SC Lawmakers to Decide if Recording/Posting Fights is not a Crime!

SC Lawmakers to Decide if Recording/Posting Fights is not a Crime!

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Everyone that posts fight videos for “likes” and “hits” may want to be on alert today. South Carolina lawmakers are back in session, and today is the day they decide whether to make it Illegal for people to record and post videos of people committing crimes. Damn, what is Worldstar going to do now?

Anwho, Senator Vincent Sheheen stated: “”This is really aimed at what we’ve seen around the country: a proliferation of people who might not actually be the ones committing the crime but go out there with the people committing the violent crime for the purpose of videotaping it and then putting it up on the Internet.” Sheheen believes that the person or persons recording the crime are just guilty as the criminals.

Of course there are exceptions, police and business would still be able to have surveillance cameras and innocent citizens who witness a crime would be allowed to shoot video with cell phones only if they provide the evidence to police or the media.

If this bill passes and you are caught illegally recording or publishing a video or audio, the crime is considered a felony with a penalty of up to five years in prison and a fine up to $5000.

Click here to read the bill in its entirety. Do you think that people that post fight videos and other crimes on Facebook or Youtube should be arrested? Feel free to leave your comments