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The Florida, public school teacher Dayanna Volitich, 25 (yes I said 25), was exposed on last week for running an Alt-right podcast called, “Unapologetic”. On her podcast she promotes her views and talks about how she spreads her personal views in the classroom.

The most amusing things about her podcast is how these women discuss being covert. They talk a big game, and they sound tough on this audio, but they are committed to not being vocal about their views, being covert, being sly, and creeping into the schools and taking the institutions back. They even bragged about their “closet listeners”. This is what makes people hard to trust. There are so many people walking around pretending; they are snakes. Many people are bold enough to be open about who they really are.

Check out the sound bites and statements below.

“We need more people on our side who would be more committed to being teachers. They don’t have to be vocal about their views. But get in there; be more covert and start taking over those places (schools & colleges)….we have to take those institutions back. Children are very important, communists always new that; they always wanted the minds of children”

“ive had a couple of instances where parents were concerned. I had one at the beginning of this year who emailed the principle over my head. She said “i’m worried that your teacher is injecting political bias into her teaching” and the principle came to me and was like ‘i’m not worried; should I be worried” and i’m like “no” (laughs). She believed me and she backed off, and I haven’t heard anything since.”

Since Volitich has been exposed by a Huffington Post reporter, she’s been removed from the school because of her podcast, and is under investigation.

This just further drives the conversation of why it is so important to get children involved in the political process now. Talk to your kids so that they understand what is right, and what is wrong. They have to start early in being able to comprehend if someone is making an attempt to brainwash them; even within the walls of a place that is supposed to be innocent – the classroom.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Students across the country are speaking out and taking action in regards to their safety and their rights to protect themselves against potential gun violence throughout American schools. For weeks, students have been staging walkouts demanding lawmakers to take action and take a closer look at the gun laws that need to be changed. High schools across the country have been punishing students for walkouts and peaceful protest. Aurora high school students are facing detention, and will possibly be barred from school activities for walking out of school. This has parent upset; many high-schoolers across the country are now concerned if peaceful protest will affect their applications and disciplinary records when trying to apply to college. This has prompted colleges around the country to issue statements in support of these students and their American right to peacefully protest.

The University of South Carolina took to twitter to assure students that the home of Gamecocks will still welcome them, and supports them speaking out against gun violence.

“Any applicants or admitted students subject to disciplinary action solely for exercising their constitutional rights for by participating in peaceful, lawful protests should not worry about how it might impact their admissions decision.”

The Carolinian Creed is central to who we are and what we do, including when standing up for one’s beliefs in a peaceable, civil and lawful way.#UofSCapplicants and admitted students, you should not be concerned about how it might impact your

According to TheDepartment of Student Affairs and Academic Support, the Carolinian Creed is to “oppose intolerance by promoting integrity within our campus community. Our common values are formed upon the foundation of our creed, which emphasizes openness and civility.”

Most high school students are not old enough to vote, therefore the only way to voice their concerns is to put into practice the core element of Martin Luther’s mission: Nonviolent resistance and Civil disobedience. Glad to see University’s are standing in support of these future college students.

Source: University of South Carolina

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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On May 2, 1967, Black Panthers amassed at the Capitol in Sacramento brandishing guns to protest a bill before an Assembly committee restricting the carrying of arms in public. Photo: Walt Zeboski / AP

The NRA has been able to convince many Americans that the reason democrats and anti-gun organizations are fighting for more laws enforcing gun restrictions, is because these are the forces vying to take away your right as an American to bear arms. They have even gone as far as to convince people that it’s the media’s fault because mainstream media, “loves mass shootings” and this gets them ratings. The NRA leads the charge in the belief that, “guns don’t kill people, people kill people“, so it’s not more gun laws that we need – it’s more people laws. But, the NRA hasn’t always held this belief, and they didn’t always feel this way in terms of restricting access to guns. Most recently, Philando Castile’s mother called out the NRA for not coming to the defense of her son, who told a police officer he was carrying a licensed gun, but was killed in front of his child and girlfriend, because the officer ‘feared for is life’. Not only is the NRA flaky regarding when they speak out, but they are the pioneers of some of the gun laws that we have today. The NRA was also in favor of stronger gun laws in the sixties, when blacks wanted to arm themselves during the fight for civil rights.

According to Adam Winkler, author of the book “Gunfight: The Battle Over The Right To Bear Arms In America”, historically NRA leaders were in favor of gun control. Not only were they in favor of control, but the NRA lobbied for and wrote gun legislation. In 1963, after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the NRA found out murderer Lee Harvey Oswald purchased his murder weapon from an NRA mail-order advertisement. The President of the NRA at the time, Frank Orth, decided and agreed that mail-order sales of guns should be banned. In a statement, Orth explained,“We do think that any sane American, who calls himself an American, can object to placing into this bill the instrument which killed the president of the United States.”

In the sixties, the NRA took gun legislation a step further. They supported California’s Mulfold Act of 1967; this act banned carrying loaded weapons in public. This was a direct response to the Black Panther Party who marched on the State Capitol to protest this new gun legislation. As the Civil Rights movement grew stronger, more gun legislation was put into place. After the summer riots of 1967, the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr and Kennedy, Congress passed the Gun Control Act of 1968. This act added a minimum age limit to own a gun, included serial number requirements, and extended the gun ban for the mentally ill and drug addicts.


For most of the 20th century, the NRA lobbied and authored gun laws and legislation. These laws were put into place as the Black Panther party rose to power. By the 70s the NRA started to change their tune after the government raided the house of NRA member Kenyon Ballew. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives raided Ballew’s house, shooting and paralyzing him because they believed he had been stockpiling illegal weapons. After this, everything changed. Instead of creating gun laws, the NRA viewed any act against gun control as a threat to the 2nd amendment. According to an article in Time Magazine, “Today’s NRA could be summed up withwordsuttered by the Black Panther Party 40 years earlier: “the gun is the only thing that will free us—gain us our liberation.

While armed militia in Charlottesville are seen as “not so bad guys” by President Trump, armed Militia of the Black Panther party were viewed as a threat and caused the American government “to form a wholly new urban guerrilla, counterinsurgency, army-like” force: SWAT.And, we can go on and on to discuss how the government targeted member of the Black Panther to ensure they were either killed or jailed for life.

George Curbelo (center) at the protest in Charlottesville on Saturday. Photograph: courtesy George Curbelo

So don’t let the NRA fool you with 2nd amendment rhetoric. Take a look at their long history in order to see how they have created laws that have always aligned with the goals and bottom line of their organization. The NRA’s only interest, is self-interest.

Source: Medium,Time

God’s Kid. Editor-in-Chief of Syllabus Magazine. Concerned Citizen. Gamecock. MBA. Made in Charleston.

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This week the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., will be returning to school after enduring one of the worse school shootings in U.S. history, and suffering through two weeks of funerals for some of their friends and classmates. Because of this deadly massacre, and because of the outspoken advocacy of the students, the gun debate in the United States has gained momentum.

Two anti-gun groups have reached out to one of the largest media outlets in the country in order to push their agendas, and strike while the iron is hot; they’ve decided to send a message to the legislature by purchasing a 2-page newspaper ad. This massive ad will appear in the NY Times, and was funded by two gun-control groups, Everytown for Gun Control and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America – as a wake-up call to America and a call-to-action for every member of our legislature who has sat by year after year, while gun violence has ripped American families apart. The ad reads, “These members of Congress take NRA money, but refuse to take action to pass gun safety legislation.” It goes on to list the names of approximately 100 lawmakers who have accepted money from the NRA. Then, on the opposite page, there is the now-famous picture of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students being escorted by police out of the school, with a statement that reads, “We are children, you are adults….get something done.”

The $230,000 ad is set to appear in the Time’s paper on Wednesday, and not only does it list law-makers’ names, but it also lists their contact phone numbers. This is a part of a strategic plan, to continue a needed conversation and dialogue for Americans to take action in regards to gun control. The goal is for lawmakers to finally take a stand against gun laws, and against the NRA, an organization that has been lining the pockets of politicians for decades. For example, here are the list of lawmakers from South Carolina:

REP. JEFF DUNCAN $12,500 (202) 225-5301
REP. TREY GOWDY $7,150 (202) 225-6030
REP. RALPH NORMAN $10,029 (202) 225-5501
REP. TOM RICE $6,000 (202) 225-9895
REP. MARK SANFORD $12,290 (202) 225-3176
REP. JOE WILSON $20,271 (202) 225-2452
SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM $50,946 (202) 224-5972
SEN. TIM SCOTT $18,513 (202) 224-6121

People are tired, and people want action. Putting an ad in the newspaper may seem a little dated, but advocates understand it is a smart tactic. It gives people something to hold on to, something to keep and something physical to share. Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America went on to explain,

“We are having a national conversation right now about this issue. A lot of people want to act. One way to act is to call your representative, to have knowledge when you do of how much that lawmaker took from the NRA and how it might impact their vote on gun safety. To be able to see the list and then to take action is a very important part of democracy. We want to continue this conversation at a national level as long as we possibly can because what really matters is what happens in the midterms. That will determine the future of what laws are made around this issue.”

So, if you’re concerned about gun laws, and you want to make your voice heard, click the picture below for a listing of all lawmakers who’ve accepted funds from the NRA. Make phone calls and take action.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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Her Name is Zakiyah, she’s four feet and five inches, she is small for her age, weighing approximately 55-pounds. She is an 11-year-old 5th grader at Chester Community Charter School in Philadelphia; and she was arrested, handcuffed, and taken into police custody, seven days after getting counseling for emotional issues that her family says was giving her nightmares.

Though details haven’t been released by police, Zakiyah was on a school bus where she explained she was being bullied; and on that day, she decided to defend herself. After a short police investigation, the officer determined that he had probable cause to make an arrest. Meanwhile, the mother of Zakiyah was not notified of her daughter’s arrest and had to search for her. In the interview below, Zakiyah explained she thought that she would never see her family again.

Darby Borough police put her in handcuffs, placed her in a police van, and took her down to Juvenile hall inside of a holding area that they claim, was not a cell. In a statement, the police don’t seem to think that this arrest was a big deal. Chief Robert Smythe said,

“I understand that it sounds harsh. She was in custody for an assault of which we were processing her. There were wounds to the other child. I understand how it sounds, but that’s the policy. She was being processed because she committed an aggressive assault against another person. We had her in custody for 57 minutes. It’s not like we put her in a cell and held her for hours. There are police policies that we try to follow. If you are in custody, you are in handcuffs. That’s the policy.”

In the photos below, there appears to be wounds to Zakiyah’s face as well, but the other student (who Zakiyah’s mom claims is bigger than her daughter) was not arrested.

Zakiyah, 11, was arrested Tuesday by Darby Police and put into handcuffs after a fight on a bus with another student.
Photo credit: JAWANIA BROWNE
Zakiyah, 11, was arrested Tuesday by Darby Police and put into handcuffs after a fight on a bus with another student.

The questions remain as two elementary school-aged girls got into a fight on a school bus, at what point do we understand that the arrest of an 11-year-old is taking things too far? What is going through an adult male’s mind as he places handcuffs onto the arms of a 55-pound little girl? At what point in our society is it ok to treat a terrorist like Dylann Roof to Burger King after he’s massacred 9 people in a church, but treat a 5th grade girl like a terrorist because she got into a fight on a bus? At what point do we realize that these things are not OK?

After scaring 11-year-old Zakiyah, the police decided to issue a citation that reads,
“defendant did, with the intent to cause public inconvenience or alarm, create a physically hazardous or offensive condition by actions which served no legitimate purpose to the actor.”

Zakiyah’s mom, who said Zakiyah was already having sleep issues, has decided to keep the 5th grader home for now, away from her current school. Zakiyah still has nightmares, and her mother is considering private school options. Zakiyah’s mom told “The Philly Inquirer”,

“I never thought that I had to give my 11-year-old ‘the police talk. I was thinking more so my son, and he’s only 1. But as he grows up, I was thinking that I’ve got to really drill it into my son – but not my daughter. But I guess none of us are exempt. “I would never have thought that they would have locked up an 11-year-old child and treated her like that.”

Source: Philly Inquirer, Philly NBC News 10

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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