What’s Next For Bennett College?

What’s Next For Bennett College?

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For Bennett College, the Fight Continues

Just file this under the “Black History Month Was Trash” file, because it didn’t matter where we turned, the foolishness was hitting us from every direction. Bennett College was no exception in the tom-foolery of what we called Black History Month 2019. After being given until February 1st to hold on to their accreditation, the Southern Association of Colleges decided to terminate Bennett College’s status, despite them raising $9.5 million. So, what’s next for Bennett College.

Well, the all women, historically black institution has temporarily regained accreditation because they are now suing the accreditor, Southern Associates of Colleges, and had its accreditation temporarily reinstated. Bennett had until February 1st to raise $5 million and surpassed their goal, almost doubling the required amount. Many actually doubted the institution would be able to raise the funds, but with the assistance of a smart social-media campaign, #StandWithBennett, the college won the support of donors from around the country; including celebrities. Despite an epic fundraising campaign, the accreditor felt the college did not make a strong enough case. They stated:

“The Appeals Committee found that Bennett College had failed to show that the institution possesses resources demonstrating a stable financial base to support the mission and scope of programs and services.”

Accreditation is essential to any college institution because it allows for a college or university to receive federal student aid funds. Most of the time, when a college loses its accreditation it closes. In the meantime, the college will continue to be accredited during the length of its lawsuit, which could last at least two years. While Bennett College fights Southern Associates of Colleges, they have already submitted an application with Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools. This group will make a visit to the campus around March 14th. Phyllis Worthy Dawkins, president of Bennett College had this to say:

“We not only discussed our recent fund-raising efforts but also presented a path forward for the college. We were devastated because we thought we had put forth our best efforts and showed that we had a clear strategy. We consider this very unfair. Bennett will use the donated money to finance operations and reduce the college’s debt. Members of this year’s graduating class will receive their degrees at the end of the academic year, and the college is still accepting applications for the next freshman class. Our fight continues. The accreditation process can be slow and disappointing, but the decision will not disrupt the daily operations of Bennett College. The goal is to get back to normal as soon as possible.”

The Students Speak

On February 25th, the students of Bennett College started a petition to remove Bennett College’s Vice President of Business and Finance. The petition was started by student, Alexis Branch and states, “the college should hold LeRoy Summers accountable for the College’s financial problems that led to temporarily losing accreditation.”

The students are demanding the removal of Summers by March 11, 2019.

Source : WXII News 12 ‘The Chronicle of Higher Education

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