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Update – AT&T has announced that they will be laying off more than a thousand workers by early 2018. 600 workers in the Midwest have already been notified of their pending layoffs.

Rich people and corporations are excited about all of the money they will get to keep, they are practically trying to hand out money bags this holiday season. On Today, in a vote of 224-201, the House joined the senate in passing the GOP Tax Reform Bill. This is truly a celebration for the wealthy, who are set to gain from the changes in individual and corporate taxes. Unfortunately, the normal working guy will end up paying more in taxes in the long run.

Corporations (you may have noticed a change in atmosphere at your jobs lately) are set to enjoy the fruits of this windfall. Once this legislation has passed and their corporate tax responsibilities are decreased from 35% to 21%, these companies are set to save billions of dollars each year. Well some of the companies have decided that they will pass some of these saving down to the little guys. Also, these bonuses are separate from any previous agreements, so if employees were scheduled to receive their regular yearly bonuses, now they can expect to receive two payments.

Today AT&T announced that if President Trump signs the bill before Christmas, they will be giving $1,000 bonuses to over 200,000 employees. CEO Randall Stephenson said in a statement today:

“Congress, working closely with the President, took a monumental step to bring taxes paid by U.S. businesses in line with the rest of the industrialized world. This tax reform will drive economic growth and create good-paying jobs. In fact, we will increase our U.S. investment and pay a special bonus to our U.S. employees.”

Sen. Orrin Hatch: We’re all benefitting from Trump as a leader from CNBC.

After AT&T made this announcement, Comcast NBCUniversal decided they would also be handing out $1,000 bonuses to over 100,000 employees once Trump has signed and made the tax reform official. Also following a similar commitment made by AT&T, Comcast also plans to spend money to improve its broadband plants, increase tv and film production, and expand theme parks; they are looking to spend about $50 billion over the next five years in growth and expansion projects – meaning, more jobs for the little guys.

In what many are predicting to be a trend, Wells Fargo also committed today to increase their minimum hourly wage to $15 per hour. Fifth Third Bankcorp has committed to 13,500 bonuses and increasing minimum wage to $15 per hour.

We would urge many workers that despite the kind gesture, many of those who are not wealthy will see a decrease in their taxes in the long run, according to experts who have studied the tax plan. Also, even with the minimum wage increase, at many of these rates, you will be making more just so the government can take more out of your pockets. Doesn’t exactly sound like a win-win.

Companies and gearing up to see billions in savings, and they are gearing up for growth and expansion in the coming years. If you’re the little guy right now, you should be gearing up to pay attention to the major decisions being made within your company. You should also map out your own growth and expansion plan for yourself. Take advantage of the opportunities that will come with this new tax plan, and make sure that when some of the wealth trickles down, you are there to catch your small piece. Now, go be smart and prosper.

Source: CNBC. Newsweek

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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0 1094

In just 3 days, the @FCC will be voting on #NetNeutrality. Please take a moment to contact them at (202) 418-1000 and let them know that you believe all consumers should have free, open and equal access to the internet.

The FCC is days away from voting to kill NetNeutrality, but Congress can still stop them. On December 12th we’ll #BreakTheInternet to stop censorship, throttling, and extra fees: https://battleforthenet.com/breaktheinternet

What’s at Stake:
1) The future of what you know as the internet today
2) In parts of the world where there is no net neutrality, where you can go on the internet and what you can do is limited; basically the internet is not wide open
3) Your internet provider may be able to block some of your favorite websites if they choose to do so
4) Internet providers may be able to set up tolls online, making it harder to get the services you use today for free
5) Entrepreneurs and startups have used the open web to create businesses. Without net neutrality, this may limit the growth of startups
6) Without Net Neutrality, providers can block websites, slow services, and put certain customers into slow and fast lanes of the internet

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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0 4246

Killer Nike never lied! During the#STANDWITHATLANTArally for Keisha Lance Bottoms, he gave kudos to the city of Atlanta for not being gentrified like so many cities around the country. In Keisha Bottoms’ effort to become the next Mayor of Atlanta, Killer Mike made an inspiring speech about how her and people like her are the heart of Atlanta, a product of Atlanta, and how the city needs to back her and push their best products forward!

“When you land in Atlanta, you see anall black crew working. when you check in a hotel, you see black boys grabbing your bags. And if you never traveled anywhere you don’t see that every where. When you got the 3rd most corporations than any city in the united states and you a black city that means something. That’s not Detroit, that’s not Compton, that’s not Watts, that’s not rebuilding or gentrified like all the rest. That means you stayed your place and you made it! Then you take the product of what made, and how dare you put her up against someone else and say prove yourself. She’s a product of Collier Heights, she’s a product of Frederick Douglas, a product of FAMU. You can’t keep going on TV and say “Trump, treat us right”, if you don’t put your best products forward!

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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0 1732

In America, mass shootings have become an epidemic, and there appears to be no movement on how we should control guns getting into the hands of people who should not have them. Some lawmakers and proponents of gun rights organizations have tried vigorously to convince the public that tougher gun laws mean the government is trying to infringe on an individual’s right to carry a fire-arm. Those of us who understand the current plight of this country know that this is not the case.

So why are certain political representatives so adamant about keeping guns in the hands of whoever wants them? Perhaps its because these politicians are able to carry on with their luxurious lifestyles by being supporters of filthy rich pro-gun organizations. When you want to know why it seems to be so difficult to make common sense laws regarding gun rights, all one has to do is follow the cash.

Research organization called Center For Responsive Politics conducted some eye-opening research regarding who’s getting high dollar kickbacks from pro-gun groups in the U.S. In 2016, over $5.9 million in contributions were donated to Grand Old Party’s campaigns compared to only $106,000 to democratic contributions.

$5,900,000 $106,000

given to Republicans in 2016 election cycle given to Democrats in 2016 election cycle

Pro-gun groups love Republicans so much, that more than half of the members of the House of Representatives (235 out of 435) received money from the NRA and Gun Owners of America. Out of the 235 members of the House who received funds, only 9 were Democrats.

The Center For Responsive Politics gathered data for the last 30 years to examine what campaign contributions from pro-gun groups were allocated to Representatives while in office. The amounts are significant.

Check out the details below. Senator Paul Ryan, who has been in office over 18 years, has received the most money from pro-gun groups – over $300,000 during his career. Also, the 2016 political cycle saw more campaign contributions from pro-gun organizations than they have seen in the last 30 years. So, the next time you start wondering about why the government seems to be fighting against tougher gun legislation – just remember to follow the money.

NameAmountPartyDistrictYears in office
Paul Ryan$336,597RepublicanWisconsin, District 118
John Boehner$231,265RepublicanOhio, District 824
Don Young$195,272RepublicanAlaska, At-Large District44
John Thune$181,215RepublicanSouth Dakota, At-large District18
Pat Toomey$167,051RepublicanPennsylvania, District 1512
Ken Calvert$144,466RepublicanCalifornia, District 4224
Roy Blunt$143,543RepublicanMissouri, District 720
Denny Rehberg$138,959RepublicanMontana, At-large District12
Steve Pearce$129,250RepublicanNew Mexico, District 26
Saxby Chambliss$128,950RepublicanGeorgia, District 812
George Allen$127,556RepublicanVirginia, District 78
Richard Burr$124,550RepublicanNorth Carolina, District 522
Richard Pombo$122,694RepublicanCalifornia, District 1114
Pete Sessions$121,776RepublicanTexas, District 3214
Jim Inhofe$121,100RepublicanOklahoma, District 131
John Kline$119,887RepublicanMinnesota, District 214
Rick Santorum$115,942RepublicanPennsylvania, District 1816
John Doolittle$111,193RepublicanCalifornia, District 416
Ed Royce$111,120RepublicanCalifornia, District 3924
Dean Heller$108,515RepublicanDistrict 24
Ron Paul$108,453RepublicanTexas, 14 and 2212
Michele Bachmann$108,218RepublicanMinnesota, District 64
Rob Portman$107,727RepublicanOhio, District 220
Bob Goodlatte$104,900RepublicanVirginia, District 624
Martha McSally$104,445RepublicanArizona, District 22
Mike Coffman$101,693RepublicanColorado, District 68
Bob Barr$101,473RepublicanGeorgia, District 78
Collin Peterson$98,500DemocratMinnesota, District 726

Source: Politico

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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0 1652

If you, or your child are covered under the CHIP for healthcare, for the first time in the program’s history, Congress missed the deadline to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Chip was created in 1997, during the Clinton administration, and provided coverage for children in families with low and moderate incomes. It also covers pregnant women and was instrumental in lowering the number of kids who were uninsured.

Congress recently allowed the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to expire, affecting approximately 9 million children. If Congress does not restore this funding soon, we will see children across the country become unable to visit their doctor for routine checkups, immunizations and other services.

CHIP services include: Checkups, Immunizations, Doctors visits, Prescriptions, Dental Care, Vision Care, Inpatient/Outpatient Hospital Care, Lab/X-ray services, and Emergency visits.

Families have been able to save money, which varies from state to state, but most families did not have to pay more than 5% of the family’s income per year for CHIP services. Routine doctor and dentist vists are free under this program. Working families are increasingly relying on CHIP services due to the increased costs of healthcare.

Researchers are predicting that three states and Washington, DC will run out of CHIP money by the end of December. Also, they believe that the majority of states will run out of funds by March 2018.

In a series of tweets, Hillary Clinton urged congress to renew the CHIP program. Clinton was the first lady when this program was established and championed the passing of CHIP through congress.

What should we do now? Call congress to reestablish CHIP.202-224-3121

source: The Hill

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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