Saturday, March 29, 2025
Authors Posts by Syllabus Magazine

Syllabus Magazine

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina's source for Music, Culture and Fashion

Let’s Just Self-Reflect Today…

Today is a good day to take the time to do a little self-reflection, especially for those of us who live in Charleston, S.C. On this evening, four years ago was a moment in time that most of us will never forget. It was this very evening that murderer, Dylann Roof walked into a bible study in Mother Emanuel Church and murdered nine members of the church who were there to fellowship.

Rev. Clementa Pinckney (41), Cynthia Hurd (54), Rev. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton (45), Tywanza Sanders (26), Ethel Lance (70), Susie Jackson (87), Depayne Middleton Doctor (49), Rev. Daniel Simmons (74), Myra Thompson (59).

Most of us remember this day. We remember what we were doing, hearing and seeing as news of the massacre spread through the area like wildfire. Text messages, phone calls, what we thought were rumors of people being killed in a church had us like – What! A Church? Thinking that what we were hearing was false or exaggerated information, but, it was true. Then what slowly started as shock, turned to rage for many of us as we saw the murderer on surveillance video entering and leaving the church, and wondered how in the world did he even make it out of South Carolina. Then that rage built into an unmatched fury as we saw the police with Roof in handcuffs – after they got him a meal at a Burger King because he had not eaten. Citizens poured into the streets of downtown Charleston – some ready to do something, some just to stare at the Mother Emanuel Church only imagining what just took place.

Today we reflect, on that day, on those who lost their lives, on Polly Sheppard, Felicia Sanders, and her 11 year old granddaughter who survived. Today, let’s take a moment to simply reflect instead of being busy, this is a perfect way to spend this 4th anniversary of the Emanuel 9 massacre.

We don’t often spend enough time simply being still and reflecting on what was, what is, and what is to come. Many of us may practice this at the end of the year, before the beginning of a new year, but most of our time is spent running from place to place, or so busy trying to look important on social media, we miss the opportunity to simply spend time being still and reflecting. Today, we are encouraging those who will spend this day remembering the Emanuel 9 tragedy to use this moment as an opportunity for some self-reflection; use this moment to turn tragedy into something positive.

According to researchers, self-reflection creates self-awareness, and a way to actually understand what is going on inside/within ourselves. Self-reflection can help in many ways:

  • To make sense of things. No, there is no way to make sense of what happened during the Emanuel 9 Tragedy, we understand it was pure evil. However, can you take this tragedy and understand how precious life is? In a moment, something can happen, take this time to appreciate the life you’ve been given and what you can do with it.
  • Uncover Breakthrough. During times of self-reflection, many people have found solutions to some of the problems they’ve been battling in their minds. The Emanuel 9 massacre led to a moment of self-reflection for many citizens in this state – which then led to the end of the Confederate Flag hanging over the State House. Also, you don’t see as many Confederate Flags on cars – at least not as many as we use to. Use this day to uncover some breakthroughs in your own life.
  • Challenge Your Thoughts.This can be a very dark day for many of us. This day can lead some of us to focus on the extreme racism that we deal with, especially here in the South. Today, we encourage everyone to challenge our own ways of thinking, and let’s not just focus on the bad things that happened. Each member of Emanuel who lost their life left behind great memories and stories. Reflect on some of their stories today. No, we are not pretending that evil doesn’t exist; we know this for sure. However, during this period of self-reflection let’s focus on some goodness.
  • Recognize Change & Track Progress.Again, during this time of self-reflection we are focusing on life and the appreciation of life. What are some things you’ve done to improve your own life? How far have you come? How much has changed? If nothing has changed, what can you do to make those changes? 9 people will never get a chance to have this type of reflection here on Earth, but you can – and you can do this right now. Recognize what you can improve, write it down, and track the improvements.
  • Increase Self Awareness.Reflect on where you are right now, because without this we can’t fully appreciate where we are, who we are, and every experience that has taken place in our lives. On this anniversary of the Emanuel 9, so much has happened in this country – we understand that hate and racism exist, but we also understand the fight against this type of credence has gotten bolder and more fierce. Understand how this tragedy has changed you for the better (or worse), and how does this help getting you where you need to be.
  • Live With More Intention.If nothing else can be learned from the Emanuel tragedy, it should have caused us to understand the importance of how we are moving in our current life. If your days are a blur, if you’re not accomplishing anything, if you’re constantly saying you’re going to do something and not doing it, if you’re constantly breaking promises to yourself – stop. Today is the day to reflect on how you can add more joy and purpose to your life.

Again, we are grateful for the lives of each victim of the Emanuel 9 tragedy. Their lives cause us to take a second look at our own lives, and we are blessed to have that opportunity. Wishing you all peace that surpasses all understanding on this day, and continue to say their names;Rev. Clementa Pinckney (41), Cynthia Hurd (54), Rev. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton (45), Tywanza Sanders (26), Ethel Lance (70), Susie Jackson (87), Depayne Middleton Doctor (49), Rev. Daniel Simmons (74), Myra Thompson (59).

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Gaming & Mental Health

It’s a billion dollar industry. It’s so lucrative, teens from across the world have become self-made millionaires by mastering the craft of gaming. However, the average player in the gaming industry hasn’t figured out how to make a career out of gaming, most simply play because of the fun, adreneline, and addiction of the game. Many gamers who play for fun can spend hours of their lives in front of the television completely engaged in their favorite video games. We’ve even seen the violent reactions from players who’ve had their video game consols stripped away, or saved games deleted – players have a literal melt-down in front of our eyes. For these reasons and more, the World Organization has classified Video Game Addiction as a disorder that may possibly lead to mental health issues.

As if we don’t have enough problems on planet earth, we now have a new mental disorder labeled “Gaming Disorder”. As an official disease, Gaming Disorder is a “pattern of persistent or recurrent gaming behavior (digital gaming/video gaming), online or offline. Here are some symptoms of video game addiction or Gaming Disorder:

  1. Impaired control over gaming (an onset, frequency, intensity, duration, termination, context)
  2. Increasing priority given to gaming. It takes precedence over life interests and daily activities
  3. A continuation of gaming despite negative consequences. The Addiction has a significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational relationships and functions.

Experts from the World Health Organization believe that this disorder will only affect a small percentage of gamers who play approximately 20 hours per day, without eating, sleeping, working, and/or any daily activities.

Now of course, the gaming industry isn’t buying into the concept that Gaming Disorder is now a mental illness. Even some health officials are claiming the research is not specific enough, and conclusions are too vague. Video game groups around the world have requested the World Health Organization take a second look at their conclusion; according to the USA today, a joint statement was made defending the gaming:

“WHO (World Health Organization)’s guidance needs to be based on regular, inclusive, and transparent reviews backed by independent experts. Gaming Disorder is not based on sufficient robust evidence to justify its inclusion in one of the WHO’s most important norm-setting tools.”

Although the gaming industry does not agree with the conclusion from WHO, many of us as consumers and users of video games, either know someone or have experienced how video games can take over a person’s life. People get extremely emotional while playing a video game, or if a video game is taken away.

If you or know someone you love, knows anyone who may be affected by too much video game play, TEXT “SUPPORT” to 37420.


Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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“They See Me Rollinnnnng”…

What many people may not know is, while Chamillionaire took a break from being rapper, he didn’t take a break from building a business empire. We’ve seen him, sitting on the front row during basketball season, with people on Twitter wondering “what’s Chamillionaire doing there” or “how can Chamillionaire afford to sit there“. Meanwhile, Chamillionaire has been minding the business that pays him – literally! The Grammy-Award winner has spent years making smart investments in the tech-startup field. Hakeem Seriki (Chamillionaire), was one of the early investors in Lyft. Now, the rapper is looking to make the tech industry more diverse by putting his money where his mouth is; He, along with rapper E-40, and the platform Republic, plan to invest $25,000 into a woman or minority led start-up. The contest ends June 15th.

In an interview with Yahoo, Chamillionaire explained why it was important for him to specifically launch this initiative for minority/women led start-ups:

“I’ve been in this tech industry for a while and I’ve been seeing a lot of people out here trying to raise capital and a lot of time it just doesn’t go to people of color or women. Now that I’m here, I see that there is a certain type of founder that gets, you know, funding from these companies. And I understand that people tend to spend money on things that they’re comfortable with.”

“There are a lot of people that have great ideas that want to create disruptive companies that change the world but everybody doesn’t have the skills to be able to do that. So, ultimately when I’m looking at somebody, I’m looking them in the eyes and asking them questions and I have to believe that they’re able to take this company from A to Z,”

Traditionally, in the U.S., only 16% of funds awarded were given to startups with at least 1 woman. Less than 3% are given to startups comprised of all women.

If you’re interested in participating in this life-changing initiative, download the Convoz app; you have until June 15th to enter!

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Hard Work Pays Off

10 year old Taio Taylor is headed to Belgium to compete with some of the best BMX bike racers from across the world. The 10-year-old started racing BMX bikes 3 years ago alongside her big brother, in Albuquerque; when she started, her whole family decided to race just for fun. Well, fun for Taylor turned into her competing in local competitions, where she started to win. Now, Taylor has worked hard enough to qualify to compete to race in Belgium, where she will represent the U.S.A. in the BMX World Championship.

Although Taylor admitted that she was afraid, because most of the girls who compete in BMX have been riding since they could walk, she’s realized she has a certain determination. This determination hasn’t been ignored, because now, she is gaining actual local and national sponsorship opportunities.

In March 2019, Taio Taylor competed in the national BMX competitions held in Alberquerque, and she was the winner in her division, defeating people who had come from all over the country. This win gained her a spot in the BMX World Championship to compete.

She is raising money for her Belgium competition happening in July. She’s selling t-shirts and has set up a GoFundMe, if you would like to help, click the links and donate!

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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0 7534

Step Yo Street Game Up

If you learn anything from gangs and gang culture in L.A., our hope is that you can learn about how business savvy they’ve become. Nipsey Hussle was a known member of the Crips, and while he was alive he created the phrase “The Marathon Continues”. In 2018, L.A. The Crips became an LLC, and have been making big business moves ever since. Their most recent move happened on May 16th when the Crip organization filed to trademark Nipsey’s phrase, “The Marathon Continues”.

Plans for “The Marathon Continues” will be used by The Crips organization to provide a number of services for the community. These services include: conducting youth sports programs, developing education manuals for others in the field of community organizing and gang prevention/intervention, entertainment services, and the creation of a documentary on all streaming platforms.

The Crips have released a press announcement to discuss how the organization plans to rebrand in order to focus on the local South L.A. community.

As business savvy as Nipsey was, he never got an opportunity to register the trademark of his phrase, “The Marathon Continues”, despite this being the name of his mixtape and the name of his clothing brand. Also, there has been no announcement if Nipsey’s family has approved the use/ownership of this phrase by the Crip organization. Now, if Nipsey’s family has not approved of the Crip organizaation taking ownership of this phrase, then someone will need to discuss how the children of Nipsey Hussle should also have some sort of stake in the now trademarked catchphrase. So far, there has been no indication about how the family feels about this business move.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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