Friday, January 24, 2025
Authors Posts by Syllabus Magazine

Syllabus Magazine

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina's source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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#WhenWeAllVote has gone high tech. If you still need to register to vote, Michelle Obama and her team are making it easy for every American eligible to make their voice heard. On Thursday, they revealed a new campaign that gets people started on the registration process, simply by texting. If you text “WeAllVote” to 97779, you can get started on the registration process – easy!

Our first lady is urging voters to get out on November 6th. In the campaign video below she says, “When we stay home, things stay the same or they get worse. When we all vote, we get new ideas and new energy…we get leaders who share our values and listen to our voices. That’s how we change America.”

Starting September 23rd, Michelle Obama, Shonda Rhimes, Janelle Monáe, Chris Paul, Faith Hill , Loni Love, Keegan-Michael Key and Tom Hanks, will be making their way around the country, from city to city, encouraging Americans to get out and vote.

Michelle Obama, along with a host of celebrity friends are making sure we all get out and vote. #WhenWeAllVote is a movement whose purpose is to make sure we are all voting in each election – whether it’s your local school board, senate, or President. Making your voice heard in each and every election is important; at this point, its crucial to our lives and the democracy. At you can register to vote or organize events within your city that help residents get registered. See the details below, and join the movement – make sure you are making your way to the polls this year and in the upcoming years. Your vote is crucial.

This year, When We All Vote will celebrate a week of action in September. Communities across the country — with the help of volunteers like you — will host voter registration events throughout the week in cities big and small.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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0 2097

LBJ 16

Lebron’s sneakers were released on last week, and in less than 5 MINUTES, were it sold out thanks to the women of Harlem Fashion Row. created Lebron’s newest sneaker edition, the “LBJ 16” sneaker for NIke. This is the first time in history women of color have designed any of Lebron’s sneakers.

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SOLD OUT in less than 5 minutes!!!!!!!!! Whoa!!!!!!!!!! Y’all are amazing!!!!!! Thank you soooooo much for your support!

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In a creative campaign to celebrate the launch of the new Lebrons, Nike promoted it as the “STRONGEST” campaign. Lebron took this time to celebrate the strongest women and most powerful in his life, including his wife Savannah, daughter Zhuri, hismom Gloria, Serena Williams, Lena Laithe, and other popular female celebrities. At the Harlem Fashion Row awards, Lebron took this time to praise the power of black women.

Lebron and Nike seem to be having an exceptional year. Keep up the great work, can continue to trailblaze for the culture.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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0 1547

Cali Eliminates Cash Bail System

Kalief Browder died so many of us can walk; this is a tough truth. When talking prison reform, Browder has become the face of what can happen when innocent people get caught in a complicated, unfair, and unjust judicial system. When people talk prison reform, what California has done is seen as a major win in an effort to reforming an unjust system. California has become the first state to eliminate the cash bail system for suspects awaiting trial. Signed by Gov. Jerry Brown, this is a measure that creates a balanced system when dealing with poor and rich citizens. Although this is a major accomplishment, there are still some major concerns in replacing the current cash bail system with one that grants judges greater power.

Granting judges complete control is a major concern for some justice groups; even with this bold move, there still is some reservation. Some groups withdrew their support for the California bill, believing that it may lead to an increase in pretrial incarceration. Many fear that because judges make the final decision as to who is a flight risk and who is not, solely leaving it at a judge’s discretion is not a viable solution to the problem. Some reform groups against the bill are stating that California simply replaced one unjust system for another – one based on possible bias instead of poverty.

“Unfortunately, this amended version of [Senate Bill 10] is not the model for pretrial justice and racial equity that the ACLU of California envisioned. We oppose the bill because it seeks to replace the current deeply-flawed system with an overly broad presumption of preventive detention.” – ACLU of California’s three executive directors in northern and southern California and San Diego

Problems with the Current Cash Bail System in America:

  • Unfairly targets poor people and people of color.
  • Often, people awaiting trial cannot afford the amount set by the courts, and are forced to sit in jail and await their “fair trial”. This wait has often taken years, which is ludicrous for people who haven’t been convicted of crimes, and could be innocent.
  • According to the Department of Justice, 6 out of 10 people who were incarcerated in 2014, were NOT convicted, but were simply awaiting a trial.
  • “It impacts black folks about twice the rate as it impacts white folks. Black men are twice as likely to have a bond set on them, and the bond is often twice as high for the same crime.” – Marbre Stahly-Butts, co-director ofLaw for Black Lives, interview with VICE

Slowly over the past few years, there’s been a strong, grassroots effort across the United States to reform the cash bail system. For example, in Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner announced he would no longer ask for monetary bail from people with low-level offenses. In Atlanta, lawmakers drafted an ordinance eliminating cash bail for low-level city violations and some misdemeanor charges. Also, in a monumental decision in Houston, a federal judge declared the county’s cash bail system unconstitutional, stating it, “deprived impoverished people of due process.”New Jersey has curtailed their cash bail, Alaska no longer requires bail, and New York is also pushing for reform. California will be the first state to actually dismantle the cash bail system.

Source : Washington Post

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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0 1318

The Stats

  • Syphilis has risen 76 percent to 30,644
  • Gonorrhea Diagnoses increased 67 percent to 555,608
  • Chlamydia is the most common STD with almost 1.7 million cases in 2017; in 2013 that number was 1.4 million.
  • Half of Chlamydia cases were girls, ages 15 to 24
  • Many Americans are walking around UNDIAGNOSED
  • Gonorrhea in men almost doubled to 322,169 in 2017, compared to 2013.
  • In women, Gonorrhea rose almost 18 percent to 232,587
  • In the 70s, Gonorrhea reached infected over 1,000,000 people annually; these numbers were declining until the past 4 years.

2.3 million cases of diseases in 2017

The U.S. has recorded a record number of sexually transmitted diseases in the year 2017. This marks the fourth year in-a-row, that there has been an alarming increase in gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

We are sliding backwards

“We are sliding backwards. It is evident the systems used to I.D., treat, and ultimately prevent STDs are strained to near-breaking point.” – Jonathan Mermin, Director of the CDC’s National STD Center

“The rise is due to stagnant federal funding for prevention efforts, a lack of screening and a decrease in condom use. Also, lack of awareness that some methods used to prevent other sexually related conditions – such as IUDs and a pill to reduce the risk of HIV – don’t protect against common STD’s.” – David Harvey – Executive Director, National Coalition of STD Directors

Resistant Gonorrhea Has Emerged

The growing trend has been exacerbated by the fact that gonorrhea could soon become resistant to antibiotics; along with prevention efforts that have decreased over the years. Experts have also claimed people are using condoms less than they did in the past.

“We expect gonorrhea will eventually wear down our last highly effective antibiotic, and additional treatment options are urgently needed.” Gail Bolan, Director of CDC’s Division of STD Prevention


Many People in the U.S. are Not Being Diagnosed or Treated

Many people are living in the U.S. , have diseases, and are untreated and diagnosed. Not treating these diseases could cause infertility, stillbirth, and increased risks of HIV. Most of the time, these diseases can be cured with an antibiotic. However, gonorrhea has become resistant to almost every class of antibiotic except Ceftriaxone.

Source: Bloomberg

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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0 1830


This is such an amazing opportunity, hope you all are able to make it out for your chance at a scholarship! Are you a person of color looking to get into the tech field? Flatiron School, Young Guru, and Jamilah Lamieux have launched a tech initiative to get 10,000 people of color coding over the next 12 months!

Young Guru is best known as Jay-Z’s legendary audio engineer; he graduated from Howard University and has worked with some of the worlds greatest artists. Young Guru will share is vision for the future of tech, its influence on culture, and how anyone (including you) can make it in this field.

There are some major influencers associated with Young Guru/FlatIron initiative: Daniel Waithe – Director of Quality Assurance for MailChimp, Chrissa McFarlane – Founder/CEO of Patientory, Rodney Sampson – CEO of Opportunity Hub, and Jamilah Lamieux – VP of news and men’s programming for Interactive One, part of Radio One, Inc, will all participate in this push to get more people of color coding.

The initiative is kicking off in Atlanta today, with a high energy celebration which will include, mingling, hors d’oeuvres, drinks, discussion, testimonials, and a Q&A. There will also be an after party with Young Guru bringing the latest beats. Come out today and get started on an exciting career in the tech field!

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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