Election Day is November 3, 2015 – ARE YOU REGISTERED SC?

Election Day is November 3, 2015 – ARE YOU REGISTERED SC?

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To vote in this year’s election , you must be registered to vote 30 days prior to election

The 2015 Mayoral Election is scheduled on November 3, 2015. You must be registered to vote by October 3, 2015.

Offices on the ballot in the Charleston election include Mayor/1,3,5,7,9,11 City Council Districts & 1 CPW Seat

Offices on the ballot in the North Charleston election include Mayor & 10 Council Seats

Yes You Can register to vote online in South Carolina https://info.scvotes.sc.gov/eng/ovr/start.aspx – All you need is a valid SCDL or ID issued by the DMV.

you can view your Personal Voter info here: https://info.scvotes.sc.gov/eng/voterinquiry/VoterInformationRequest.aspx?PageMode=VoterInfo

Voter registration sites can be viewed HERE:http://www.charlestoncounty.org/departments/bevr/voting.php#sites

Request an Absentee ballot HERE: https://info.scvotes.sc.gov/eng/voterinquiry/VoterInformationRequest.aspx?PageMode=AbsenteeRequest

Check the status of your absentee ballot HERE: https://info.scvotes.sc.gov/eng/voterinquiry/VoterInformationRequest.aspx?PageMode=VoterInfo