The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Finally Makes it To Charleston, S.C.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Finally Makes it To Charleston, S.C.

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Does Charleston even realize history was made, right here on Saturday, in North Charleston, South Carolina? The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan finally made it to Charleston, SC this past weekend and his arrival was welcomed despite the seen and unseen forces that have been trying to block him from sharing his words of wisdom.

In September 2015, many residents here in Charleston were bothered about the Minister not being allowed to come and speak. Schools, churches and venues either rejected the Minister’s request to book their venues or made the booking process complicated enough that accommodations were impossible to approve. Possible venues including, Trident Technical College, Mother Emmanuel AME Church, Life Center Cathedral and others either rejected or placed questionable requirements, such has “not allowing attendees to be searched”. Read more Here


One must wonder why some people in Charleston urged the residents of this city to reject the Minister, but revered the fact that “WE” are so forgiving of people like Dylan Roof and Officer Slager. What would cause the African American population in Charleston to hold hands on a bridge, but not be willing to sit at the table, listen and exchange ideas with the Minister and The Nation of Islam?

By 4:30 pm the building of the newly opened Royal Life Center, located on Liberty Hill in North Charleston was already packed, filled with people eager to hear the message Minister Farrakhan has been waiting to deliver to the ‘Holy City’.


The Honorable Minister entered into the Life Center received with a standing ovation. It was clear those of us in the building had been anticipating this event for some time, and it was finally here. The stage was filled with both local activists and politicians both from the Charleston area and those who had traveled to get here.

I remember telling someone that seeing the Minister speak in person was the cultural equivalent to seeing Michael Jackson perform. The Minister standing so tall, regal and at the age of 83, more vibrant than we had imagined through our television and computer screens.

As he started to address the crowd Minister Farrakhan’s made it clear to everyone listening that he was here to bring unity, he stated, “They hate our unity, so if we start coming together, they are frightened.” He went on to enforce the importance of the Muslim community and Christian community of black and brown people coming together by declaring that he and the Nation of Islam are our sisters and brothers. He stated,

“When we leave here today, I want you to know, I am your brother. I am not your enemy or a stranger. I am your Brother in Christ.”

What stood out most during the Minister’s speech was that it was clear he was trying to make the connection for those of us in the building who were Christians and those among us who were of the Muslims faiths. Minister Farrakhan spent much of his speech touching on the teaching of Jesus Christ and the connection that the Christian faith has with the Muslim faith.

The Honorable Minister touched on a large array of topics, including homosexuality, prayer in schools Barack Obama, the upcoming election and his feelings about Hillary Clinton and Trump, the role politicians and preachers have in their local communities and the role of women.

On the topic of homosexuality, the Minister explains, “everywhere you go, men are being turned into women. God created the woman for the man. He created her in such a way that she would attract a natural man.” The Minister obviously holds a high regard for the relationship between men and women, and the issues with sexuality in our culture have caused much concern, especially throughout the black community. Though, many may find his statements controversial.

Minister Farrakhan went on to talk about Barack Obama and his support of Hillary Clinton. He stated, “I’ve never seen a sitting president become a Campaigner in Chief.” The Minister never told anyone how to vote, but he had some specific facts that she shared with the crowd regarding his reasons for not supporting Hillary Clinton.

Although there were many serious topics being discussed, the Minister was actually quite funny while simultaneously giving knowledge and wisdom to the audience. While discussing the Bible, he would say things like,“What a friend we have a Jesus; not that white Jesus, he ain’t never been no friend to you,” and the crowd would roar with laughter. His mixture of satire, his political, theological intellect, and his wisdom was exactly what our community needs as we bare through the upcoming week of ongoing trials for Officer Michael Slager and Dylan Roof.

Minister Farrakhan took a moment to address black women, our buying habits and the responsibility we share when it comes to dealing with men. The minister has been known to share comments regarding women that have rubbed some women the wrong way, but on Saturday he addressed woman in a similar way that a father would address his daughter. He advised that we take a second look on how we spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on hair, nails and other services where the money goes directly into the Korean communities. He also stated that we shouldn’t spend more time, “on our head instead of buying a book to put IN our heads.” He even went on to quote his teacher, the Prophet Elijah Muhammad who said, “There is no such thing as a no good woman. For any ‘no good’ woman there’s a no good man somewhere that made her no good.”

I can go on and on to discuss the three hours of information and gems that were dropped on Saturday, but pictures and more details will be shared in the upcoming issue of Syllabus Magazine. What I can say is that the message was clear, and Minister Farrakhan’s purpose was to make clear that now is the time for black and brown communities, including Muslim, Christian, old and young to come together, he said, “all I’m asking of you is to come into unity with each other.”

The minister didn’t forget to address the local politicians, warning them about encouraging citizens to back other politicians simply because they are interested in their own, individual rise to the top.

As he ended his speech he brought us back to the basis of his beliefs; in order to overcome, we have to have God as our source; “You have to love God with all your soul, heart, and strength” he advised. He went on to explain, “It’s important for you to know Christ because he’s black like you!”

One moment that stood out near the conclusion was how the Minister discuss his life, and if he felt as though his life is still in danger by continuing to share the truth with the world. He answered in his most confident tone by declaring, “they can’t take my life. I’m offering my life to see my people free!”

The turnout Saturday was amazing, and the energy in the Royal Life Center was equally as exhilarating. Even after three hours, it appeared as if Minister Farrakhan could have still continued on for another hour. Thank you Rev. Holt and the Royal Life Center for finally making this happen in a city that needs a new perspective, some new ideas, and some new energy!

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion