1st Lady Michelle Obama Gives Powerful Commencement Speech

1st Lady Michelle Obama Gives Powerful Commencement Speech

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“They seem to view our diversity as a threat to be contained rather than as a resource to be tapped. They tell us to be afraid of those who are different, to be suspicious of those with whom we disagree. They act as if name-calling is an acceptable substitute for thoughtful debate. As if anger and intolerance should be our default state rather than optimism and openness that have always been the engine of our progress.”

These are a eloquent words First Lady Michelle Obama delivered to the 2016 graduation class at City College in New York City. As 2016 winds down and the political race for our next President heats up, the President and his Wife are continuing to make their mark in the history books. We can see it daily, especially within the last year, the Obamas are creating legislation and addressing many issues that are adversely affecting the poor and black/Hispanic communities. This commencement speech is one of the most powerful, politically fueled and motivational speeches we have heard thus far from the First Lady. it almost appears as if she is taking direct shots at Donald Trump and those with similar views as Trump.

“The greatness of the United States, has never come from folks who climbed the ladder of success or who happened to be born near the top and then pulled the ladder up after themselves. No, uh-uh, Our greatness has always come from people who expect nothing and take nothing for granted, folks who work hard for what they have and then reach back and help others after them. That is your story, graduates, and that is the story of your families. And it’s the story of my family, too.”

Man, just admit it! We are going to miss this First Family! (crying emoji)

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