Judge Declares Mistrial in the case Against Officer Michael Slager Case

Judge Declares Mistrial in the case Against Officer Michael Slager Case

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Updated December 5, 2016

It was a total of 24 hours of deliberations over a four day period of back and forth between the jurors. In today’s controversial conclusion of the case against Officer Michael Slager, the judge had no choice but to declare a mistrial. As of Friday, we all witnessed the banter between the judge and the jury with a flutter of notes regarding one juror who refused to find any wrongdoing on behalf of Slager. After a long weekend, court resumed and the jury again went back and forth, continuing to ask for clarification on certain charges and definitions related to the trial.

Approximately at 3:30 pm, the Judge concluded: “The jury has been unable to come to a unanimous decision “despite the best efforts they have been unable to come to a unanimous decision. It’s a difficult task and its the way our system works, and it requires a unanimous decision.”


The prosecutor for the case added, “The statistics show that the next jury will look and have the same background as you all. Maybe ya’ll can give us some insight on the next trial.” -Prosecutor Scarlett Wilson

Scott’s mother, Judy Scott, said at a news conference after the mistrial was announced that she isn’t sad about the mistrial “because Jesus is on the inside. And I know that justice will be served, because the God that I serve, he’s able. He told me to wait on the Lord and be of good courage, and God, he is strengthening my heart. God is my strength, and I know without a doubt that he is a just God and injustice will not prevail.”

In the meantime, Charleston has to prepare for a rescheduling of this criminal case, a federal case that is scheduled for 2017, and the continuing saga and trial of terrorist, Dylann Roof.


December 2, 2016

Twelve jurors have spent approximately one month listening to the evidence presented to them, from both the defense and the prosecution in the case of Officer Micheal Slager, the former cop accused of killing Walter Scott. For almost ten hours, the jury has spent the past two days deliberating on the guilt or innocence of Slager.

This case is sure to be one of the most important, most emotional, and most relevant cases in Charleston’s history. People from across the country are waiting to see if another officer will be found not guilty in yet another trial for the killing of an unarmed black man.


Today, the jury asked for transcripts from Slager’s testimony and the testimony of Angela Peterson, the Lead SC Agent who was in charge of investigating the shooting. The jury also questioned the legal definitions of “fear” and “passion”. The twelve jurors, comprised of eleven whites and one black, now have to decide if Slager is guilty of murder, guilty of a lesser charge, or not guilty.

A murder conviction would mean that Slager had some sort of malice toward Walter Scott. Voluntary manslaughter means that Slager took Walter Scott’s life in the heat of passion after being provoked. And of course, a not guilty verdict would mean the jury does not think either of these charges apply.

Meanwhile, Charleston will watch….and wait.

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