Facebook – The Best Crime Fighting Tool for Police

Facebook – The Best Crime Fighting Tool for Police

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Just saw some interesting statistics on how the Police are using Facebook as their first source to solving crimes. This made me laugh because you would THINK that people aren’t this stupid, but here are some of the dumbest crimes solved using FACEBOOK POSTS. No, I did not post any crimes from here locally, but trust, there are plenty!

According to a survey from LEXIS NEXIS, they surveyed 1,221 Fed, State and Local law enforcement officials, and Four of Five used Social Media to gain information for their investigations. They stated the Facebook followed by YouTube was the best source and they help to solve crimes faster. Here are some of Facebook’s dumbest criminals…

There was a lockdown of at the University of Mary, Patrick Casas was charged with a Class C felony, charged with terrorizing students after posting dumbass Facebook updates like this:


Vincent Franklin’s Facebook posts were enough to allow a search warrant for his Facebook activity. He’s been charged with the double murders of this mom and step-dad in North Carolina. Before their murders, detectives found out through his Facebook posts that he was angry with his girlfriend, who had gone missing and body was found a month later.


Oh yes, last but certainly not least, two teenaged girls in Sweden accused of robbing a burger joint, threatening victims with a large butcher knife and making off with $400. Now, how did the police track these geniuses down….they posed for THIS SELFIE prior to the robbery….smart, very smart


So as the world keeps turning, and dumb criminals with smart phones keep posting…we’ll just continue to shake our heads at the daily foolishness that Facebook brings….so Post on!