What Really Happened to Kenneka Jenkins: Police Release Footage

What Really Happened to Kenneka Jenkins: Police Release Footage

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There was no rape/murder plot. There was not a snatching of valuable organs from her body. There was no human trafficking. This was merely a fatal mistake, from a teen under the influence. Police have finally release the footage from the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Chicago the night Kenneka Jenkins was found dead in a freezer inside the hotel.

After tons of videos, heresay, and accusations of what may have happened to the young girl on this past Sunday morning, the allegations are now put to rest and now another mother will have to bury her child.

Let’s hope that we can now turn this conversation from murder plots and backstabbing friends, into dialogue about teens, alcohol and drugs.

Rest in peace baby girl.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion