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In today’s “Where did this come from“ News, according to the Associated Press, South Carolina Senators have just given key approval to make every January 17th in the State of South Carolina, “EARTH KITT DAY” in honor of the late actress.The bill was approved this afternoon 35-5 and is headed to Gov. Nikki Haley desk. Democratic Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter of Orangeburg has been working for years to honor Eartha Kitt.

What many may not know is that the actress was born in North Orangeburg County on a farm on January 27, 1927. She entertained the world for years on stages around the world, on movies and in television. She became known as a “sex kitten,” and even had a signature cat-like purr to compliment her stage name.

Eartha Kitt’s Legacy

Can I tell you all why Eartha Kitt is so epic? Besides being Cat Woman in the 1967 film Batman, and besides recording two top 10 hits, “Santa Baby” and “C’est Si Bon”. Besides Orson Wells calling her the “most exciting woman in the world,” and besides that fact that she learned to speak French along with three other languages, but she sang in SEVEN languages. Yes! Besides all of that!

During a time when it was not proper for a lady, especially a black woman to speak or even have an opinion, Eartha Kitt spit fire when it came to the unfair treatment of black people in America. She was an advocate for the people (that means boots on the ground) and she was against the Vietnam War. Kitt unapologetically spoke her truth during a period where it could have been detrimental to her career.

Eartha Kitt Makes Lady Bird Johnson Cry

In 1968, Eartha Kitt didn’t hold back when Lady Bird Johnson, the wife of President Lyndon B. Johnson asked her about fixing the problems of juvenile delinquency in the U.S. at a White House luncheon. Kitt’s response to Lady Bird was:

“You send the best of this country off to be shot and maimed. The rebel in the street. They will take pot and they will get high. The don’t want to go to school because theyre going to be snatched off from their mothers to be shot in Vietnam.”


She added:

“Vietnam is the main reason we are having trouble with the youth of America. It is war without explanation or reason.”

These brief statements of truth caused a world of hurt for lady B and began an awkward spiral for the career of Eartha Kitt. After the luncheon rumors spread that that Kitt “made the First Lady Cry,” of course Kitt made no apologies. Shortly thereafter Kitt was being investigated by the CIA (where they falsely documented her as a nymphomaniac). She also began losing gigs and contracts throughout Hollywood and was basically blackballed in America.

Thankfully, like many African American acts of this era, Kitt was just as popular in Europe as she was in the U.S. and she was able to work overseas for some time. Kitt believes that President Johnson had been a primary influence of attempting to ruin her career.
Ten years later, Eartha Kitt was welcomed back to the American Broadway stage with a standing ovation in her triumphant return in the play “Timbuktu.”

Eartha Kitt won two Emmy, and was nominated for three Tonys and two Grammys. She passed in 2008 but her sensual style and accomplishments live on. Every South Carolinian should be honored to celebrate the life and work if Eartha Kitt day! Note to self— take every Jan 17 off.


Associated Press

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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0 2023

South Carolina Governor, Nikki Haley will appear in the new Issue of Time Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People.” The state of South Carolina had quite the eventful 2015. From the Emmanuel Nine massacre to the Confederate Flag controversy, SC received quite a bit of media attention this past year. Of course, Nikki Haley at the forefront of it all had to make the tough decision to remove the flag from in front of the South Carolina Statehouse. While most of her constituents were in support of the flag, Haley knew after the church massacre, it was time to let it go.

In an article penned by Senator Lindsey Graham, he had these words to say about the South Carolina governor:

From shaking up the system to providing kindness and understanding to the individuals and families affected by these tragedies, she put a face on South Carolina that we were all extremely proud of. It is during challenging times when you really learn the mettle of a leader, and in the case of Nikki Haley, she excelled to the lasting benefit of our state.”

Nikki Haley will be joined by 99 other world-wide influencers including music artist Nicki Minaj, 19-year old War victim advocate Nadia Murad and Father of Refugees – Mussie Zerai. Check out the full list here.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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0 2022

On yesterday Donald Trump won New York City Primary so what better time than now to share the YG, Nipsey Hussle video FDT. This video shoot was originally shut down in Los Angeles by the police department. Hip-Hop is defiantly taking a stand against Trump and his views. Watch the video and check out YG and Nipsey’s message below.

YG, Nipsey Hussle Share “FDT” (Fuck Donald Trump) Video: Watch | Pitchfork

As young people with an interest in the future of america….We have to exercise our intelligence and CHOOSE who leads us into it wisely. 2016 will be a turning point in this country’s history….The question is….in which direction will we go?

The last 8 years represented an upward evolution in Western political principles and the collective vibration of America as a whole…we saw more inclusive/diplomatic foreign policy…we saw prison reform actually bring home family members and neighbors of ours…we saw healthcare become a civil service…and we saw morally unjust conflicts with other country’s resolved.

Our opinion is that in the age of a technologically empowered & nuclear armed planet…SEPARATION is the enemy. The next leader of America will be a most pivotal president for these reasons…register ASAP and choose wisely. #FDT

-YG & Nipsey Hussle

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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It’s definitely election season and South Carolina is the topic on the lips of every candidate. Our state is a hotbed of political potential and candidates are vying for our support and our vote. Most importantly, the black vote is at the top of almost every candidate’s political target. In 2008 President Obama was able to defeat Clinton simply because he was able to gauge over 50 percent of the African American Democratic vote. With over 95 percent of blacks voting as democrats, candidates understand without the black vote, it will be a challenge winning the 2016 presidency.

This past week, Essence, The Huffington Post and The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation presented a Women’s Black Roundtable in Charleston, S.C. This “Power of the Sister Vote” Townhall meeting met in order to start and dive into the depth of what black women want from the next President. The moderator for the night was the dynamic April Ryan (yes THE April Ryan), White House Correspondent, NAACP Image Award Nominee and Author. She was joined by a host of other impressive black women from across the country and right here in Charleston, S.C. Special guests included outspoken actress, NAACP award winner and star of, Living Single, The Cosby Show and Last Man Standing – Erika Alexander, Tara Setmayer – CNN Commentator, Visiting Associate Professor at the College of Charleston – Dr. Marguerite Archie Hudson, Melanie Campbell – the president and CEO of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation and a long list of other stellar women. Of course, let’s not forget the men who joined in the discussion, including S.C. Senator Marlon Kimpson and Reverend Nelson B. Rivers.

April Ryan - White House Correspondent
April Ryan – White House Correspondent
Senator Marlon Kimpson
Senator Marlon Kimpson

Live From The Power Of The Sister Vote Town Hall

HuffPost's Alyona Minkovski and producer Milos Balac were live from the Power of the Sister Vote town hall in Charleston, S.C., discussing the importance of the minority vote in South Carolina.

Posted by HuffPost on Friday, February 19, 2016

The discussion started out with a local panel of professional women deliberating on how to leverage the black female vote. Discussion and questions from the audience ranged from what we can do in our own communities to promote voting to how to deal with the struggle of black women’s daily lives and the turmoil of what is going on around us. The discussion, in a room full of vigorous black women was met with many ohh, ahhs and amens!

The second round of panel discussions turned into a power summit. Erika Alexander sparked the discussion with her take on how the black community continues to poison itself daily. She challenged the status quo of what we listen to, watch and read and enforced the idea that these systematic stimulates make it challenging for us to sit down, be positive and come together as a force.


By the end of the night, what was meant to be simply a discussion turned into a revival! You must check out Erica Alcox’s “Smooches & Red Rice” blog – she sparked the entire event!

The event left every participant speechless! There is nothing like good women, great conversation and the power of prayer – Essence was NOT ready for Charleston! This was one of those events where you had to be there in order to understand – it was truly amazing. In the meantime, visit the Black Women Roundtable website and check out the 2016 Voter’s guide to find out where the candidates stand http://bwrvoterguide2016.org/ .

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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The mayor of North Charleston, Mayor Keith Summey plans on announcing his endorsement for Donald Trump today. Keith Summey recently won a heated and controversial mayoral election. During the election, citizens had even demanded that he step down as mayor after video of Walter Scott was released to the public showing North Charleston Police officer Michael Slager, shooting Scott in the back. Citizens were concerned had it not been for the video evidence, city officials and police would have attempted to cover-up the killing. Summey had a challenging year in the City of North Charleston fighting accusations of racism, nepotism, and misappropriation of city funds; however, the people of North Charleston re-elected the mayor who is now the longest sitting mayor in South Carolina.

Today, Mayor Keith Summey has gotten past most of this controversy, and according to the Post & Courier, the mayor will be endorsing Donald Trump for President in Saturday’s Republican primary. Summey will be meeting with Trump this afternoon to confirm his support.

What makes this interesting is that the mayor of a city that is predominately people of color could possibly endorse someone who has made blatantly racists and outlandish statements about Blacks and Hispanics. According to the U.S. Census, the city of North Charleston has a black population of 47.2% and a hispanic population of 10.9%, making this city predominately people of color. Yet, the mayor of this city is slated to endorse a presidential candidate who has made the following statements:

  1. Trump has blamed Blacks and Hispanics for violent crime in the U.S. Trump said: “Sadly, the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and hispanics-a tough subject-must be discussed.”— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 5, 2013
  2. He has called Latinos criminals and rapists
  3. He claims that Mexico is sending criminals to the US on purpose.
  4. After his followers beat up a hispanic man at a rally, Trump stated they were just “passionate”

Feel free to check out the rest of some of Mr. Trump’s most outlandish statements here.

Even Keith Summey’s son doesn’t agree with his endorsement according to this comment left in the Post & Courier’s Facebook Page:


With the city of North Charleston being the third largest city in the state, the Mayor’s support of Trump is a major win for the Trump candidacy. Summey can have a huge influence over his voters who will give Trump the votes he will need to win in the state of S.C.

South Carolina’s governor, Nikki Haley even took a jab at Donald Trump in her State of the State Address. In her speech, she said:

“During anxious times, it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices,” Haley said from the governor’s residence in Columbia. “We must resist that temptation. No one who is willing to work hard, abide by our laws, and love our traditions should ever feel unwelcome in this country.”

Though, she didn’t mention Trump by name, it was clear that she would not be endorsing him.

With this being said Mayor Summey – what the hell are you thinking? As we watched you sing church hymns with the Royal Baptist Church Men’s choir during your swearing in, you appeared as if you were trying to unite your city – or was that just an act (shucking & jiving). Mr. Mayor, an endorsement for Trump is a clear sign to the majority of your tax-paying residents that you share the same sentiments as Donald Trump. An endorsement for Trump means that it is very possible that if you share those sentiments, then your city’s police officers also share the same views when it comes to Blacks and Latinos in the city of North Charleston. So the next time a Black or Latino gets pulled over in the city of North Charleston, should we expect that our mayor and his employees will automatically assume that we are criminals? Should people of color in North Charleston, S.C. be concerned about your ideas, your values and your views of people of color? As a tax-payer and resident of North Charleston, I am highly disappointed that you have made such a poor choice. Any one who had a hand in re-electing you made a huge mistake – glad you didn’t get my vote.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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