The Reverend Clementa C. Pinckney Scholarship Fund Established

The Reverend Clementa C. Pinckney Scholarship Fund Established

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We are approaching the one year mark of the day a peaceful group of Churchgoers gathered on a Tuesday evening for Bible Study at the Mother Emanuel Church in downtown Charleston, SC; when suddenly, their lives were taken in an instant because of the color of their skin. Since then, people around the world have sent their love and donations to Emanuel Church and now, the church and community are saying thank you on behalf of the lives lost on that tragic day.

Because of the generous donations of anonymous donors, Coastal Community Foundation has announced they are handling the fund for the Reverend Pinckney Scholars Program. The fund will award African American students scholarships to promote access to higher education. According to Darrin Goss, Sr, President and CEO of Coastal Community Foundation, “Students participating in the Reverend Pinckney Scholars Program will have the opportunity to receive not just the financial assistance, but to join a growing community of exceptional young leaders from the Lowcountry. We are proud to play some small part in the Reverend Pinckney’s legacy through this scholarship program.”

Along with financial support, the Scholars Program will provide pre-college training and assistance, they will support the students each year, and have workshops during the student’s tenure as a scholar. With this program, many students who may not have the funds available to go to college or have access to supportive services will benefit this fund.

The Reverend Clementa C. Pinckney Scholarship Fund Established at Coastal Community Foundation | Coastal Community Foundation | Coastal Community Foundation empowers individuals, families and organizations to make a lasting impact through permanent, endowed funds for charitable giving.

Applications will be available online at and will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. EST on Friday, April 15, 2016. Visit the web link above for further details on the Reverend Pinckney Scholars Program or contact Sydney Meeks Fowler at or (843) 723-3635.


Source: The Coastal Community Foundation

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