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Black Panther was just too good to want to pick it apart and create “think pieces” or draft symbolic blog posts and mumbo jumbo on the film. This film gave the culture so much joy, you just want to sit and savor it, without giving yourself a headache about whether Killmonger was a Hotep or if Wakanda and Zamunda are neighboring countries (laughs). At this point I simply want to appreciate the film’s beauty, its storyline, and its use of varying/real-life African culture portrayed throughout the film. Thanks to Twitter user, Waris we got just that! In case you missed it, Waris also known as @diasporicblues gave us a Twitter lesson in a thread that summarized the African tribes and cultures featured in the ground-breaking Marvel Comics movie. We’ve seen the images before, but because of this thread, we have a new-found appreciation for the fashion, languages and adornments seen in the film.

Check out some of Waris’ tweets, and follow Waris on Twitter for more info on Africa and its culture.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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This week, wake and funeral arrangements have been finalized following the tragic murder of one of our beloved national and local heroes, Muhiyidin Elamin Moye. While many are still trying to come to grips with how someone so peaceful and kind could have fallen victim to this type of violence, others are now coming forward questioning the circumstances of Moye’s death. Earlier today, former United States Senator, Robert Ford drafted a passionate plea on his Facebook page, as a call to action that more needs to be done to investigate the murder of Muhiyidin Elamin Moye. In his post, Ford points out that Moye was called down to New Orleans to assist with the Black Lives Matter movement in the city, he stated:

“As you are aware, one of our most successful activist in the Black Lives Matter Movement, Muhiyidin Elamin Moye, has been killed. He was shot at night in New Orleans, Louisiana on Tuesday, February 6, 2018. This MUST be a call to arms as Moye was contacted to help organize the Black Lives Movement in New Orleans and this seems to be a Civil Rights Action that should be further investigated by the United States Justice Department.”

In the past week, many who have had a connection to Muhiyiddin have had similar sentiments questioning the possibility of this being a random shooting, or was it something more sinister? There are many questions that are continuously being raised, but in the mean time the advice from former Senator Robert Ford gives us an actionable step of something we can do to help find answers. We stand with former Senator Ford and we also encourage you to call your Senators and Congressmen, write letters and take some sort of meaningful action as a means of urging authorities to launch an intensive investigation into the murder of our teacher and leader, Muhiyiddin Elamin Moye.

Write letters to:
The Honorable Jeff Sessions, Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Jacksonville, Florida should be very proud of their future astronaut who has spent most of her young life promoting STEM, and making headlines about her future of endeavors of wanting to be travel into outer space. Fourteen year old Taylor Richardson not only has big dreams, but she has set out to use her passion to help other young women and expose them to STEM. In her most recent passion project, she created a GoFundMe to raise funds in order to take girls to go see the movie, “A Wrinkle in Time”; a film produced by Ava Duvernay and Oprah Winfrey. Richardson explained why this was so important to her:

“This campaign is so very important to me because it will give me the opportunity to change not only girls perception ofSTEM[science, technology, engineering, mathematics] and space exploration but boys as well,”

The movie, set to be released in March, is a story about a young girl who is transported through time and space, to rescue the girl’s dad who is a scientist and is being held prisoner on another planet. In order to meet her goal, Taylor Richardson’s wanted to raise $15,000; as of today, she’s surpassed that goal raising over $17,000.

Taylor is no stranger to the spotlight. In 2017, she was named a member of Teen Vogue’s Class of 2017, 21 under 21 for girls who are changing the world. She cleverly calls herself a “STEMinist” and she previously raised money for girls to go see “Hidden Figures”.

“This campaign [“Send 1,000 Girls To Wrinkle In Time”] means a lot to me because it shows a female protagonist in a science fiction film. Girls will know that the possibility of going into space, exploring other planets, being rocket scientists, engineers, mathematicians and astronauts for them is not that it is limited but limitless!”

Good for Taylor for being a young role model, and being so passionate about giving back to her peers.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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We’ve been watching the horrific news of how difficult it has been to get relief to many of our neighbors in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria. Companies who have been granted millions in funding from the U.S. government to provide necessary supplies, have under-performed and simply, dropped the ball, when it came to restoring and supplying power, food, and resources to those in need. It’s been three months, and the process of getting Puerto Rico back to normal has been slow and painful, especially for those who live out in the rural areas of the country. Newsweek has reported that the pains of Hurricane Maria have been negatively affecting the mental state of many residents; suicides have increased drastically since Hurricane Maria, at least one person each day has taken their own life.

A recent report from the Commission for Suicide Prevention stated that 227 people committed suicide on the island in 2017; a 16 percent increase from the year before. 85 percent of the suicides were committed by men, and 15 percent were committed by women; researchers state that the spike is directly related to the effects of Hurricane Maria.

Recent report released by The Commission for the Prevention of Suicide.

“If someone is in a position where they do not have any electricity, water or a roof over their head, you’re going to either break and sometimes break to the point of committing suicide. You can only live so much without the simple necessities of having a roof over your head,” said Alicia Schwartz from the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).

Psychologists in Puerto Rico said that residents have been suffering from severe mental health issues since the storm, and a major factor hindering them from getting the help they need, has to do with something that many communities of color deal with; people who do not believe in seeking help. According to Dr. Scwartz:

“One of the problems we have is that Hispanic individuals don’t believe in mental health, but the other issue we have is access to mental health. Those who don’t live in populated cities are unreachable to this day, and they don’t have people to go to them for mental health help.”

Dr Schwartz recalled an incident of being in the home of one of her patients, not long after the storm and the patient explaining to her that, he “sometimes feels like grabbing a rope” to kill himself.

In some very unfortunate news, as I was preparing this blog post, The Associated Press just announced that, “A blackout hit northern Puerto Rico after an explosion sets off a big fire at a main power substation.” This means that many of the areas that have had power restored have now been hit, and there are no reports when this disaster will be fixed.

Let’s continue to pray for Puerto Rico, but in correlation with your prayers, demand your state representatives and President do something in the wake of people who are continuing to suffer.

Source: Newsweek

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Students at South Hadley High School, in South Hadley, Massachusetts are coming together to show their disappointment in another student that decided to go on a racist rant on Snap Chat. With the rise of social media, we have been seeing this hatred across the country and it is becoming more blatant; people are feeling more emboldened since the new President of the United States has been elected. From east to west coast, from the University of South Carolina to South Hadley High School, young people have had to endure, racist, evil behavior in a time where many deemed America to be post racial.

At South Hadley, students of all colors, sex and backgrounds decided to come together to inform everyone that the behavior and comments from that Snap video would not be tolerated. Even though students faced detention from school personnel, these kids held a peaceful walk-out and silent protest against that student and her sentiments. In the Snap video, the student said:

“Black Lives don’t matter, they should be out there picking my cotton,and they should do my [expletive] work for me. I think I’m living pretty good. Like all my friends are white, none of them are gay and we drink on the weekends, we all Juul, it’s actually a pretty good life.”

In another video she went on to say,

“I’m not a piece of sh*t, and any queer, any black person, that’s a piece of sh*t because black people literally look like sh*t”

The vulgar student’s classmates decided to ban together and hold a silent protest in order to bring attention to the fact that they are nice, united, and they do not agree with her comments. The students wore red to represent the pain the endured after hearing the racist comments on the Snap video.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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