Why More Women Are Saying No to Birth Control, and Traditional Feminine...

Why More Women Are Saying No to Birth Control, and Traditional Feminine Care.

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The internet has been a catalyst for revealing information that people would normally not have access too. Many women are learning that their birth control, pads, and tampons may be more harmful than they are good. Just like food, many of us can turn a blind eye when putting substances into or on our bodies. The same goes for BC; many women have been using birth control since they were pre-teens to combat heavy menstrual cycles and of course using tampons and pads because they are marketed as the only options for women. The internet is quickly changing that.

Many women are opting out of BC, and even mainstream feminine care products. Black women especially are taking an extreme interest in holistic health. It was revealed that besides the side effects BC, can be very dangerous. BC throws off women’s natural hormones because it is filled with synthetic hormones which have left some women sterile after years of use, uterine cysts and many other ailments that are raising eyebrows are becoming common amongst numerous women using BC. According to Truth_Society , BC is highly dangerous and can cause long term damage to women’s bodies. Some of the worst long term effects can range anywhere from cervical cancer, all the way down to gall bladder disease and heart attack. Women are becoming more aware of their bodies, how they feel and how they react to things they consume. Many millennials even have taken it back to old school days and track their menstrual cycles by the moon.

This holistic health movement is becoming very big among Black women and millennials. There are women who are paving the way by being gurus on this subject. One woman in particular who is known on all social media platforms as Nerissa Nefeteri promotes not only natural methods for BC, but also menstrual cups and natural pads for women to wear during their time of the month instead of traditional options. Tampons are not recommended because they stop blood flow. The idea is to not stop your body from doing what is natural to it but develop new ways to protect yourself while having intercourse and during your cycle. Her following is huge and growing as women everywhere are switching methods they have always known to better their health and way of living. Whether you decided to stay on BC or not is completely up to you, but it’s always good to be well informed.

Brittney is a mother, writer, and budding entrepreneurs. She is passionate about spreading wellness and mental health awareness in the African-American community as it pertains to women and girls. She adores hot beverages and meaningful quotes. In her free time, you can catch her over at the TheLovelylessons.com where she gives helpful advice to Millennials in the current job crisis.

Brittney is a mother, writer, and budding entrepreneurs. She is passionate about spreading wellness and mental health awareness in the African-American community as it pertains to women and girls. She adores hot beverages and meaningful quotes. In her free time, you can catch her over at the TheLovelylessons.com where she gives helpful advice to Millennials in the current job crisis.