Authors Posts by Syllabus Magazine

Syllabus Magazine

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina's source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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You can leave 2018 and start 2019 off right without a Mad Skillz 2018 rap up. Check it out below as Skillz covers a very eventful 2018, from the guy with the big neck, to confessing that Beyoncé is the King of R&B (and not Jacquees). Skillz kills it again with these hip-hop cliff notes of the best of the best , and worse of ’18. Happy New Year!

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Dr. Sybrina Fulton

Congratulations are in order for social activist, humanitarian, and mother of Trayvon Martin, Sybrina Fulton. On Saturday, Fulton delivered the Commencement address during the Benedict College Winter Commencement Convocation. Fulton, because of her commitment to for social change and fighting for families across the country, was invited to speak at the historically black college.

In a post immediately after the ceremony, Fulton posted, “I went from the 2018 Commencement Convocation speaker at Benedict College to Doctor & I also received the key to the city from the Mayor of Columbia, SC. ”This is an honor for a woman who has fought hard for justice since the day her son was brutally murdered yards away from his own home. In the Benedict college convocation announcement,Dr. Roslyn Clark Artis, President and CEO of Benedict College, described Fulton as “a model of grace and strength, because of her passion and dedication ‘we are all Trayvon’ and demand social justice for our sons.”

Sybrina Fulton has tirelessly worked to make this country a better place with the Trayvon Martin . Foundation. She’s a member of the “Mothers of the Movement”, she was a speaker at the Democratic National Convention in 2016, she also co-author of the “Rest In Power” docu-series, alongside Trayvon’s father, and executive producer, and mogul Jay-Z. She’s graduate of Florida Memorial University and a member of Delta Sigma Theta, most importantly, she’s the mother of Trayvon and Jahvaris, and now – we can call her Doctor Sybrina Fulton.

Facebook user Porche Shaniece shared the video of Fulton’s commencement address below.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Trash-Ass Food

No it’s not your imagination if you’ve seen more Dollar Stores popping up around town, than any other store. This is strategic placement as the Dollar Store brand prepares for what marketers are calling, a “Permanent Underclass”. Dollar Stores now sell more groceries than Whole Foods! Why is this sad news, because the Dollar Store does not provide foods that contain proper nutrients, and these stores are popping up in every poor and low-income area across the United States.

Dollar Stores don’t sell ANY fresh fruit, no fresh vegetables, and no fresh meat (although the Dollar General brand says they are now testing this idea in 1 percent of its stores). Unfortunately, for many low-income people, these stores have quickly become the primary means of how poor people get their food. Astoundingly, Dollar General and Dollar Tree outpace Whole Foods stores by more than $10 billion. In some areas, you can find the Dollar Store and Dollar General brands, very often within one to two miles of each other. These stores have increased rapidly as they prepare to supply the “Permanent Underclass”. These stores target poor and predominantly black areas, according to a new report from the community development nonprofit Institute for Local Self-Reliance (the ILSR).

It’s Food, But It’s Not FOOD Food

This is a tragedy, especially for areas that are considered “food deserts”. Dollar Store food selection is primarily limited to canned foods with way too much sodium, processed foods which are high in unhealthy/refined/cheap fats, microwavable foods which tend to be loaded with fat, sodium, and calories. According to News Week, the Dollar General website for “Fresh Food” advertises: Banquet Bowls, Frozen Pizza, Lunchables, Hot Pockets, blocks of cheese, and pumpkins (all trash, even the pumpkin).


Even though Dollar Stores are convenient, what they are doing to poor communities is awful, and unfortunately, the growth of these stores doesn’t seem to be slowing. They have 30,000 stores across the U.S., more than Starbucks and Walmart combined, they are planning for 20,000 additional stores, and the Dollar Store brand is opening four stores per day across the country! And, do you know who their customers are? You guessed it, they have three main demographics: (1) POOR, (2) BLACK, (3) RURAL. But this story gets worse, because the Dollar Store brand that gets rich off of the backs of poor people are betting on one thing – “The Permanent Underclass”. That’s right, the Dollar Store brands are basically betting AGAINST the people they serve. Real estate analyst Garrick Brown told Bloomberg in 2017, “Essentially what the dollar stores are betting on in a large way is that we are going to have a permanent underclass in America.” Dollar General CEO Todd Vasos told The Wall Street Journal, “The economy is continuing to create more of our core customers.”

With these statements, these brands understand the worse the economy gets, the more money their stores make; they are betting that the poor stay poor, and have no other choice than to shop at a Dollar Store location. Basically, the more blacks struggle, the richer they get.

More Fu@kery

In all honesty, Dollar Stores are not even actually cheap, they trick buyers into thinking they are spending less money. Dollar Stores have huge profit margins, they are able to package goods in small quantities at a point where they can price them low. However, the value of the small quantity drops, and customers are actually getting less for their money. When you buy in bulk, you actually save more money; but when people are poor, they are unable to buy in bulk, so they buy smaller quantities at a higher costs per item. Dollar General and many other companies are jumping on board of making millions from poor people. Coke also created a Dollar General exclusive soda can, these sodas had military labels, and took aim at the 1.5 million veterans who are currently living in poverty, who shop at these stores – sad. As if the fu@kery couldn’t get any more ridiculous, Dollar General also helped lobby against Obamacare, something that many poor families need in order to afford basic health care.

What Can We Do?

Demand more from Dollar Stores and Dollar Generals. Demand that these corporations become a solution to the food desert problem plaguing many poor communities. Demand that they offer fresher/real/whole foods in areas that lack these options. If Dollar Stores refuse, shop at your local community fresh farms and markets if their are any available. Demand more from local officials, and explain how giving poor people fresher food options will save on healthcare and tax burdens within your city. Let’s keep having this conversation and wherever you see a Dollar Store or Dollar Tree being built in your neighborhood, learn to ask more questions.

Source: ISLR

News Week

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Last night, the Senate passed a sweeping Criminal Justice Reform Bill, titled the “First Step Act”. In a rare, bipartisan decision, the act was passed 87-12; supporters claim the bill passed by the Senate will make the justice system fairer, reduce overcrowding in federal prisons, and save taxpayers money. It will also benefit drug and non-violent offenders. Here are 10 things to know about the First Step Act:

      1. This bill will not affect state prisons, it only affects prisoners in federal prisons; these prisoners only make up less than 10 percent for America’s prison population. However, the passing of this bill is a start to changing an extremely biases justice system.
      2. Passing the First Step Act includes the retroactive application of the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010. This law reduced racist powder and crack cocaine sentencing charges. The Legal Defense Fund has been fighting for this reform, and it is important that this has been included in the First Step Act.
      3. Sentences will be applied retroactively (Earned Time Credits) for many inmates who were sentenced with extreme time under these “crack laws”. Many individuals who have been sentenced to extreme time in prison, may be set to be released once the bill is passed. Currently, they have estimated 3,000 federal inmates serving time for crack cocaine offenses will have their time reduced.
      4. This bill also ends the practice of “Stacking” charges. Stacking drug charges would take drug offenses that happened prior to the conviction, which would make a person a multiple-offender for sentencing purposes- even though they were never previously convicted.
      5. The First Step Act, if passed, will order Federal prisons to stop shackling pregnant women while they are in labor, basically treating them humanely while they are giving birth to their babies.
      6. This act also allows judges to help out low-level offenders, with minimal criminal histories, who cooperate with the government in cases that don’t include violence. to possibly receive lower sentences than the mandatory minimums. This way they can get back into society faster and pay taxes, rather than be tax burdens.
      7. Our Federal governments has locked up people for decades without preparing them on how to properly enter society with the right tools; which leads to more crime. This bill would expand job-training for prisoners re-entering society, and it would require that these inmates be housed within 500 miles of their families when possible.
      8. It has been a slow, arduous, process in getting these modest reforms passed. This is a big picture of how difficult it becomes to get “bad laws” off the books once they have been established. Liberals are quick to label these as “anti-crime”, “anti-drug” – and people simply buy into the rhetoric, making it hard to fix “bad laws”.
      9. Although the bill contains modest changes, there are many who have doubts that this is a first step, many believe because of the difficulty of our government being able to work together, this may be the only step.
      10. These are the Senators that opposed and tried to sink the bill Sen. Tom Cotton (Ark-R), Barrasso (R), Enzi (R), Kennedy (R), Kyl (R), Murkowski (R), Risch (R), Rounds (R), Rubio (R), Ben Sasse (Neb-R), Shelby (R), Sullivan (R)

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Graduate student, Maya Little was arrested and charged with inciting a riot and assault of a police officer this week, after she led a protest against the University of Chapel Hill’s decision to bring back a confederate statue that was ripped down earlier this year. The 26-year-old student was forced to turn herself in at the Orange County Courthouse on Tuesday, according to a report from NPR.

UNC announced that it would be recommending that statue of the Confederate soldier “Silent Sam” be replaced and relocated a mile away from where it originally stood on campus grounds, prior to it being ripped down back in August. As a part of the plan that was developed by the University Chancellor, Carol Folt, the school would be building a multi-million dollar history and education center, and the statue would be housed at this new center.

In a tweet the Chancellor explained that she knew there are “strong emotions” about the proposal, but, “As the nations’s first public university, North Carolina has a long and complicated history we must tell.” According to NPR, her proposal was “overwhelmingly approved” by its trustees.

During this move of resistance, students protested by giving speeches presented by Little and other demonstrators. They also marched and changed, “No KKK, no fascist USA” and “Cops and Klan go hand in hand.” In an interview with The News & Observer, Little explained, “I was charged with assault on an officer, a charge that has been commonly used by UNC police when they can’t find anything else to charge activists with, and inciting a riot, both misdemeanors. The only danger and violence present last night was once again caused by university police who came equipped to a student protest with riot gear and tear gas canisters.” Along with Little , another student, Mark Porlides was also arrested and charged with assault on a police officer, resisting, delaying or obstructing.

The statue, erected in 1913, was gifted to the school by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Chancellor Folt stated she wanted to move the statue off-campus, but isn’t allowed to do so because of a law that “prohibits the transfer, altering, removal of historic monuments on public property with prior approval from NC’s Historical Commission.”

This past spring, Little, who is now working on her Doctorate in history, coated the statue in red ink and her own blood, stating “Imagine walking past a statue that glorifies the sale of your ancestors, their mutilation, the beating of them, the enslavement of them…he’s covered in black blood.” This act was Little’s first arrest, along with an added vandalism charge by university police.

Source NPR

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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