#NetNeutrality : They Are Close To Legislation That May Take More Money...

#NetNeutrality : They Are Close To Legislation That May Take More Money Out Of Your Paycheck; Next, They Will Work To Take Your Internet

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In just 3 days, the @FCC will be voting on #NetNeutrality. Please take a moment to contact them at (202) 418-1000 and let them know that you believe all consumers should have free, open and equal access to the internet.

The FCC is days away from voting to kill NetNeutrality, but Congress can still stop them. On December 12th we’ll #BreakTheInternet to stop censorship, throttling, and extra fees: https://battleforthenet.com/breaktheinternet

What’s at Stake:
1) The future of what you know as the internet today
2) In parts of the world where there is no net neutrality, where you can go on the internet and what you can do is limited; basically the internet is not wide open
3) Your internet provider may be able to block some of your favorite websites if they choose to do so
4) Internet providers may be able to set up tolls online, making it harder to get the services you use today for free
5) Entrepreneurs and startups have used the open web to create businesses. Without net neutrality, this may limit the growth of startups
6) Without Net Neutrality, providers can block websites, slow services, and put certain customers into slow and fast lanes of the internet

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion