month period
  • 45% of the Men tested in this cluster were HIV Positive
  • Info about which school has the kids that were infected will not be released
  • 3 babies were born within this cluster, were born with Syphilis
  • The Milwaukee Health Department released a statement that “the entire city is experiencing an increase in sexually transmitted infections in young people ages 15 to 24.”

The most disturbing part (as if the entire story isn’t disturbing) is that correlation that all of the cluster has been in contact with each other, and there is a mixture of adult men AND children. In many towns around the United States, we are experiencing the same thing; a spike in the number of young people testing positive for HIV, and Syphilis has officially made a comeback.

The only good that can come from this is that we can use this story as a teachable moment for young kids in hopes that they abstain from sexual activity, or wrap it up (we prefer they abstain).

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Remember all those young ladies on social media who proclaimed to be proud of the fact that they were “dealing wit daddy” (aka willingly cheating with someone’s man/significant other), well can someone please inform them that they may want to consider rethinking their life goals.

On yesterday, the World Health Organization, which monitors disease outbreaks, announced the world is running out of ways to treat gonorrhea, which was once easily curable. Gonorrhea is becoming increasingly resistant to the world’s antibiotics due to overuse and misuse. WHO has published new guidelines for the treatment of gonorrhea, along with chlamydia and syphilis which are also becoming resistant to drugs.

For those of you being treated currently, if your doctor has prescribed the common treatment of quinolones, you should see your healthcare provider immediately; doctors are now required to use cephalosporins, a different class of antibiotics. Ian Askew, Director of Reproductive Health and Research for WHO explains:

“Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis are major public health problems worldwide, affecting millions of peoples’ quality of life, causing serious illness and sometimes death. The new WHO guidelines reinforce the need to treat these STIs with the right antibiotic, at the right dose, and the right time to reduce their spread and improve sexual and reproductive health.”

Unfortunately, in some countries gonorrhea is becoming resistant to some of the new treatments of cephalosporins; WHO is already planning to have a new drug ready in about five years.

WHO cautions women especially about these resistant sexual infections. They warn gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis are especially dangerous when untreated in women. They can cause long-term reproductive health problems, including pelvic inflammatory disease and miscarriage​. In both men and women, untreated gonorrhea and chlamydia can cause infertility, and seriously increase the risk of becoming infected with HIV.

So in the meantime, now that young people seem to be more sexually free than ever before. In a country where “dealing with daddy” is some sort of lame badge of honor among many young women (and some old ones). Continue to keep your health a priority, be careful, protect yourself and trade the corny, risky “dealing” behaviors in for a safer lifestyle – just love yourself.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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