The “Black Trend”

The “Black Trend”

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The “Black Trend”

Has anyone noticed a new “trend” walking among us? It seems as if we are starting to see styles/trends that we are now having to defend; styles we have been rocking for years, and all of a sudden they went from being “ghetto “ to “urban-chic“.


For years, Europeans have mimicked black women( that’s also goes with the understanding that yes, we have done the same i.e. “weave”; but that’s another blog). But anyway, these days it seems that our physical features and hairstyles have become more than just a “fad”, but a new way of life for many European celebs.

From Kylie Jenner’s lip challenge; in which young girls were putting their lips in shot glasses in order to make them plump. This weird craze caused many of them to damage their face and lips during the experiment. Since then, in order to make the process safer, lip “plumpers” have been created. Remember, many of these people are after the same lips that they make fun of all of the time. Anybody remember the Jim Crow caricatures where black lips were drawn huge and pink? , Yeah this would be similar behavior, but in reverse .Crazy right?


Hey but they want to be like us right? So I say we drop them off in the hood or we switch places for a couple of months and give them the same treatment they give us on a daily basis. A taste of their own medicine might change their minds and their lives.

All of this is nothing new because people have been mimicking African Americans for years; even post slavery. I mean where do you think they got all of their ideas from? Egyptians, Native Americans ( i.e. US) because without people of color, America would have never learned how to build, grow, create, or do pretty much anything without blacks and other people of color leading the way.

Now many have accused black women, who wear weaves or straighten their hair, of trying to “be white”. Though, black women have never suffered from any medical injuries from their beauty practices, other than bleaching our hair and skin, which has proven to be damaging. I encourage all Black women to love themselves enough to stop doing these things while trying to please society. When in fact, society wants to be like YOU!

that they would rather succeed at looking like else but have us damage our melanin and hair only to say they created all of our looks.

BYE! Because every black girl has been rocking bantu knots since she could talk, cornrows included so please save us the lies on that. We also have been wearing twists outs we were just putting knockers on them and barrets and bows on the end of them at first.


Oh and OUR hair locs naturally without adding products on it so to the white people claiming you “loc’d “ your hair no , what you did was put products on it and refrained from washing it again in your life so now its stuck together. So again save us the lies please.

It’s sad we live in a world where people want to be like us but at the same time turn us against each other , the problem is its working for the most part. One day we will turn it around , I still hope so.


Instagram : @insomni_act

Twitter: @igothatACTrite



Aqueilla C. Terry, commonly known to many of her followers as “A.C.T” ; is a talented artists of this generation. Born and raised in Richmond, VA is truly a gem of her time. She has been writing for over 10 years as a young child to know a young woman in a world were “words” are her weapon of choice to achieve success. Often considered to be Erykah Badu’s daughter for her way with words, style, presence, music selections and overall persona. A.C.T. is definitely going to take over the world with wide range of creativity. Her ambition is driven by her will to succeed in reaching her goals, but by doing so by remaining herself along the journey. A.C.T. redefines the young black woman by sticking to her beliefs and who she is inside.

Aqueilla C. Terry, commonly known to many of her followers as “A.C.T” ; is a talented artists of this generation. Born and raised in Richmond, VA is truly a gem of her time. She has been writing for over 10 years as a young child to know a young woman in a world were “words” are her weapon of choice to achieve success. Often considered to be Erykah Badu’s daughter for her way with words, style, presence, music selections and overall persona. A.C.T. is definitely going to take over the world with wide range of creativity. Her ambition is driven by her will to succeed in reaching her goals, but by doing so by remaining herself along the journey. A.C.T. redefines the young black woman by sticking to her beliefs and who she is inside.