Friday, January 24, 2025
Authors Posts by Nina Grey

Nina Grey


club and revolt

Listen…The Breakfast Club stays WINNING! Number 1 in New York Radio, Shows on MTV, Shows on Satellite Radio, and now….Sean Diddy Combs is taking his REVOLT television network to a new level. He has now teamed up with Clear Channel Media and Entertainment to announce that the nationally syndicated, award-winning, and entertainingly hilarious Breakfast Club morning show will be the new flag ship show of the REVOLT television network. Of starring the Carolina’s own Charlemagne Tha God, Angela Yee and DJ Envy – these guys will have a morning, Monday – Friday televised broadcast on REVOLT starting March 2014. Each and every day, fans of the show will not only be able to catch this crew on the radio, but they will have a chance to actually view the on-air antics of cast.

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Fresh from the Syllabus Magazine inbox, we were hit with this exclusive track from an artist, that’s known to some, and seems to be on her way to making her mark here in the Carolinas! Lexa L’Terra is her name, and word on the street is that she’s the “dopest female emcee emerging out of Charleston”…sounds like a challenge if ya ask me…#instigating


You have to go and read the New York Times article, about South Carolina’s own, Monks Corner born and bread, Charleston 843 radio DJ , Charlemagne tha God. There are so many things I love about this article, and I’ve said many times that I love how Charlemagne refuses to kiss “arses” when doing these interviews. What I especially love is how, no matter how big he gets, he always reps where he’s from!

Paul Ricci, the Senior Vice President for Programming and Development for MTV, said this about Charlemagne, “He’s a unique, honest, authentic individual and they don’t come around that often.”

So congrats to him and good luck with the new show on MTV, all of SC will be watching!

Read the Article here:

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December can be a stressful time of year, your money is tight, you’re trying to balance work (sometimes multiple jobs), family, make time for yourself, and you want to get your life right in preparation for next year. The first thing I need most of you to do is stop all the whining and bi*****, Keep Calm, breathe and use some of these tips:


Ohhh this is a tip that I hold dear to my heart. Listen, you already have plenty going on and this is not the time where you can be everything to everyone. Now is the time to put the important things first and say NO to the bulls***. That doesn’t only apply to saying no to unreasonable people, but sometimes we have to say no to Facebook, Twitter, and many of the distractions that we have that waste valuable time during the holidays.


Express how grateful you are, write it down, and think about everything that you have been blessed with. It’s amazing how quickly attitude changes when you take a second to stop and think about how many ways you have been blessed. Heck if you have to, send a card out to people expressing how thankful you are to have them in your life. This medicine is better than Xanax.

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Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s only source of Inspiration when it comes to young, motivated, dedicated, savvy and sassy Entrepreneurs dedicated to the Carolina music and fashion culture, brings you the gift that keeps on giving! Be inspired this holiday season and get ready for 2014! we have big things in store and we can’t wait to share them with you.

In the meantime however, Read the first printed edition of Syllabus for Free!

If you are interested in receiving a PDF version of the first issue, fill in this form, type FREE MAG in the comments!

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Dear Ranky Tanky, Ya'll Did THAT! When was the last time you watched a music video that made you smile from start to finish? Now,...


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The Godfather of Tennessee Whiskey - Uncle Nearest The next time you order your Jack & Coke, Manhattan, Whiskey Sour, or Irish Coffee, if they...